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Created March 16, 2022 08:13
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[include mainsail.cfg]
[include timelapse.cfg]
# This file contains common pin mappings for the BigTreeTech Octopus V1.
# To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the STM32F446 with a "32KiB bootloader"
# Enable "extra low-level configuration options" and select the "12MHz crystal" as clock reference
# after running "make", copy the generated "klipper/out/klipper.bin" file to a
# file named "firmware.bin" on an SD card and then restart the OctoPus with that SD card.
# See docs/ for a description of parameters.
## Voron Design VORON2 250/300/350mm BigTreeTech OctoPus V1 TMC2209 UART config
## MCU paths [mcu] section
## Thermistor types [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections - See 'sensor types' list at end of file
## Z Endstop Switch location [safe_z_home] section
## Homing end position [gcode_macro G32] section
## Z Endstop Switch offset for Z0 [stepper_z] section
## Probe points [quad_gantry_level] section
## Min & Max gantry corner postions [quad_gantry_level] section
## PID tune [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections
## Thermistor types [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections
## Probe pin [probe] section
## Fine tune E steps [extruder] section
serial: /dev/ttyAMA0
restart_method: command
kinematics: corexy
max_velocity: 500
max_accel: 10000
max_accel_to_decel: 10000
max_z_velocity: 25
max_z_accel: 1000
square_corner_velocity: 10.0
shaper_freq_x: 90.0
shaper_type_x: zv
shaper_freq_y: 50.2
shaper_type_y: mzv
# X/Y Stepper Settings
## B Stepper - Left
## Connected to MOTOR_0
enable_pin: !PF14
step_pin: PF13
dir_pin: PF12
endstop_pin: PG6
microsteps: 256
rotation_distance: 40
full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #set to 400 for 0.9 degree stepper
position_min: 0
position_endstop: 246
position_max: 246
homing_speed: 60
homing_retract_dist: 6
homing_positive_dir: true
[tmc5160 stepper_x]
cs_pin: PC4
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
## A Stepper - Right
## Connected to MOTOR_1
enable_pin: !PF15
step_pin: PG0
dir_pin: PG1
endstop_pin: PG9
microsteps: 256
rotation_distance: 40
full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #set to 400 for 0.9 degree stepper
position_min: 0
position_endstop: 256
position_max: 259 # extra 3 for Klicky mod
homing_speed: 60
homing_retract_dist: 6
homing_positive_dir: true
[tmc5160 stepper_y]
cs_pin: PD11
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
# Z Stepper Settings
## Z0 Stepper - Front Left
## Connected to MOTOR_2
enable_pin: !PG5
step_pin: PF11
dir_pin: PG3
endstop_pin: PG10
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 256
## Z-position of nozzle (in mm) to z-endstop trigger point relative to print surface (Z0)
## (+) value = endstop above Z0, (-) value = endstop below
## Increasing position_endstop brings nozzle closer to the bed
## After you run Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE, position_endstop will be stored at the very end of your config
#position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 220
position_min: -2.0
homing_speed: 8.0
second_homing_speed: 3.0
homing_retract_dist: 2.0
[tmc5160 stepper_z]
cs_pin: PC6
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
## Z1 Stepper - Rear Left
## Connected to MOTOR_3
enable_pin: !PA0
step_pin: PG4
dir_pin: !PC1
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 256
[tmc5160 stepper_z1]
cs_pin: PC7
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
## Z2 Stepper - Rear Right
## Connected to MOTOR_4
enable_pin: !PG2
step_pin: PF9
dir_pin: PF10
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 256
[tmc5160 stepper_z2]
cs_pin: PF2
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
## Z3 Stepper - Front Right
## Connected to MOTOR_5
enable_pin: !PF1
step_pin: PC13
dir_pin: !PF0
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 256
