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Created August 25, 2016 14:48
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Widget Menagerie
var x = ['horse', 'staple', 'amnesia']
var f = 45,
c = (f - 32) / 1.8
f - c
/// GridArrayWidget
{"sepalLength": 5.1, "sepalWidth": 3.5, "petalLength": 1.4, "petalWidth": 0.2, "species": "setosa"},
{"sepalLength": 5.0, "sepalWidth": 3.3, "petalLength": 1.4, "petalWidth": 0.2, "species": "setosa"},
{"sepalLength": 6.2, "sepalWidth": 2.9, "petalLength": 4.3, "petalWidth": 1.3, "species": "versicolor"},
{"sepalLength": 5.1, "sepalWidth": 2.5, "petalLength": 3.0, "petalWidth": 1.1, "species": "versicolor"},
{"sepalLength": 5.7, "sepalWidth": 2.8, "petalLength": 4.1, "petalWidth": 1.3, "species": "versicolor"},
{"sepalLength": 6.3, "sepalWidth": 3.3, "petalLength": 6.0, "petalWidth": 2.5, "species": "virginica"},
{"sepalLength": 6.2, "sepalWidth": 3.4, "petalLength": 5.4, "petalWidth": 2.3, "species": "virginica"},
{"sepalLength": 5.9, "sepalWidth": 3.0, "petalLength": 5.1, "petalWidth": 1.8, "species": "virginica"}
/// FormObjectWidget
var x = {"sepalLength": 5.9, "sepalWidth": 3.0, "petalLength": 5.1, "petalWidth": 1.8, "species": "virginica"}
/// ObjectInspector
var object = {Hello: 'doge', what: ['is', 'up']}
/// JSONDiffWidget
import _ from 'lodash'
_.isEqual({Hello: "doge", what: ['is', 'up']},
{hello: 'hal', what: ['is', 'love']})
/// StringDiffWidget
"StringDiffWidget" === "stringbean"
/// SimpleMapWidget
var places = [{"lat":42.293564192170095,"lon":-69.9609375},{"lat":25.48295117535531,"lon":-44.29687499999999},{"lat":10,"lon":-69},{"lat":42,"lon":-90},{"lat":12,"lon":-1}]
/// SinglePointMapWidget
var MIT = {lat: 42.3601, lon:-71.0942}
/// JSONWidget
var record = {"record":{"probably":{"conforms":["to","some","special","schema"]}}}
/// Chart1DWidget
var points = []
for(var i = -50; i < 50; i++){
var x = "dlroW olleh"
[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]
/// BufferWidget
var res = await fetch('')
var arrBuf = await res.arrayBuffer()
new Buffer(arrBuf)
/// HTMLElementWidget
var img = document.createElement('img') ='100%'
img.src = ''
/// ReactRenderWidget
import React from 'react'
import Spinner from 'react-spinner';
<div style={{padding: 200}}>
/// RandExpWidget
/// DateTimeWidget
new Date("2016-08-10T10:08:50.200Z")
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