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Last active June 4, 2017 19:08
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Module 4 Action Plan

This is your deliverable from the Job Search Strategies I session

Module 4 Goals

List your longterm goal(s) of what you want to accomplish by the end of module 4

  • receive at least one job offer by the end of Mod 4 - August 4th

Strategy To Achieve Goals:

In this section, break down your longterm goal into smaller goals that you want to work on each week and/or day

Coding (both including your module 4 curriculum and anything outside of it):

How will you focus your learning to accomplish your longterm goal?

  • focus on mod 4 curriculum and potentially supplement with a side project and/or tutorials.

Opportunities Research:

How will you continue researching companies and contacts? How will you utilize your Trello Board?

  • the trello board will be good for keeping track of who I have spoken with, where i have applied/interviewed/ any follow up needed and to help track companies I am interested in.
  • I also have been researching companies on linkedIn/Built In/Angel list and Indeed just to see the companies who are hiring and then trying to learn more about them.

Cold Outreach/Network:

Who will you reach out to? Have you considered talking with alumni about their own networking practices when they started their job search?

  • I plan to reach out to alumni to hopefully learn more about their companies and their own job searches.
  • I've started to reach out to my network back in St. Louis
  • Attend more networking/meetup events


What will you do when?

Module Tasks:

What will you do throughout the module?

  • have at least 4 interviews
  • have at least 8 phone/first round interviews

Weekly Tasks:

What will you do throughout each week?

  • apply to 3-4 jobs per week
  • practice interview questions
  • code challenges

What I Will Work on with Meg

What advice do you need? What would be helpful to talk through? Let Meg know here!

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