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Created December 16, 2017 09:45
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F# build on clean repo
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ git status (git)-[master]
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ ls bin (git)-[master] fstar-compiler-lib fstarlib fstar-tactics-lib
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ make -C src (git)-[master]
make: Entering directory '/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src'
mono VS/.nuget/NuGet.exe restore VS/FStar.sln
Installing 'FsLexYacc.Runtime 6.1.0'.
Installing 'PPrintForFSharp 0.0.2'.
Installing 'FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml 0.1.10'.
Installing 'FsLexYacc 6.1.0'.
Successfully installed 'PPrintForFSharp 0.0.2'.
Successfully installed 'FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml 0.1.10'.
Successfully installed 'FsLexYacc.Runtime 6.1.0'.
Successfully installed 'FsLexYacc 6.1.0'.
make -C VS install-packages
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/VS'
[ -d packages ] || make update-nuget
mono .nuget/NuGet.exe restore FStar.sln
All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
find packages -name '*.exe' -exec chmod +x '{}' ';'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/VS'
/usr/bin/msbuild /verbosity:minimal /p:Configuration=Release VS/FStar.sln
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version ( Thu May 11 17:28:41 UTC 2017)
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/basic/boot/NotFStar.Util.fs(49,5): warning FS3190: Lowercase literal 'max_int' is being shadowed by a new pattern with the same name. Only uppercase and module-prefixed literals can be used as named patterns. [/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/basic/basic.fsproj]
basic -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/basic.dll
Restoring NuGet packages...
To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
prettyprint -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/prettyprint.dll
compiling to dfas (can take a while...)
337 states
writing output
building tables
computing first function...time: 00:00:00.0763897
building kernels...time: 00:00:00.0983478
building kernel table...time: 00:00:00.0073673
computing lookahead relations............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................time: 00:00:00.5191532
building lookahead table...time: 00:00:00.2468278
building action table...state 429: shift/reduce error on SEMICOLON
state 429: shift/reduce error on SEMICOLON_SEMICOLON
state 464: shift/reduce error on BAR
state 467: shift/reduce error on LBRACE
state 468: shift/reduce error on BAR
state 479: shift/reduce error on BAR
state 554: shift/reduce error on COLON_EQUALS
state 591: shift/reduce error on LBRACE
time: 00:00:00.7768619
building goto table...time: 00:00:00.2682482
returning tables.
8 shift/reduce conflicts
761 states
143 nonterminals
140 terminals
410 productions
#rows in action table: 761
parser -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/parser.dll
syntax -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/syntax.dll
tosyntax -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/tosyntax.dll
/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/typechecker/FStar.TypeChecker.DMFF.fs(572,9): warning FS0025: Incomplete pattern matches on this expression. For example, the value 'Tm_ascribed (_, (_,Some (_)), _)' may indicate a case not covered by the pattern(s). [/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/typechecker/typechecker.fsproj]
typechecker -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/typechecker.dll
format -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/format.dll
reflection -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/reflection.dll
extraction -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/extraction.dll
fsdoc -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/fsdoc.dll
smtencoding -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/smtencoding.dll
tactics -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/tactics/bin/Release/tactics.dll
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "FSharp.Core, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" from Version "" [/usr/lib/mono/gac/FSharp.Core/] to Version "" [/usr/lib/mono/gac/FSharp.Core/] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
/usr/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(1980,5): warning MSB3276: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. Please set the "AutoGenerateBindingRedirects" property to true in the project file. For more information, see [/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src/fstar/fstar.fsproj]
fstar -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/fstar.exe
tests -> /home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/bin/tests.exe
dos2unix parser/parse.fsi
dos2unix: converting file parser/parse.fsi to Unix format...
