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Casey Dallavalle cbdallavalle

  • Denver, CO
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cbdallavalle /
Last active September 26, 2017 18:51

Day 1

On a website, what is the purpose of HTML code?

  • Creates structure to the information we want on a webpage

What is the difference between an element and a tag?

  • An element communicates to the browser that we have some sort of information we want the browser to comprehend and adds structure to the pages. The tags hold the information we wish to convey, and tell the browser when our information starts and ends.
cbdallavalle / Gear Up
Last active September 26, 2017 18:55
What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?
Empathy has helped me create wonderful friendships in my life, both personal and professional. When I meet someone new, I always try to be enthusiastic and attentive. As my relationships grow and develop, I am always trying to further understand my friends and colleagues and provide my support. Because of this, I feel lucky to have accomplished many projects and adventures with the people I treasure - whether it be traveling abroad with a good friend, or finishing my capstone with the advice from my advisor.
How does empathy help you build better software?
- Practicing active listening can help you develop technology that truly helps your clientele. As a developer who is creating software for a specific purpose, or community, it is important to not make assumptions about the work you are tasked to do. The people who will use your software are not you and may not understand how to use the technology you create. By listening to the client's
cbdallavalle / Professional Development
Created September 26, 2017 18:59
Professional Development
Reading 1
#29. I find value in the mistakes I make in my career and also my personal life. I am always striving to be a better person by evaluating mistakes I make in all different situations. That is the only way I can recognize how the situation went wrong, what I did to fix it and what I would do differently in the future. Mistakes are frustrating, but in disguise, are opportunities to learn and grow.
#17. I love working with people, especially people who have much more experience in a field than I do. Mentors have working knowledge that I am always eager to learn about. This type of learning is productive and fulfilling for me. And usually the mentor and student can develop a close professional and/or personal relationship.
#16. I know that this is a very important skill to have in any career field, coding especially. However, I often struggle to take massive amounts of criticism not personally. This is something that I recognize about myself, and try to remediate. I am an open communicator and will wo
cbdallavalle / CSS Layout Challenges
Last active October 17, 2017 15:31
CSS Layout Challenges
# Challenge 1
I created three divs and floated div1 left, and div2 and div3 right. Then I switched the order of div 2 and 3 in my HTML to get div2 to show before div3. Then I put a small margin-left on to create the space between them.
[Challenge 1] (
## Challenge 2
I created three divs. I floated div1 and div2 left, and floated div3 right. Then I used margin-top and margin-left on div2 to center the box and push the div down from the top and into the middle of the page. I used margin-top on div3 to push the box to the bottom right corner. This created a small space between my div1 and the webpage, so I used margin -.8% to pull the div back into the correct position.
cbdallavalle / Strengths & Storytelling
Created October 28, 2017 22:57
Strengths $ Storytelling Reflection
1. Learner, input, activator, restorator. I have been using my learning and restorator strengths consistently during mod1. I am an avid learner and often thrive in environments like Turing where I learn something new every day. Even though the lessons and projects can be overwhelming at times, my love to solve problems and the energy I receive from challenges keeps me going. When I first took the strengths finder, I was not sure how much input was a part of my persionality. I did not identify with being a collector, in fact, all throughout my childhood the only thing I collected were dirty clothes on my bedroom floor. As I spent more time at Turing, I realized that I do collect information, though. I often log away in my brain different facts from lecture and my own independent study to use later in my code. I also store tidbits of information about other people and use them later in our interactions. I have seen aspects of my strengths play out while at Turing, and I now recgonize those strengths and capitil
cbdallavalle / Strengths & Storytelling
Last active October 28, 2017 23:01
Strengths $ Storytelling Reflection
1. Learner, input, activator, restorator. I have been using my learning and restorator strengths consistently during mod1. I am an avid learner and often thrive in environments like Turing where I learn something new every day. Even though the lessons and projects can be overwhelming at times, my love to solve problems and the energy I receive from challenges keeps me going. When I first took the strengths finder, I was not sure how much input was a part of my persionality. I did not identify with being a collector, in fact, all throughout my childhood the only thing I collected were dirty clothes on my bedroom floor. As I spent more time at Turing, I realized that I do collect information, though. I often log away in my brain different facts from lecture and my own independent study to use later in my code. I also store tidbits of information about other people and use them later in our interactions. I have seen aspects of my strengths play out while at Turing, and I now recgonize those strengths and capitil
cbdallavalle / Edgar & Casey DTR
Created October 29, 2017 00:37
Edgar & Casey DTR
Project: Linked List
Group Member Names: Edgar and Casey
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?
-Edgar: solidify jQuery, learn responsiveness
-Casey: be introduced to jQuery, work on CSS, learn responsiveness
Goals and expectations:
-Finish phase 3
-Split the work in half
-Over weekend finish phase 1
Team strengths:
Group Member Names:
Valentino & Casey
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?
V: Better understanding of the tools we are using and when to use them, especially retreiving data that is nested
V: Know and understand every step we are doing, and valuing what we create instead of finishing the project
C: I'd like to finish project, but have content that we understand
Group Member Names:
Casey & Alex
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project?
A: Get the code as dry as possible and a deep understanding of react
C: Concise and practical tests, nail it out of the park
Goals and expectations:
testnum = (num) => {
if(num > 10) {
resolve(`${num} is greater than 10, success!`)
} else {
reject(Error(`${num} is less than 10, error!`)