[tmc5160 stepper_z3]
cs_pin: PE4
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
# Extruder
## Connected to MOTOR_6
## Heater - HE0
## Thermistor - T0
enable_pin: !PD4
step_pin: PE2
dir_pin: !PE3
rotation_distance: 35.49256
gear_ratio: 5.18:1
microsteps: 256
full_steps_per_rotation: 200 #200 for 1.8 degree, 400 for 0.9 degree
nozzle_diameter: 0.8
filament_diameter: 1.75
heater_pin: PA2
sensor_type: SliceEngineering 450
sensor_pin: PF4
min_temp: 10
max_temp: 300
max_power: 1.0
min_extrude_temp: 20
control = pid
pid_kp = 23.676
pid_ki = 1.518
pid_kd = 92.335
# FormFutura TitanX Red, 0.8 mm nozzle, 245C
#pressure_advance: 0.32
#pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.040
# FormFutura TitanX Red, 0.4 mm nozzle, 245C
#pressure_advance: 0.30
#pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.030
# ezPC+CF, 0.6 mm nozzle, 275C
#pressure_advance: 0.34
#pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.030
# Matterhackers Pro ABS Black, 0.4 mm nozzle, 235C
pressure_advance: 0.32
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.030
retract_length: 4.0
retract_speed: 60
unretract_extra_length: 0.0
unretract_speed: 60
[tmc5160 extruder]
cs_pin: PE1
spi_bus: spi1
sense_resistor: 0.075
run_current: 1.2
interpolate: false
stealthchop_threshold: 0
# Bed Heater
## SSR Pin - HE1
## Thermistor - TB
heater_pin: PA3
sensor_type: Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PF3
# 0.4W/cm2 = 0.4 * 25 * 25 = 250W, 100/500 * 250 = 50 -> 0.5
max_power: 0.5
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 120
control = pid
pid_kp = 36.831
pid_ki = 1.860
pid_kd = 182.313
# Probe
pin: ^PG12
x_offset: 0
y_offset: 19.75
z_offset: 6.42
speed: 3.0
lift_speed: 15
samples: 3
samples_result: median
sample_retract_dist: 3.0
samples_tolerance: 0.01
samples_tolerance_retries: 5
# Fan Control
## Print Cooling Fan - FAN0
pin: PD12
kick_start_time: 0.5
## Depending on your fan, you may need to increase this value
## if your fan will not start. Can change cycle_time (increase)
## if your fan is not able to slow down effectively
off_below: 0.10
[heater_fan hotend_fan]
## Hotend Fan - FAN1
pin: PE5
max_power: 1.0
kick_start_time: 0.5
heater: extruder
heater_temp: 50.0
## If you are experiencing back flow, you can reduce fan_speed
#fan_speed: 1.0
# LED Control
# Chamber Lighting - HE2 Connector (Optional)
[output_pin caselight]
pin: PB10
pwm: true
shutdown_value: 0
value: 1
cycle_time: 0.01
# Homing and Gantry Adjustment Routines
timeout: 1800
# Disabled by Klicky mod
#home_xy_position: 176, 256
#speed: 100
#z_hop: 10
## Use QUAD_GANTRY_LEVEL to level a gantry.
## Min & Max gantry corners - measure from nozzle at MIN (0,0) and
## MAX (250, 250), (300,300), or (350,350) depending on your printer size
## to respective belt positions
310, 320
speed: 300
horizontal_move_z: 12
retries: 5
retry_tolerance: 0.0075
max_adjust: 4
speed: 300
horizontal_move_z: 12
mesh_min: 40, 40
mesh_max: 210,210
fade_start: 1.0
fade_end: 20.0
probe_count: 3,3
algorithm: bicubic
relative_reference_index: 4
# EXP1 / EXP2 (display) pins
# EXP1 header
EXP1_1=PE8, EXP1_2=PE7,
EXP1_3=PE9, EXP1_4=PE10,
EXP1_5=PE12, EXP1_6=PE13, # Slot in the socket on this side
EXP1_7=PE14, EXP1_8=PE15,
EXP1_9=<GND>, EXP1_10=<5V>,
# EXP2 header
EXP2_1=PA6, EXP2_2=PA5,
EXP2_3=PB1, EXP2_4=PA4,
EXP2_5=PB2, EXP2_6=PA7, # Slot in the socket on this side
EXP2_7=PC15, EXP2_8=<RST>,
EXP2_9=<GND>, EXP2_10=<5V>
# Mods
[filament_switch_sensor RunoutSensor]
pause_on_runout: False
runout_gcode: PAUSE
insert_gcode: RESUME
switch_pin: !PG11
[multi_pin my_fans]
pins: PA8, PD13, PD14, PD15
# Optional 12V pull fans across from the always-on controller fans
[controller_fan misc_fans]
kick_start_time: 0.5
## Depending on your fan, you may need to increase this value
## if your fan will not start. Can change cycle_time (increase)
## if your fan is not able to slow down effectively
off_below: 0.10
# This is required to get the motors working on spi1
[static_digital_output disable_max31865]
