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Last active March 21, 2023 18:06
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Element Tag Comment Reg Type Example
Boolean <boolean id=> Usually corresponds to a tick box in gpedit.msc which sets a value to true or false REG_DWORD <enabled/><data id="DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_Retroactive" value="false"/>
Decimal <decimal id=> Gpedit.msc contains an interface to adjust decimal values usually time periods REG_DWORD <enabled/><data id="Streaming_Reestablishment_Interval_Prompt"value="4"/>
Enum <enum id=> Gpedit provides a drop down the values correspond to a numeric value that is written to the registry REG_DWORD <enabled/><data id="EncryptionMethodWithXtsOsDropDown_Name" value="4"/>
List <list id=> Multiple string values can be entered into a grid in gpedit.msc. The grid is repesented in SyncML as a string containing pairs of strings. You should always first use gpedit and check the registry to see how the value pairs are created REG_SZ <enabled/><data id="DeviceInstall_Classes_Deny_List" value="1&#xF000;123&#xF000;2&#xF000;456"/>
No elements n/a Refers to a setting that is not inside <Elements> XML tags REG_DWORD <Enabled/>
Text <text id=> Corresponds to an edit box where you can type text in gpedit.msc REG_SZ <enabled/><data id="RA_Options_Share_Control_Message" valueName="YourCustomMessage" />
Multi-text <multiText id=> Corresponds to a grid to enter multiple strings in gpedit.msc Note:Each string is separated by the Unicode character 0xF000 (encoded version: &#xF000;) REG_MULTISZ <enabled/><data id="Virtualization_JITVAllowList_Prompt"value="C:\QuickPatch\TEST\test1.exe&#xF000;C:\QuickPatch\TEST\test2.exe&#xF000;C:\QuickPatch\TEST\test3.exe"/>
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