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canweriotnow /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Why Micah?

Why is the nominee a Jew we should know?

Micah is an accomplished software engineer who is committed to professionalism as well as social justice.

How is the nominee a leader and innovator in the nominee’s career or professional work?

Micah nearly single-handedly saved our department when we worked together at Johns Hopkins University; since then he has been instrumental in optimizing the world of long-haul trucking.

How does the nominee give back to and make a difference in the community?

(Please list any confirmed current or recent volunteer leadership positions)

canweriotnow / bookmarklet.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
Sun Paywall Defeater
// Alternately, a bookmarklet using the Sun's jQuery dependency against it:
// If you don't know what to do with this, create a new bookmark in your browser
// and paste this line as teh "address."
canweriotnow /
Created March 9, 2015 06:12
Clojure: Next Steps

Clojure: Next Steps

Sorry it's taken so long, but as promised, here's a list of follow-up resources for moving forward with learning and working with Clojure. I'll try to break it down in some coherent fashion, but there will definitely be overlap.


Places to find exercises to hone your clojure hacking skills

canweriotnow /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Betamore Clojure Workshop: Bootstrap

Clojure Bootstrap

Here are some more detailed instructions for setting up your Clojure development environment.

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have a recent Java SDK installed. On OS X, Java 7 should be installed by default. Java 6 should also work fine, and if you're feeling adventurous or want to be on the cutting edge, you can install Java 8. It's best to have the full Java SDK (not just the JRE, or Java Runtime Environment). You can get official releases for all major platforms straight from Oracle, or on Linux you can use your package manager to install the correct openjdk SDK.
  2. Install Leiningen. It's as simple as putting an executable script on your path and running lein. It bootstraps itself, installing the latest Clojure runtime as well. Instructions for Linux, OS X and Windows are at the link above.
  3. Select an editor
canweriotnow / prelude-modules.el
Created October 31, 2014 02:07
;;; Uncomment the modules you'd like to use and restart Prelude afterwards
;; Emacs IRC client
(require 'prelude-erc)
(require 'prelude-ido) ;; Super charges Emacs completion for C-x C-f and more
(require 'prelude-helm) ;; Interface for narrowing and search
(require 'prelude-helm-everywhere) ;; Enable Helm everywhere
(require 'prelude-company)
(require 'prelude-key-chord) ;; Binds useful features to key combinations
(require 'prelude-mediawiki)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am canweriotnow on github.
  • I am canweriotnow ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 6954 DD06 7CF7 1C08 8985 C08F 15C8 C551 FCFC 7C97

To claim this, I am signing this object:

canweriotnow / game.rb
Created August 23, 2014 16:48 - game with no rules
colors = ["red","blue","yellow","green","pink","black"]
items = ["cell phone","pineapple","salmon","cupcake","tentacle","bow"]
parts = ["head","tail","limb","belly","nose","back"]
animals = ["horse","lion","puppy","dragon","elephant","wolf"]
puts "Choose your animal: "
animals.each_with_index do |a,i|
puts "#{i}. #{a}"
{"name" : "Badgers",
"description" : "SomeBadge A badge that demonstrates that I can: Eat a bagel Slam a cow Have some times What a badge.",
"image" : "",
"criteria" : "",
"issuer" : "",
"extensions" : {
"@context" : "",
"prettyDescriptions" : {
"markdown" : "#SomeBadge\r\n\r\nA badge that demonstrates that I can:\r\n\r\n* Eat a bagel\r\n*Slam a cow\r\n*Have some times\r\n\r\nWhat a badge.",
"html" : "<h1>SomeBadge</h1><p>A badge that demonstrates that I can:</p><ul><li>Eat a bagel</li><li>Slam a cow</li><li>Have some times</li><p>What a badge.</p>"
"uid": "f2c20",
"recipient": {
"type": "email",
"hashed": true,
"salt": "deadsea",
"identity": "sha256$c7ef86405ba71b85acd8e2e95166c4b111448089f2e1599f42fe1bba46e865c5"
"image": "",
"evidence": {
class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :posts do |t|
t.string :title
t.text :body
t.integer :tag_array, array: true. default: []