pins: !PF8
# Input Shaper
[mcu rpi]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu
cs_pin: rpi:None
accel_chip: adxl345
100, 100, 20 # an example
# Auto Z-Calibration
probe_nozzle_x: 176
probe_nozzle_y: 258
# The X and Y coordinates (in mm) for clicking the nozzle on the
# Z endstop.
probe_switch_x: 170
probe_switch_y: 235
# The X and Y coordinates (in mm) for clicking the probe's switch
# on the Z endstop.
probe_bed_x: 125
probe_bed_y: 125
# The X and Y coordinates (in mm) for probing on the print surface
# (e.g. the center point) These coordinates will be adapted by the
# probe's X and Y offsets. The default is the relative_reference_index
# of the configured bed_mesh. It will raise an error if there is no
# probe_bed site and no bed_mesh with a relative_reference_index
# configured.
switch_offset: 0.48
# Larger values are closer to the bed
max_deviation: 1.0
# The maximum allowed deviation of the calculated offset.
# If the offset exceeds this value, it will stop!
# The default is 1.0 mm.
samples: 5
# The number of times to probe each point. The probed z-values
# will be averaged. The default is from the probe's configuration.
samples_tolerance: 0.01
# The maximum Z distance (in mm) that a sample may differ from other
# samples. The default is from the probe's configuration.
samples_tolerance_retries: 5
# The number of times to retry if a sample is found that exceeds
# samples_tolerance. The default is from the probe's configuration.
samples_result: median
# The calculation method when sampling more than once - either
# "median" or "average". The default is from the probe's configuration.
clearance: 15.0
# The distance in mm to move up before moving to the next
# position. The default is two times the z_offset from the probe's
# configuration.
position_min: -2.0
# Minimum valid distance (in mm) used for probing move. The
# default is from the Z rail configuration.
speed: 100
# The moving speed in X and Y. The default is 50 mm/s.
lift_speed: 15.0
# Speed (in mm/s) of the Z axis when lifting the probe between
# samples and clearance moves. The default is from the probe's
# configuration.
probing_speed: 3.0
# The fast probing speed (in mm/s) used, when probing_first_fast
# is activated. The default is from the Z rail configuration.
probing_second_speed: 3.0
# The slower speed (in mm/s) for probing the recorded samples.
# The default is second_homing_speed of the Z rail configuration.
probing_retract_dist: 8.0
# Distance to backoff (in mm) before probing the next sample.
# The default is homing_retract_dist from the Z rail configuration.
probing_first_fast: false
# If true, the first probing is done faster by the probing speed.
# This is to get faster down and the result is not recorded as a
# probing sample. The default is false.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute prior to each calibration command.
# See docs/ for G-Code format. This can be used to
# attach the probe.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute prior to each probing on the
# mag-probe. See docs/ for G-Code format. This can be
# used to attach the probe after probing on the nozzle and before probing
# on the mag-probe.
# A list of G-Code commands to execute after each calibration command.
# See docs/ for G-Code format. This can be used to
# detach the probe afterwards.
# Macros
[include klicky-probe.cfg]
[gcode_macro clean_nozzle]
# If you are putting your purge bucket at the rear left of the bed as per default installation, enable True on your location_bucket_rear
# variable. If you want to put your purge bucket elsewhere (perhaps the front), then set it to False. See diagrams and description
# further below on how to set your XY position.
variable_location_bucket_rear: True
# If you want the purging routine in your bucket enabled, set to True (and vice versa).
variable_enable_purge: True
# These parameters define your filament purging. The retract variable is used to retract right after purging to prevent unnecessary
# oozing. Some filament are particularly oozy and may continue to ooze out of the nozzle for a second or two after retracting. The
# ooze dwell variable makes allowance for this. Update as necessary. If you decided to not enable purge, you can ignore this section.
variable_purge_len: 30 ; Amount of filament, in mm, to purge.
variable_purge_spd: 150 ; Speed, in mm/min, of the purge.
variable_purge_temp_min: 250 ; Minimum nozzle temperature to permit a purge. Otherwise, purge will not occur.
variable_purge_ret: 10 ; Retract length, in mm, after purging to prevent slight oozing. Adjust as necessary.
variable_ooze_dwell: 2 ; Dwell/wait time, in seconds, after purging and retracting.
