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/// u-law
Routine { s = Server.default.waitForBoot;
// this N determines lookup table resolution
n = 512;
~unit = Array.fill(n, {|i| i.linlin(0, n-1, -1, 1) });
Routine {\buf_del_lpf_fb, {
arg buf,
in=0, out=0,
amp=1.0, pan=0, fb = 0.7,
fc=4000, rq=1, time=1.0, timelag=0.5;
var del, loop;
import requests
import subprocess
community_url = ""
def clone_all(url, location):
res = requests.get(url)
cat = res.json()
for entry in cat['entries']:
proj_url = entry['project_url']

See examples in the following order (gist files are ordered alphabetically rather than by relevance/how i entered them):

  • testsine - simplest possible engine
  • passersby and glut - real engines with both commands and polls, the latter with polls defined in code
  • r - my modular engine
  • ack - ack, including the support library inline (see below)
  • testsine_pd - possible way to expose a testsine pd engine
  • [co](https://gist.github.
chrisengelsma / PolynomialRegression.h
Last active February 28, 2024 14:07
Polynomial Regression (Quadratic Fit) in C++
* Polynomial Regression aims to fit a non-linear relationship to a set of
* points. It approximates this by solving a series of linear equations using
* a least-squares approach.
* We can model the expected value y as an nth degree polynomial, yielding
chris-piekarski / system_aosp_libs
Created August 4, 2014 17:36
Adding system shared lib to AOSP
See device/sample/frameworks/PlatformLibrary/README.txt
Platform Library Example
This directory contains a full example of writing your own Android platform
shared library, without changing the Android framework. It also shows how to
write JNI code for incorporating native code into the library, and a client
application that uses the library.
jbenet / current_utc_time.c
Created July 17, 2011 16:17
work around lack of clock_gettime in os x
author: jbenet
os x, compile with: gcc -o testo test.c
linux, compile with: gcc -o testo test.c -lrt
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>