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catchdave /
Last active November 5, 2024 01:02
Find all .PEM certificates on Synology
# Finds all .pem certs on synology under /usr.
# Usage: ./ [--valid-only | --invalid-only]
# --valid-only - Only show valid certificates found
# --invalid-only - Only show invalid certificates found
# --no-color - Don't display ANSII Color output
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
catchdave /
Last active June 20, 2023 16:32
Renews SSL certificates on a "Unifi Protect Cloud Key+ Gen 2" that have already been copied over # from my "" script.
# This file renews SSL certificates on a "Unifi Protect Cloud Key+ Gen 2" that have already been copied over
# from my "" script.
# Caveat: You will need to run this again if you upgrade software. I have noticed changes to
# file structures when Unifi updates minor versions, so no guarantee this will work above
# OS 3.1.x.
# Prep: Add sudo perms to run this script for the user that executes this script, via visudo:
# your_user_name ALL=NOPASSWD:/root/
# This is a anonymized version of the script I use to renew all my SSL certs
# across my servers. This will not work out of the box for anyone as your network will be
# different. But may be useful starting place for others.
# I use a cronjob that runs this every week. It only replaces certificates when a certificate has been renewed.
# Renews/creates cert from letsencrypt & places it where it needs to be.
# Currently, that is:
# * Nginx (local for plex)
# * Plex Media Server
catchdave /
Last active February 10, 2025 11:53
Install check_mk agent on OSX
# Clone Repo
git clone
cd Check_MK
# Remove less common plugins
rm -f agents/plugins/monitor-jss-and-macos-updates agents/plugins/city-temperatures agents/plugins/monitor-kerio agents/plugins/smart*
# Install dependencies
brew install smartmontools osx-cpu-temp
catchdave /
Last active January 5, 2025 04:20
CLI script to programmatically replace SSL certs on Synology NAS
# MOVED to public repo:
catchdave /
Created July 7, 2019 00:29
Home Assistant Python Script to generalize pico remotes for any non-lutron light
# Script to manage a light using standard controls from a Lutron Pico Remote
# This will translate the standard button meanings on a Pico to any light controlled
# by Home Assistant.
# The "favourite" button is presumed to be 50% brightness (but can be overriden).
# Expected data packet is: { new_state: X, entity_id: entity_id, fav_brightness: [0-100] }
# new_state: REQUIRED. The pico value that triggered the event.
# entity_id: REQUIRED. The entity_id of the light to control
# fav_brightness: OPTIONAL. What brightness percentage to set when the favourite button is pressed (int 1 - 100).
catchdave /
Last active December 28, 2022 03:21
CLI script to install Private Internet Access VPN on a ubuntu server
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Please run as root"
set -o nounset
set -o errexit