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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 6 should actually have 5 columns, instead of 3. in line 5.
Element,Tag,Comment,Reg Type,Example
Boolean, <boolean id=>,Usually corresponds to a tick box in gpedit.msc which sets a value to true or false,REG_DWORD,"<enabled/><data id=""DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_Retroactive"" value=""false""/>"
Decimal, <decimal id=>,"Gpedit.msc contains an interface to adjust decimal values usually time periods",REG_DWORD,"<enabled/><data id=""Streaming_Reestablishment_Interval_Prompt""value=""4""/>"
Enum,<enum id=>,"Gpedit provides a drop down the values correspond to a numeric value that is written to the registry",REG_DWORD,"<enabled/><data id=""EncryptionMethodWithXtsOsDropDown_Name"" value=""4""/>"
List,<list id=>,Multiple string values can be entered into a grid in gpedit.msc. The grid is repesented in SyncML as a string containing pairs of strings. You should always first use gpedit and check the registry to see how the value pairs are created,REG_SZ,"<enabled/><data id=""DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_List"" value=""1&#xF000;123&#xF000;2&#xF000;456""/>"
No elements,n/a,Refers to