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Last active July 31, 2017 00:34
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1: Job Search Plan: Create a schedule & goals

Month 1:

Job search/networking

  • Email 2-3 new people in the industry each week to meet for coffee
  • hopefully have 2ish coffee meetings per week
  • Identify 1-2 jobs I’m interested in per week and apply
  • Attend at least 2 meetups
  • practice interview questions
  • write 2 blog posts about projects/learning new technology
  • give in and be active on twitter


  • build out further functionality on personal project
  • code wars/exercisims/turing challenges for at least 60 minutes a day
  • go through Udemy iOS/swift course (already paid for)
week 1

_ iOS course (10 hours)

_ code wars/exercisms (1 hour a day- 5 hours total)

_ research and apply to jobs (5 hours)

_ email and attend coffees (5 hours)

_ work on personal project (10 hours)

_ interview practice (5 hours)

week 2

_ iOS course (10 hours)

_ code wars/exercisms (5 hours total)

_ research and apply to jobs (5 hours)

_ email and attend coffees (5 hours)

_ interview practice (5 hours)

_ work on personal project (7 hours)

_ write blog post (3 hours)

week 3

_ iOS course (10 hours)

_ code wars/exercisms (1 hour a day- 5 hours total)

_ research and apply to jobs (5 hours)

_ email and attend coffees (5 hours)

_ work on personal project (10 hours)

_ interview practice (5 hours)

week 4

_ iOS course (10 hours)

_ code wars/exercisms (5 hours total)

_ research and apply to jobs (5 hours)

_ email and attend coffees (5 hours)

_ interview practice (5 hours)

_ work on personal project (7 hours)

_ write blog post (3 hours)

Month 2:

Job search

  • write 3 blog posts about new technology/project currently working on
  • continue practicing interview questions
  • attend 2 additional meetups
  • email at least 1 new person for coffee each week
  • apply to 1 job each week


  • use an open data source to build new project using Rails backend and JS (react/or other framework) frontend
  • continue practicing code challenges via code wars/turing challenges repo/exercisms
  • do Mod 1 flashcards and night writer in javascript

2: Longterm Career Plan: What are your career goals?

Where do you want to go in your career?

Imagine that it's 5 years from now - what have you accomplished during that time? How is your life different? What steps did you take to achieve your goals?

  • taken on increased responsbility at work
  • learned new technologies
  • be financially stable

Create a vision statement for these longterm goals.

  • I will be a mid-level software developer at a medium sized company that values its employees and works on technology that impacts people's lives.
  • I will have paid off most of my student loans.


Option #2: Open Source Project

  • continue to be involved with Women Rising and Flock's equality hackers meeetup group and contribute to their open source projects.
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