chmod a+x ../bin/tests.exe
chmod a+x ../bin/fstar.exe
make: Leaving directory '/home/hritcu/Temp/FStar/src'
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ ./bin/fstar.exe --version (git)-[master]
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ ./bin/fstar.exe (git)-[master]
fstar.exe [options] file[s]
--admit_smt_queries [true|false] Admit SMT queries, unsafe! (default 'false')
--admit_except [symbol|(symbol, id)] Admit all queries, except those with label (<symbol>, <id>)) (e.g. --admit_except '(FStar.Fin.pigeonhole, 1)' or --admit_except FStar.Fin.pigeonhole)
--cache_checked_modules Write a '.checked' file for each module after verification and read from it if present, instead of re-verifying
--codegen [OCaml|FSharp|Kremlin|tactics] Generate code for execution
--codegen-lib namespace External runtime library (i.e. M.N.x extracts to M.N.X instead of M_N.x)
--debug module_name Print lots of debugging information while checking module
--debug_level [Low|Medium|High|Extreme|...] Control the verbosity of debugging info
--dep [make|graph|full] Output the transitive closure of the full dependency graph in three formats:
'graph': a format suitable the 'dot' tool from 'GraphViz'
'full': a format suitable for 'make', including dependences for producing .ml files
'make': (deprecated) a format suitable for 'make', including only dependences among source files
--detail_errors Emit a detailed error report by asking the SMT solver many queries; will take longer;
implies n_cores=1
--detail_hint_replay Emit a detailed report for proof whose unsat core fails to replay;
implies n_cores=1
--doc Extract Markdown documentation files for the input modules, as well as an index. Output is written to --odir directory.
--dump_module module_name
--eager_inference Solve all type-inference constraints eagerly; more efficient but at the cost of generality
--extract_module module_name Only extract the specified modules (instead of the possibly-partial dependency graph)
--extract_namespace namespace name Only extract modules in the specified namespace
--expose_interfaces Explicitly break the abstraction imposed by the interface of any implementation file that appears on the command line (use with care!)
--fstar_home dir Set the FSTAR_HOME variable to <dir>
--gen_native_tactics [path] Compile all user tactics used in the module in <path>
--hide_uvar_nums Don't print unification variable numbers
--hint_file path Read/write hints to <path> (instead of module-specific hints files)
--hint_info Print information regarding hints (deprecated; use --query_stats instead)
--in Legacy interactive mode; reads input from stdin
--ide JSON-based interactive mode for IDEs
--include path A directory in which to search for files included on the command line
--indent Parses and outputs the files on the command line
--initial_fuel non-negative integer Number of unrolling of recursive functions to try initially (default 2)
--initial_ifuel non-negative integer Number of unrolling of inductive datatypes to try at first (default 1)
--lax Run the lax-type checker only (admit all verification conditions)
--load module Load compiled module
--log_types Print types computed for data/val/let-bindings
--log_queries Log the Z3 queries in several queries-*.smt2 files, as we go
--max_fuel non-negative integer Number of unrolling of recursive functions to try at most (default 8)
--max_ifuel non-negative integer Number of unrolling of inductive datatypes to try at most (default 2)
--min_fuel non-negative integer Minimum number of unrolling of recursive functions to try (default 1)
--MLish Trigger various specializations for compiling the F* compiler itself (not meant for user code)
--n_cores positive_integer Maximum number of cores to use for the solver (implies detail_errors = false) (default 1)
--no_default_includes Ignore the default module search paths
--no_extract module name Do not extract code from this module
--no_location_info Suppress location information in the generated OCaml output (only relevant with --codegen OCaml)
--odir dir Place output in directory <dir>
--prims file
--print_bound_var_types Print the types of bound variables
--print_effect_args Print inferred predicate transformers for all computation types
--print_full_names Print full names of variables
--print_implicits Print implicit arguments
--print_universes Print universes
--print_z3_statistics Print Z3 statistics for each SMT query (deprecated; use --query_stats instead)
--prn Print full names (deprecated; use --print_full_names instead)
--query_stats Print SMT query statistics
--record_hints Record a database of hints for efficient proof replay
--reuse_hint_for toplevel_name Optimistically, attempt using the recorded hint for <toplevel_name> (a top-level name in the current module) when trying to verify some other term 'g'
--smt path Path to the Z3 SMT solver (we could eventually support other solvers)
--smtencoding.elim_box [true|false] Toggle a peephole optimization that eliminates redundant uses of boxing/unboxing in the SMT encoding (default 'false')
--smtencoding.nl_arith_repr [native|wrapped|boxwrap] Control the representation of non-linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:
i.e., if 'boxwrap' use 'Prims.op_Multiply, Prims.op_Division, Prims.op_Modulus';
if 'native' use '*, div, mod';
if 'wrapped' use '_mul, _div, _mod : Int*Int -> Int';
(default 'boxwrap')
--smtencoding.l_arith_repr [native|boxwrap] Toggle the representation of linear arithmetic functions in the SMT encoding:
i.e., if 'boxwrap', use 'Prims.op_Addition, Prims.op_Subtraction, Prims.op_Minus';
if 'native', use '+, -, -';
(default 'boxwrap')
--split_cases positive_integer Partition VC of a match into groups of <positive_integer> cases
--tactic_raw_binders Do not use the lexical scope of tactics to improve binder names
--tactic_trace Print a depth-indexed trace of tactic execution (Warning: very verbose)
--tactic_trace_d positive_integer Trace tactics up to a certain binding depth
--timing Print the time it takes to verify each top-level definition
--trace_error Don't print an error message; show an exception trace instead
--ugly Emit output formatted for debugging
--unthrottle_inductives Let the SMT solver unfold inductive types to arbitrary depths (may affect verifier performance)
--unsafe_tactic_exec Allow tactics to run external processes. WARNING: checking an untrusted F* file while using this option can have disastrous effects.
