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Created January 5, 2022 15:16
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* Control panel for driving device.
* Objectives of this controller are:
* * Swap between two wheel drive and four wheel drive
* * Smooth driving
* * Speed control from separate input
* * Display the speed on the 4 digit output
* * Lights and light sequence when you press joystick button
* * Button that moves a servo - will be used for firing later
#include <TM1637.h> // 4 digit display - see Grove 4 digit for examples
#include <Cytron_SmartDriveDuo.h>
#define CLK 8 // 4 digit display
#define DIO 9 // 4 digit display
#define IN1 3 // Arduino pin 3 is connected to MDDS30 pin IN1.
#define AN1 5 // Arduino pin 5 is connected to MDDS30 pin AN1.
#define AN2 6 // Arduino pin 6 is connected to MDDS30 pin AN2.
#define IN2 11 // Arduino pin 11 is connected to MDDS30 pin IN2.
#define POT A0 // speed potentiometer
#define XR A1 //joystick x axis
#define YR A2 //joystick y axis
#define JS 10 //joystick switch
#define TRG 2 // Trig pin for distance sensor
#define ECO 4 // Echo pin for distance sensor
// Pins definitions for TM1637 (4 digit display)
TM1637 tm1637(CLK, DIO);
// motor driver
Cytron_SmartDriveDuo smartDriveDuo30(PWM_INDEPENDENT, IN1, IN2, AN1, AN2);
static int top_speed = 100; // 100 is the highest input to the smart drive
static int dt = 200; // delay timer
int current_speed = 100; // stores current speed global variable
int fwdbwd = 1; // used to toggle forward (positive) and backwards negative.
signed int speedLeft, speedRight; // right motor and left motor speed display
int distance = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(XR, INPUT);
pinMode(YR, INPUT);
pinMode(JS, INPUT);
// pinMode(IN1, INPUT);
// pinMode(IN2, INPUT);
// pinMode(AN1, INPUT);
// pinMode(AN2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(JS, HIGH);
// Setup for distance sensor
pinMode(TRG, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ECO, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// 1. Set speed and write to display
current_speed = 50;
// 2. Read Joystick Inputs
int xAxis = analogRead(XR); // Read Joysticks X-axis
int yAxis = analogRead(YR); // Read Joysticks Y-axis
printJoystickPosition(xAxis, yAxis);
// 3. Drive Loop
// 3.1 Set in forward / backward motion
if(xAxis < 265 && yAxis < 265){
// NORTH WEST move to 50 / 100
speedLeft = nextValue(0.5*top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(top_speed, speedRight);
} else if(xAxis < 777 && yAxis < 265){
// NORTH move to 100 / 100
speedLeft = nextValue(top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(top_speed, speedRight);
} else if(xAxis >= 777 && yAxis < 265){
// NORTH EAST move to 100 / 50
speedLeft = nextValue(top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(0.5*top_speed, speedRight);
else if(xAxis < 265 && yAxis >= 777){
// SOUTH WEST move to -50 / -100
speedLeft = nextValue(-0.5*top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(-top_speed, speedRight);
} else if(xAxis < 777 && yAxis >= 777){
// SOUTH move to -100 / -100
speedLeft = nextValue(-top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(-top_speed, speedRight);
} else if(xAxis >= 777 && yAxis >= 777){
// SOUTH EAST move to 100 / 50
speedLeft = nextValue(-top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(-0.5*top_speed, speedRight);
else if(xAxis < 265){
// WEST move to -100 / 100
speedLeft = nextValue(0.5*top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(-0.5*top_speed, speedRight);
} else if(xAxis >= 777){
// EAST move to 100 / -100
speedLeft = nextValue(-0.5*top_speed, speedLeft);
speedRight = nextValue(0.5*top_speed, speedRight);
} else {
// CENTER move to 0 / 0
speedLeft = 0;
speedRight = 0;
distance = checkDistance();
// check distance sensor
if(distance <= 0){
//something wrong - ignore
} else if(distance < 5){
// do not permit forward motion
Serial.println("Too close: Going to crash!");
if(speedLeft < 0 || speedRight < 0){
speedLeft = 0;
speedRight = 0;
} else if(distance < 10){
// reduces speeed in half
Serial.println("Collision detection.");
speedLeft = speedLeft/2;
speedRight = speedRight/2;
printSpeed(speedRight, speedLeft);
writeSpeedToDisplay(speedRight, speedLeft);
smartDriveDuo30.control(speedRight, speedLeft);
// N. Loop delay
// gradual change
int nextValue(int raw_reading, int last_reading){
return ((last_reading*7)/8)+ (raw_reading/8);
// joystick button action
void checkJoystickButton(){
int sValue = digitalRead(JS); // Read Joystick Switch
// Serial.print("Button: ");
// Serial.print(sValue,DEC); // 1 is not pressed, 0 is pressed
if(sValue == 1){
} else {
* Calibration
* Forward = x,y 0,511
* Backward = 1023, 511
* Left = 537,0
* Right = 537,1023
* Very sensitive
void printJoystickPosition(int xAxis, int yAxis){
Serial.print("Position (x,y) - Switch: ");
Serial.print(" ");
// Return distance (int) in cm to object from distance sensor
int checkDistance(){
digitalWrite(TRG, LOW);
digitalWrite(TRG, HIGH);
digitalWrite(TRG, LOW);
int duration = pulseIn(ECO, HIGH);
return (int)duration*0.034/2;
void printSpeed(int right, int left){
Serial.print("Speed (l,r): ");
Serial.print(" ");
// writes speed to display
void writeNumberToDisplay(int arg1){
tm1637.displayNum(arg1*1.1); // -123
// writes speed to display
void writeSpeedToDisplay(int right, int left){
int temp = (right + left)/2;
tm1637.displayNum(temp); // -123
// reads input from pot and stores in variable current_speed
// only used with POT
void setCurrentSpeed(){
int temp_speed = map(analogRead(POT),0,1023,10,(top_speed*1.11));
current_speed = ((current_speed*7)/8) + (temp_speed/8);
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