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Catalin Hritcu catalin-hritcu

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module Tree
(* We illustrate the power of our semantic termination check on the
example of arbitrarily branching trees *)
type tree (a: Type u#a) =
| Leaf : v:a -> tree a
| Branch : subtrees:(list u#a (tree a)) -> tree a
let rec list_map (#a:Type) (xs:list a) (f:(x:a{x<<xs} -> 'b)) : list 'b =
TeX log appears below
[verbose]: Creating arXiv submission AutoTeX object
[verbose]: *** Using TeX Live 2016 ***
[verbose]: Calling arXiv submission AutoTeX process
[verbose]: TeX/ admin_timeout = minion
[verbose]: <parametricity.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
[verbose]: <Effects.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
[verbose]: <conclusions.tex> is of type 'unknown'.
[verbose]: <future-work.tex> is of type 'unknown'.
catalin-hritcu / arXiv
Last active February 23, 2020 12:30
TeX log appears below
[verbose]: Creating arXiv submission AutoTeX object
[verbose]: *** Using TeX Live 2016 ***
[verbose]: Calling arXiv submission AutoTeX process
[verbose]: TeX/ admin_timeout = minion
[verbose]: <robust_diff_traces.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
[verbose]: <instance-more-target-statements.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
[verbose]: <expand-sec-diagram.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
[verbose]: <diagram-prop-pres-comp-security.tex> is of type 'TEX'.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from zeus import core
def load_file(file_name):
fd = open(file_name, "r")
data = core.from_canonical(fd)
return data
catalin-hritcu / gist:544f0703cc10e156c54e2d52f1262c90
Last active September 10, 2019 18:38
How to verify a Zeus election
$ git clone
$ cd zeus
zeus$ cp deploy/config.yaml.example deploy/config.yaml
zeus$ docker build .
zeus$ docker images # get the IMAGE_ID of the latest created image (mine was 80f4947e565e, but it will be different)
zeus$ docker run -v /home/hritcu/Life/usr/2019-09-02-presedinte-usr:/proofs --shm-size=5120m --entrypoint /bin/bash -it 80f4947e565e
# where /home/hritcu/Life/usr/2019-09-02-presedinte-usr is where I put Mircea's proof files
# where --shm-size=5120m is there to prevent: "OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device"
# this will log you into the docker image
-*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/Projects/fstar/kenji-phd/" -*-
Compilation started at Fri Aug 2 13:23:11
make -k
rm -f main.log
pdflatex -synctex=-1 -interaction nonstopmode main &> /dev/null
make: [Makefile:13: pulp] Error 1 (ignored)
bibtex main | sed -r -e "/Repeated entry/,/I'm skipping/ d"
This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2019/Arch Linux)
The top-level auxiliary file: main.aux
[hritcu@killmanjaro doublylinkedlist]$ /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/bin/fstar.exe --z3cliopt 'timeout=600000' --smtencoding.valid_intro true --smtencoding.valid_elim true --use_hints --use_extracted_interfaces true DoublyLinkedList.fst --debug true --query_stats
Opening file DoublyLinkedList.fst
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/ulib/FStar.Classical.fsti from its checked file
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/ulib/FStar.Pervasives.fst from its checked file
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/ulib/FStar.Pervasives.Native.fst from its checked file
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/ulib/prims.fst from its checked file
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/src/ocaml-output/fstar/ulib/FStar.Classical.fst from its checked file
Reading the parsing data for /home/hritcu/Pro
artagnon [May 6th at 9:38 AM]
I wish `fstar.exe --ide` implemented the Language Server Protocol; it would be really easy to do editor integration then: (edited)
19 replies
artagnon [2 days ago]
The editor plugin for clangd is as simple as this:
catalin [2 days ago]
catalin [Mar 27th at 8:22 PM]
Noob question of the day. Can we fix `make -C examples/hello fs`? (It's our simple example of how to extract things to F# and run them.) (edited)
51 replies
nik [1 month ago]
Not really an answer to your question, but somewhat related
nik [1 month ago]
I was thinking last night while trying to debug stuff related to a nasty performance problem that the F# build of fstar.exe is really not providing me with that much value.
fsharpc --mlcompatibility --nowarn:0086 -o out/hello.exe ../../ulib/fs/prims.fs ../../ulib/fs/io.fs out/Hello.fs
Microsoft (R) F# Compiler version 10.2.3 for F# 4.5
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
/home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/ulib/fs/prims.fs(4,21): error FS0039: The namespace 'Compatibility' is not defined.
/home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/ulib/fs/prims.fs(6,19): error FS0039: The namespace 'Compatibility' is not defined.
/home/hritcu/Projects/fstar/pub/ulib/fs/prims.fs(14,21): error FS0039: The type 'Z' is not defined.