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Created April 13, 2010 08:37
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Call the function who_wins and pass an array, e.g.:
and it will return 1 or 2, corresponding to a tic-tac-toe
win by either player 1 or player 2 (or, in fact, a triplet
of any repeating character).
It will return 0 for no winner.
def who_wins(tic_tac_toe):
return reduce(lambda x,y: x or y,[check(tic_tac_toe) for check in checks])
def is_winning_seq(seq):
''' If all elements of seq[] are the same, return that element.
Otherwise, return 0. '''
s = set(seq)
return (len(s) == 1 or 0) and s.pop()
def check_rows(array):
for row in array:
is_win = is_winning_seq(row)
if is_win:
return is_win
def check_cols(array):
for col in range(len(array)):
is_win = is_winning_seq([row[col] for row in array])
if is_win:
return is_win
def check_diag(array,rows=[],cols=[]):
'''rows/cols: [0, 1, 2] / [2, 1, 0] for
a top-right to borrom-left diagonal'''
seq = []
for row,col in zip(rows, cols):
return is_winning_seq(seq)
def check_diags(array):
rows = range(len(array))
return check_diag(array, rows, rows[::-1]) \
or check_diag(array, rows, rows)
checks = [check_cols, check_rows, check_diags]
### Tests
boards = [
([ [1,0,1],
[1,2,2] ], 1, 'wins with a column'),
([ [1,0,1],
[2,2,2] ], 2, 'wins with a row'),
([ [2,0,1],
[1,2,2] ], 2, 'wins with a diagonal'),
([ [2,0,1],
[1,2,2] ], 1, 'wins with a diagonal'),
([ [1,0,1],
[0,2,2] ], 0, 'nobody wins')
def ttt_test():
for board, expected_result, comment in boards:
result = who_wins(board)
assert result == expected_result, 'unexpected result: %s' % result
print '%s %s' % (expected_result, comment)
print 'Passed all tests!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
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