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Created November 23, 2021 17:43
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script to compare the real EPEL repositories to Oracle's EPEL repositories
import repomd
epol7_repo = repomd.load('')
epel7_repo = repomd.load('')
epol8_repo = repomd.load('')
epel8_repo = repomd.load('')
epel7_names = { for p in epel7_repo if not p.arch == 'src'}
epol7_names = { for p in epol7_repo if not p.arch == 'src'}
epel8_names = { for p in epel8_repo if not p.arch == 'src'}
epol8_names = { for p in epol8_repo if not p.arch == 'src'}
print(f'{len(epel7_names)} package names in the real epel7')
print(f'{len(epol7_names)} package names in Oracle\'s epel7')
print(f'{len(epel7_names - epol7_names)} package names only in the real epel7')
print(f'{len(epol7_names - epel7_names)} package names only in Oracle\'s epel7')
print(f'{len(epel7_names & epol7_names)} package names in both')
print(f'{len(epel8_names)} package names in the real epel8')
print(f'{len(epol8_names)} package names in Oracle\'s epel8')
print(f'{len(epel8_names - epol8_names)} package names only in the real epel8')
print(f'{len(epol8_names - epel8_names)} package names only in Oracle\'s epel8')
print(f'{len(epel8_names & epol8_names)} package names in both')
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