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module Tree
(* We illustrate the power of our semantic termination check on the
example of arbitrarily branching trees *)
type tree (a: Type u#a) =
| Leaf : v:a -> tree a
| Branch : subtrees:(list u#a (tree a)) -> tree a
let rec list_map (#a:Type) (xs:list a) (f:(x:a{x<<xs} -> 'b)) : list 'b =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x::xs' -> f x :: list_map xs' f
let rec tree_map (#a:Type) (f:a -> 'b) (t:tree a) : tree 'b =
match t with
| Leaf v -> Leaf (f v)
| Branch ts -> Branch (list_map ts (tree_map f))
let rec flatten_inline (#a:Type) (t: tree a) : list a =
match t with
| Leaf v -> [v]
| Branch subtrees ->
let rec flat_map (sts: list (tree a){sts << t}) : Tot (list a) =
match sts with
| [] -> []
| h :: t -> (flatten_inline h) @ (flat_map t)
in flat_map subtrees
#set-options "--print_universes"
let rec flatten' (#a:Type u#a) (t:tree a) : list a =
match t with
| Leaf v -> [v]
| Branch l -> flatten_l u#a l
and flatten_l (#a:Type u#a) (l:list (tree a)) : list a =
match l with
| [] -> []
| hd::tl -> FStar.List.append (flatten' hd) (flatten_l u#a tl)
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