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Colleen Ward caward12

  • St. Louis, MO
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1: Job Search Plan: Create a schedule & goals

Month 1:

Job search/networking

  • Email 2-3 new people in the industry each week to meet for coffee
  • hopefully have 2ish coffee meetings per week
  • Identify 1-2 jobs I’m interested in per week and apply
  • Attend at least 2 meetups
  • practice interview questions

What happened in the interview/practice?

I've had two mock interviews and then 1 phone/technical interview. In the mock interviews, we spent about 30 minutes going over general interview questions and technical questions and then 30 minutes on a code challenge. In the phone interview, we spent about 15 minutes on general get-to-know you questions and 30 or so minutes going over a project I worked on and me explaining the code (via screenshare)

What are some best practices of technical interviews that you've discussed?

For the code challenge portion - just start writing something - pseudocode or anything. Don't just stare at a blank screen. When working on a code challenge, talk out loud about your process. Stay calm.

What did you excel at in the practice?

I think I did well in the get-to-know you type questions and the technical questions for the most part. My first mock interview, the code challenge portion was a disaster and my second one went better.

What will you continue to practi

Tech and Fake News

Session Outcomes

  • Be aware of what tech organizations are doing (facebook, news organizations)
  • Identify motives behind fake news, profit vs. political sway
  • Be aware of traditional news fact checking and processes


  • 10 minutes: intro
  • 10 minutes: Facticious game and videos
caward12 /
Last active June 25, 2017 19:33 — forked from case-eee/
These are reflection questions for students entering backend module 4.

M4 Reflection

Fork this gist and answer these questions to reflect on your learning experiences.

  • What brought you to Turing?

    • I was unhappy with my career in communications and marketing and knew I needed to make a change. I started to look at the areas of the job I did enjoy and working our websites and writing html/css for email newsletters was at the top of that list. I did a couple of the courses on Codeacademy and then enrolled in a 20 week part-time class through a local nonprofit that met 2x a week. I really enjoyed the class but knew that if I wanted to make a real switch, I needed to something full-time. I started researching programs, knowing I did not want to go back for another degree. Turing was my first choice for several reasons - focus on diversity, was a non profit, the education background of the curriculum. I applied in November and enrolled for January 2017!
  • Where do you see yourself after Turing?

  • Ideally working in a software development job at a company/organization t

My Favorite People to Work with

  • honest and open communicators
  • non-miromanagers
  • mentor-like
  • creative
  • analyze, solve problems

Transferable Skills

  • I am good at designing layouts of information so that it flows.
  • I am good at analyzing, break down into parts, information so that it is easier to understand

Module 4 Action Plan

This is your deliverable from the Job Search Strategies I session

Module 4 Goals

List your longterm goal(s) of what you want to accomplish by the end of module 4

  • receive at least one job offer by the end of Mod 4 - August 4th

Link to reflection on agile practices/project management used in projects (What project management strategies did you use in your projects this module? What went well? What would you do differently next time?):

  • In both our group projects this mod, my groups have used agile methods - testing, building the functionality, adding styling in small iterations through out the projects. Some of the key principles of agile that we have focused on (from the agile manifesto) were/are: Working software is the primary measure of progress; The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation; and At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts it's behavior accordingly. These principles have helped the groups I've been in develop excellent work products and have a good group dynamic. We also have used Waffle and Github as resources to manage our projects. Next time I might try a different project mana

Feedback II Reflection

Date of feedback conversation: 3/22/17

How did you prepare for the conversation?

  • I gave my self some time to write down my thoughts first and think through how the project and group interaction was.

How did the conversation go for you? What was easy about the conversation? What was more difficult?

  • I think the conversation went well. I was comfortable talking with my group members so having the conversation was easy. More difficult part was giving constructive feedback - and remembering to think of intent vs. impact. Overall I think the conversation went well and was a good exercise in provinding feedback to group memebers.

Documentation Guidelines for Cold Outreach I Deliverable:

Mentor Name: The mentor (or alum) I contacted is Lorena Mesa.

Contact Date: I originally contacted her on 3/19/2017.

Outcome: She responded and we set up a time to chat via google hang out. Unfortunately, she ended up not being able to make it but we have emailed back and forth a few times.

Setting Group Expectations

Group Member Names: Beth Knight, Sergey Lukyanenko, Craig Ness, Colleen Ward

  1. When are group members available to work together? What hours can each group member work individually? Are there any personal time commitments that need to be discussed?
  • Beth needs to pick up her dogs at 7
  • free weekends
  • in general, we have no lives outside of Turing.
  • Sergey, Colleen and Craig can stay until 7/8