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Last active December 22, 2022 21:29
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Related Products — to add to product.liquid
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I was able to center the title text on the page, but the items and the horizontal line above the text are still aligned to the left. Can anyone help please?! Thanks!

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minhbt commented Oct 13, 2017

please check this source
{% capture related_items %} {% for product in collection.products %}

You just got maximum 50 products only... Do you have solution to get all products of collection?

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I have Supply theme and the Heading ({% assign heading = 'Other fine products' %}) cuts off on the left hand side of my mobile website, as well as the related products on the left-hand side.
It will read something like 'ther fine products', with the 'O' and part of the 't' cut off.
Is there a way to fix this?

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Hello i have a issue with related-products.liquid file i created in my shopify store.

i have use the follow method to create related products section ... d-products

The code i pasted into my store's related-products.liquid file is the follow ... ts.liquid#

Although I have set it to show 4 items on a row (1 row) but that i can see is 4 items vertical. For mobile devices looks ok but on the desktop no.

Can you help me to with the code to make my related products on a row and not vertical ? Thank you in advance

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Hi Caroline,

I was wondering if this would work with the current theme I have?

Thank you

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max2524 commented Apr 13, 2018

work for booklyn theme in my site
. thank you for your code

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xto3na commented Dec 13, 2018

Hello, Caroline!
Thank You! All works for me.
But in your code(line 109: "<h2 class="section-header__title">{{ heading }}</h1>"), opening tag - h2, closing tag - h1.

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How do I recommend products just for a particular collection? For example my site has collections tv, mobile ,etc. But I want to recommend similar products just in mobile collections and not recommend products in other collections. How do I do this?

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Thanks it works perfect!

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