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Created May 22, 2024 17:05
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In [1]: from haven.instrument.xray_source import PlanarUndulator
In [2]: from ophyd import sim
In [3]: undulator = sim.instantiate_fake_device(PlanarUndulator)
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.__get__(self, instance, owner)
324 try:
--> 325 return instance._signals[self.attr]
326 except KeyError:
KeyError: 'energy'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.__get__(self, instance, owner)
324 try:
--> 325 return instance._signals[self.attr]
326 except KeyError:
KeyError: 'actuate'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device._instantiate_component(self, attr)
1351 try:
-> 1352 self._signals[attr] = cpt.create_component(self)
1353 sig = self._signals[attr]
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.create_component(self, instance)
265 pv_name = self.maybe_add_prefix(instance, "suffix", self.suffix)
--> 266 cpt_inst = self.cls(pv_name, parent=instance, **kwargs)
267 else:
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in DerivedSignal.__init__(self, derived_from, write_access, name, parent, **kwargs)
618 if isinstance(derived_from, str):
--> 619 derived_from = getattr(parent, derived_from)
621 # Metadata keys from the class itself take precedence
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device.__getattr__(self, name)
1326 if "." in name:
-> 1327 return operator.attrgetter(name)(self)
1329 # Components will be instantiated through the descriptor mechanism in
1330 # the Component class, so anything reaching this point is an error.
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device.__getattr__(self, name)
1329 # Components will be instantiated through the descriptor mechanism in
1330 # the Component class, so anything reaching this point is an error.
-> 1331 raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: _prefixEnergyparent
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[3], line 1
----> 1 undulator = sim.instantiate_fake_device(PlanarUndulator)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in instantiate_fake_device(dev_cls, name, prefix, **specified_kw)
1305 kwargs["name"] = name if name is not None else dev_cls.__name__
1306 kwargs["prefix"] = prefix
-> 1307 return dev_cls(**kwargs)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device.__init__(self, prefix, name, kind, read_attrs, configuration_attrs, parent, **kwargs)
890 self.configuration_attrs = list(configuration_attrs)
892 with do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection(self):
893 # Instantiate non-lazy signals and lazy signals with subscriptions
--> 894 [
895 getattr(self, attr)
896 for attr, cpt in self._sig_attrs.items()
897 if not cpt.lazy or cpt._subscriptions
898 ]
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in <listcomp>(.0)
890 self.configuration_attrs = list(configuration_attrs)
892 with do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection(self):
893 # Instantiate non-lazy signals and lazy signals with subscriptions
894 [
--> 895 getattr(self, attr)
896 for attr, cpt in self._sig_attrs.items()
897 if not cpt.lazy or cpt._subscriptions
898 ]
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.__get__(self, instance, owner)
325 return instance._signals[self.attr]
326 except KeyError:
--> 327 return instance._instantiate_component(self.attr)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device._instantiate_component(self, attr)
1342 raise RuntimeError(
1343 f"The Component {attr!r} exists at the Python level and "
1344 "has triggered the `_instantiate_component` "
1348 "a Component but does not inherent from Device."
1349 ) from None
1351 try:
-> 1352 self._signals[attr] = cpt.create_component(self)
1353 sig = self._signals[attr]
1354 for event_type, functions in cpt._subscriptions.items():
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.create_component(self, instance)
264 if self.suffix is not None:
265 pv_name = self.maybe_add_prefix(instance, "suffix", self.suffix)
--> 266 cpt_inst = self.cls(pv_name, parent=instance, **kwargs)
267 else:
268 cpt_inst = self.cls(parent=instance, **kwargs)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in PVPositioner.__init__(self, prefix, limits, name, read_attrs, configuration_attrs, parent, egu, **kwargs)
78 def __init__(
79 self,
80 prefix="",
88 **kwargs,
89 ):
---> 90 super().__init__(
91 prefix=prefix,
92 read_attrs=read_attrs,
93 configuration_attrs=configuration_attrs,
94 name=name,
95 parent=parent,
96 **kwargs,
97 )
99 if self.__class__ is PVPositioner:
100 raise TypeError(
101 "PVPositioner must be subclassed with the correct "
102 "signals set in the class definition."
103 )
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device.__init__(self, prefix, name, kind, read_attrs, configuration_attrs, parent, **kwargs)
890 self.configuration_attrs = list(configuration_attrs)
892 with do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection(self):
893 # Instantiate non-lazy signals and lazy signals with subscriptions
--> 894 [
895 getattr(self, attr)
896 for attr, cpt in self._sig_attrs.items()
897 if not cpt.lazy or cpt._subscriptions
898 ]
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in <listcomp>(.0)
890 self.configuration_attrs = list(configuration_attrs)
892 with do_not_wait_for_lazy_connection(self):
893 # Instantiate non-lazy signals and lazy signals with subscriptions
894 [
--> 895 getattr(self, attr)
896 for attr, cpt in self._sig_attrs.items()
897 if not cpt.lazy or cpt._subscriptions
898 ]
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Component.__get__(self, instance, owner)
325 return instance._signals[self.attr]
326 except KeyError:
--> 327 return instance._instantiate_component(self.attr)
File /home/beams1/B268176/miniforge3/envs/haven/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ophyd/, in Device._instantiate_component(self, attr)
1357 sig.subscribe(method, event_type=event_type, run=sig.connected)
1358 except AttributeError as ex:
1359 # Raise a different Exception, as AttributeError will be shadowed
1360 # during initial access
-> 1361 raise RuntimeError(
1362 f"AttributeError while instantiating " f"component: {attr}"
1363 ) from ex
1365 return sig
RuntimeError: AttributeError while instantiating component: actuate
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