# Adjust this so that your nozzle scrubs within the brush. Currently defaulted to be a lot higher for safety. Be careful not to go too low!
variable_brush_top: -1.0
# These parameters define your scrubbing, travel speeds, safe z clearance and how many times you want to wipe. Update as necessary. Wipe
# direction is randomized based off whether the left or right bucket is randomly selected in the purge & scrubbing routine.
variable_clearance_z: 20 ; When traveling, but not cleaning, the clearance along the z-axis between nozzle and brush.
variable_wipe_qty: 3 ; Number of complete (A complete wipe: left, right, left OR right, left, right) wipes.
variable_prep_spd_xy: 4000 ; Travel (not cleaning) speed along x and y-axis in mm/min.
variable_prep_spd_z: 2000 ; Travel (not cleaning) speed along z axis in mm/min.
variable_wipe_spd_xy: 10000 ; Nozzle wipe speed in mm/min.
# These parameters define the size of the brush. Update as necessary. A visual reference is provided below. Note that orientation of
# parameters remain the same whether bucket is at rear or front.
# ← brush_width →
# _________________ ↑
# | | ↑ If you chose location_bucket_rear = True, Y position is acquired
# brush_start (x) | | brush_depth from your stepper_y position_max. Adjust your brush physically in
# |_________________| ↓ Y so that the nozzle scrubs within the brush.
# (y) ↓
# brush_front
# __________________________________________________________
## For V1.8, you may need to measure where your brush is on the x axis and input manually into any of the variable_brush_start uncommented.
## For V2.4 250mm build, uncomment this below:
variable_brush_start: 25
## For V2.4 300mm build, uncomment this below:
#variable_brush_start: 50
## For V2.4 350mm build, uncomment this below:
#variable_brush_start: 75
# This value is defaulted from brush location in CAD (rear left). Change if your brush width is different.
variable_brush_width: 52
## These are only used if location_bucket_rear is False. You specify a custom location in y axis for your brush - see diagram above. ##
variable_brush_front: 0
variable_brush_depth: 0
# These parameters define the size of your purge bucket. Update as necessary. If you decided to not enable purge, you can ignore
# this section. A visual reference is provided below. Note that orientation of parameters remain the same whether bucket is at rear
# or front.
# bucket_gap
# ← ---- →
# __________________________________________
# | | | |
# | | | |
# bucket_start (x) | |______| |
# | | | |
# | | | |
# |_________________|. . . |_________________|
# ← ------------- → ← ------------- →
# bucket_left_width bucket_right_width
# _______________________________________________________________________________________
## For V2.4 250mm build, uncomment below
variable_bucket_left_width: 42
## For V2.4 300mm build, uncomment below
#variable_bucket_left_width: 67
## For V2.4 350mm build, uncomment below
#variable_bucket_left_width: 92
# These values are defaulted from bucket geometry in CAD (rear left location). Change only if you're using a custom bucket.
variable_bucket_right_width: 40
variable_bucket_gap: 22
# For V1.8, you may need to measure where your bucket start is and input into bucket_start. Otherwise, a value of 0 is for a default
# installation of purge bucket at rear left.
variable_bucket_start: 0
### From here on, unless you know what you're doing, it's recommended not to change anything. Feel free to peruse the code and reach out to me
### (edwardyeeks#6042) on Discord if you spot any problems!
# Placeholder. The variable will later be set to contain, at random, a number representing the left or right bucket.
variable_bucket_pos: 1
# First, check if the axes are homed.
{% if "xyz" in printer.toolhead.homed_axes %}
## Save the gcode state in this macro instance.
## Set to absolute positioning.
## Grab max position of Y-axis from config to use in setting a fixed y position for location_bucket_rear = True.
#{% set Ry = printer.configfile.config["stepper_y"]["position_max"]|float %}
# Hack: configure for my printer
{% set Ry = 258.0 %}
## Check if user enabled purge option or not.
{% if enable_purge %}
### Randomly select left or right bin for purge. 0 = left, 1 = right
SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=clean_nozzle VARIABLE=bucket_pos VALUE={(range(2) | random)}
### Raise Z for travel.
G1 Z{brush_top + clearance_z} F{prep_spd_z}
### Check if user chose to use rear location.
{% if location_bucket_rear %}
G1 Y{Ry} F{prep_spd_xy}
{% else %}
G1 Y{brush_front + (brush_depth / 2)} F{prep_spd_xy}
{% endif %}
### Position for purge. Randomly selects middle of left or right bucket. It references from the middle of the left bucket.
