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Last active December 2, 2023 17:56
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Sorting Unittests to run in the order they're written, or any order I like.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
import inspect
import re
class Test_MyTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_run_me_first(self): pass
def test_2nd_run_me(self): pass
def test_and_me_last(self): pass
class Test_AnotherClass(unittest.TestCase):
def test_first(self): pass
def test_after_first(self): pass
def test_the_real_final_thing(self): pass
def _sourceFinder (f):
return inspect.findsource(f)[1]
def suiteFactory (
testSorter = None,
suiteMaker = unittest.makeSuite,
newTestSuite = unittest.TestSuite ):
make a test suite from test cases, or generate test suites from test cases.
*testcases = TestCase subclasses to work on
testSorter = sort tests using this function over sorting by line number
suiteMaker = should quack like unittest.makeSuite.
newTestSuite = should quack like unittest.TestSuite.
if testSorter is None:
ln = lambda tc, f: getattr(tc, f).__code__.co_firstlineno
testSorter = lambda tc, a, b: ln(tc, a) - ln(tc, b)
test_suite = newTestSuite()
for tc in testcases:
sortUsing=lambda a, b, case=tc: testSorter(case, a, b)
return test_suite
def caseFactory (
scope = globals().copy(),
caseSorter = _sourceFinder,
caseSuperCls = unittest.TestCase,
caseMatches = re.compile("^Test") ):
get TestCase-y subclasses from frame "scope", filtering name and attribs
scope = iterable to use for a frame; preferably a hashable (dictionary).
caseMatches = regex to match function names against; blank matches every TestCase subclass
caseSuperCls = superclass of test cases; unittest.TestCase by default
caseSorter = sort test cases using this function over sorting by line number
# note that 'name' is the string key of the object in the dictionary
return sorted(
for name in scope
if re.match(caseMatches, name) and inspect.isclass(scope[name])
and issubclass(
if __name__ == '__main__':
cases = suiteFactory(*caseFactory())
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2)
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catb0t commented Apr 3, 2021

I fixed a bug where non-class variables matching the regex in the scope were picked up by the iterator and produced an error on issubclass.

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