--use_eq_at_higher_order Use equality constraints when comparing higher-order types (Temporary)
--use_hints Use a previously recorded hints database for proof replay
--use_hint_hashes Admit queries if their hash matches the hash recorded in the hints database
--use_native_tactics path Use compiled tactics from <path>
--no_tactics Do not run the tactic engine before discharging a VC
--using_facts_from One or more space-separated occurrences of '[+|-]( * | namespace | fact id)'
Prunes the context to include only the facts from the given namespace or fact id.
Facts can be include or excluded using the [+|-] qualifier.
For example --using_facts_from '* -FStar.Reflection +FStar.List -FStar.List.Tot' will
remove all facts from FStar.List.Tot.*,
retain all remaining facts from FStar.List.*,
remove all facts from FStar.Reflection.*,
and retain all the rest.
Note, the '+' is optional: --using_facts_from 'FStar.List' is equivalent to --using_facts_from '+FStar.List'.
Multiple uses of this option accumulate, e.g., --using_facts_from A --using_facts_from B is interpreted as --using_facts_from A^B.
--__temp_no_proj module_name Don't generate projectors for this module
--version Display version number
--warn_default_effects Warn when (a -> b) is desugared to (a -> Tot b)
--z3cliopt option Z3 command line options
--z3refresh Restart Z3 after each query; useful for ensuring proof robustness
--z3rlimit positive_integer Set the Z3 per-query resource limit (default 5 units, taking roughtly 5s)
--z3rlimit_factor positive_integer Set the Z3 per-query resource limit multiplier. This is useful when, say, regenerating hints and you want to be more lax. (default 1)
--z3seed positive_integer Set the Z3 random seed (default 0)
--use_two_phase_tc [true|false] Use the two phase typechecker (default 'false')
--__no_positivity Don't check positivity of inductive types
--__ml_no_eta_expand_coertions Do not eta-expand coertions in generated OCaml
--warn_error The [-warn_error] option follows the OCaml syntax, namely:
- [r] is a range of warnings (either a number [n], or a range [n..n])
- [-r] silences range [r]
- [+r] enables range [r]
- [@r] makes range [r] fatal.
--help Display this information
[hritcu@resurrected FStar]$ ls bin (git)-[master]
basic.dll fsdoc.dll parser.XML syntax.pdb tosyntax.pdb
basic.pdb fsdoc.dll.config fstar-compiler-lib prettyprint.dll syntax.XML tosyntax.XML
basic.XML fsdoc.pdb fstar.exe prettyprint.pdb tactics.dll typechecker.dll
extraction.dll fsdoc.XML fstar.exe.config prettyprint.XML tactics.pdb typechecker.pdb
extraction.dll.config FSharp.Compatibility.OCaml.dll fstarlib reflection.dll tests.exe typechecker.XML
extraction.pdb FSharp.Core.dll fstar.pdb reflection.pdb tests.exe.config
extraction.XML FSharp.Core.xml fstar-tactics-lib smtencoding.dll
format.dll FSharp.PPrint.dll fstar.XML smtencoding.pdb tests.pdb
format.pdb FsLexYacc.Runtime.dll parser.dll smtencoding.XML tests.XML
format.XML FsLexYacc.Runtime.xml parser.pdb syntax.dll tosyntax.dll
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