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Created May 27, 2015 23:25
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How to add a Size Chart button to the #Brooklyn theme. This uses the Magnific Popup plugin that comes with the theme.

What you want

You want a See Size Chart button on the product page:

Alt text

... that once clicked gives you this:

Alt text

How to get there

  1. Create a page that contains your Size Chart. Set its handle to size-chart.

  2. Add a Size Chart button above your Add To cart button in product.liquid:

    {% if product.options contains 'Size' %}
    <a class="btn open-popup" href="#size-chart">See size chart</a>
    {% endif %}
  3. At the bottom of product.liquid, add this:

    <div id="size-chart" class="mfp-hide">
      {{ pages.size-chart.content }}
    #size-chart {
      border: 1px #555 solid;
      background-color: #ffffff;
      padding: 20px;
      max-width: 800px;
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;
  4. Before </body> tag in theme.liquid, add this:

    {% if settings.product_zoom_enable and template contains 'product' %}
          midClick: true
    {% endif %}
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kbamboo commented Jun 25, 2015


I tried doing this and I'm pretty sure it had worked the first time but now it isn't. When I click "See size chart" the url in the address bar gets a #size-chart suffix but the pop-up doesn't show. When I right-click on the size chart button and open it in a new tab, it opens the product page itself. Can you please help.


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Make sure you have the Magnific Popup code also loaded. you need to link to query.magnific-popup.min.js' & 'magnific-popup.css'

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Just FYI I was just able to add this to a Brooklyn theme just now, and that was all done under 2 minutes, and it all works fine, so the code is still good 👍 . Just make sure that you do have products with a Size option, and that "Enable image zoom" is checked in your theme settings:

  {% if product.options contains 'Size' %}

Alt text

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karu23 commented Dec 14, 2015

It doesn't work, I have followed everything to the tee. It says "content not found". I don't know coding so could you pretty please give visual reference of where to put the code in the .liquid file. And yes, my product zoom is enabled.

P.S. Same issues as "SudzTT" and "kbamboo"

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@karu23 step 1: “Create a page that contains your Size Chart. Set its handle to size-chart.”

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Thanks for posting Caroline, works like a charm for the Brooklyn theme. Was wondering if it would be possible to adjust this to have different size charts per e.g. product type?

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ghost commented Feb 21, 2016

yup took literally 2 minutes to have it functional, awesome....i have the same question as it possible to assign a diiferent handle page and btn to individual products?

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Fightsu commented Feb 21, 2016

sorry was the above comment had to redo my account yes it was very simple, and wondering if there is a way to add specific size charts to individual products...i guess there is a way, first would be to make the size-chart1 pages etc...and i guess this could be changed {{ pages.size-chart1.content }} but its how to assign the button to each handle that makes me think,lol....and iam no coder but it seems logical what i just wrote i hope,lol

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Fightsu commented Feb 23, 2016

yes!!!!!...finally after 2 days of learning and headaches i finally figured out how to have a specific size chart/popup for individual i can see why people have so many issues and just end up buying a theme with it built in:)

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Fightsu commented Feb 23, 2016

if you want to know how i got different size charts for products i made a video to help you

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@Fightsu, Could you provide more info on how you achieved this? Your link above no longer works. Thanks!

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@spookyzoo, Perfect, thanks a ton.

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@carolineschnapp I did everything but popup is not working, when I click on See Size Chart button in url adds #size-chart but popup is not appearing
please help

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cymr84 commented Nov 13, 2016

@carolineschnapp Thank you so much for posting this, it worked for me perfectly.

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norabean commented Nov 30, 2016

@carolineschnapp How to get this to work in Debut Theme? It is working but is placing the size chart at the bottom of the product page permanently as the popup is not functional.

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pratzs commented Dec 8, 2016

HI there. This code dosent work on new Brooklyn theme. Please help.

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brandtam commented Dec 9, 2016

@pratz Here's how I got it working on the new Brooklyn theme.

In theme.js.liquid

look for this:


and make it this:


Then look for this:

initStickyProductMeta: function() {

And add this just above it:

initProductSizeChart: function() {
    midClick: true


  1. Ignore @carolineschnapp instructions for theme.liquid and do not touch it.
  2. Instead of making the changes suggested to product.liquid make them to sections/product-template.liquid
  3. If you do it this way you don't need to enable product zoom (which opens the images in a slider in a lightbox and doesn't actually zoom)

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Brilliant Thanks!

if product.options contains 'Size'

-this IF statement queries for 'Size' in product options

if product.tags contains '3600'

-taken from the FIGHTSU video, queries product tags for 3600

Can somebody shed some light how i may base my query on Variant SKU?
trying the following with little joy

{% if product.variant.sku contains 'X03' %}

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pulkit5454 commented Apr 2, 2017

Hi @brandtam / @Vividsquid

I was trying to follow your instructions:

  1. I In theme.js.liquid


  1. In sections/product-template.liquid, I did this:

First at the top:


And at the bottom:


But still cant see the button, do you think I am doing something wrong?


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Thanks for the tip. The only problem is once the code is installed.
Everything works perfectly, but when I put an article in the basket, instead of opening the side page of the basket on the right. it opens a new shopping cart page, which is annoying for the customer shopping

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