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### Earnings Dumbbell Chart
schoolearnings <- read.csv("schoolearnings.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df <- schoolearnings %>% gather(gender,value,2:3)

This hit #rstats today:

Has anyone made a dumbbell dot plot in #rstats, or better yet exported to @plotlygraphs using the API?

— Ken Davis (@ken_mke) October 23, 2015
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

So, I figured it was worth a cpl mins to reproduce.

While the US gov did give the data behind the chart it was all the data and a pain to work with so I used WebPlotDigitizer to transcribe the points and then some data wrangling in R to clean it up and make it work well with ggplot2.

It is possible to make the top "dumbbell" legend in ggplot2 (but not by using a guide) and color the "All Metro A