G1 X{bucket_start + (bucket_left_width / (2 - bucket_pos)) + (bucket_pos * bucket_gap) + (bucket_pos * (bucket_right_width / 2))}
### Perform purge if the temp is up to min temp. If not, it will skip and continue executing rest of macro. Small retract after
### purging to minimize any persistent oozing at 5x purge_spd. G4 dwell is in milliseconds, hence * 1000 in formula.
{% if printer.extruder.temperature >= purge_temp_min %}
M83 ; relative mode
G1 E{purge_len} F{purge_spd}
{% if params.RETRACT %}
G1 E-{purge_ret} F{purge_spd * 5}
{% endif %}
G4 P{ooze_dwell * 1000}
G92 E0 ; reset extruder
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
## Position for wipe. Either left or right of brush based off bucket_pos to avoid unnecessary travel.
G1 Z{brush_top + clearance_z} F{prep_spd_z}
G1 X{brush_start + (brush_width * bucket_pos)} F{prep_spd_xy}
## Check if user chose to use rear location.
{% if location_bucket_rear %}
G1 Y{Ry}
{% else %}
G1 Y{brush_front + (brush_depth / 2)}
{% endif %}
## Move nozzle down into brush.
G1 Z{brush_top} F{prep_spd_z}
## Perform wipe. Wipe direction based off bucket_pos for cool random scrubby routine.
{% for wipes in range(1, (wipe_qty + 1)) %}
G1 X{brush_start + (brush_width * (1 - bucket_pos))} F{wipe_spd_xy}
G1 X{brush_start + (brush_width * bucket_pos)} F{wipe_spd_xy}
{% endfor %}
## Clear from area.
G1 Z{brush_top + clearance_z} F{prep_spd_z}
G1 X{bucket_left_width / 4} F{prep_spd_xy}
; Move to a safe location to avoid whacking the bed
G0 Z15 F3600
## Restore the gcode state to how it was before the macro.
{% else %}
## raise error will stop any macros that clean_nozzle is referenced in from proceeding for safety.
{ action_raise_error("Please home your axes!") }
M117 Please home first!
{% endif %}
[gcode_macro G32]
G1 Z30 F900
G1 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
clean_nozzle RETRACT=true
G1 Z30 F900
G1 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
M117 Print Starting...
; Make sure we are not applying stale bed mesh or Z offset
; Start heating bed
M140 S{params.BED}
; Initial home XYZ
G1 Z30 F900
; Start heating nozzle
M104 S{params.EXTRUDER}
; Finish heating bed
M190 S{params.BED}
; Finish heating nozzle
M109 S{params.EXTRUDER}
; Clean nozzle and rehome Z because there may have been some filament stuck to it before
G1 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
clean_nozzle RETRACT=true
G1 Z30 F900
G1 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
G28 Z
; Auto-calibration of nozzle to bed offset
; Use original versions to avoid attaching probes twice
M117 Prime Line
G1 Z30 F900
G1 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
# move to prime position
G1 X65.5 Y240.0 Z0.3 F2500.0 ; Move to start position
G1 X5.5 Y240.0 Z0.3 F800.0 E10 ; Draw the first line
G1 X5.5 Y239.5 Z0.3 F2500.0 ; Move to side a little
G1 X65.5 Y239.5 Z0.3 F800.0 E20 ; Draw the second line
G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder
G1 Z2.0 F3600 ; Move Z Axis up little to prevent scratching of Heat Bed
G1 X230 Y230 Z2.0 F5000.0 ; Move over to prevent blob squish
M117 Print Begin
[gcode_macro EXIT_BED]
# safe anti-stringing move coords
{% set th = printer.toolhead %}
{% set x_safe = th.position.x + 20 * (1 if th.axis_maximum.x - th.position.x > 25 else -1) %}
{% set y_safe = th.position.y + 20 * (1 if th.axis_maximum.y - th.position.y > 25 else -1) %}
{% set z_safe = [th.position.z + 2, th.axis_maximum.z]|min %}
M400 ; wait for buffer to clear
G92 E0 ; zero the extruder
G1 E-10.0 F3600 ; retract filament
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X{x_safe} Y{y_safe} Z{z_safe} F5000 ; move nozzle off part at a diagonal to limit stringing
G1 X25 Y258 F3000 ; park nozzle over purge bucket left
M107 ; turn off fan
; Remove calibrated Z offset
[gcode_macro PRINT_END]
[gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT]
rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# 0.025781, 0.010625, 0.021406
#*# 0.026406, 0.000000, 0.015000
#*# 0.048281, 0.035469, 0.055312
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 40.0
#*# algo = bicubic
#*# y_count = 3
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# min_y = 40.0
#*# x_count = 3
#*# max_y = 210.0
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# max_x = 210.0
#*# [stepper_z]
#*# position_endstop = 1.460
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