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Coding for Jesus' glory. Soli Deo gloria

C. Bess cbess

Coding for Jesus' glory. Soli Deo gloria
View GitHub Profile
asarode / generateRandomColor.swift
Last active May 4, 2024 14:10
Generating random UIColor in Swift
func generateRandomColor() -> UIColor {
let hue : CGFloat = CGFloat(arc4random() % 256) / 256 // use 256 to get full range from 0.0 to 1.0
let saturation : CGFloat = CGFloat(arc4random() % 128) / 256 + 0.5 // from 0.5 to 1.0 to stay away from white
let brightness : CGFloat = CGFloat(arc4random() % 128) / 256 + 0.5 // from 0.5 to 1.0 to stay away from black
return UIColor(hue: hue, saturation: saturation, brightness: brightness, alpha: 1)
fiznool / hashid.js
Created November 16, 2014 09:45
Short 'hash' ID generator.
'use strict';
* The default alphabet is 25 numbers and lowercase letters.
* Any numbers that look like letters and vice versa are removed:
* 1 l, 0 o.
* Also the following letters are not present, to prevent any
* expletives: cfhistu
mattt / BCP47LanguageCodeForString.m
Last active April 21, 2018 08:45
Detect ISO 681 Language Code from String and Convert to BCP 47 Language Code
static NSString * BCP47LanguageCodeFromISO681LanguageCode(NSString *ISO681LanguageCode) {
if ([ISO681LanguageCode isEqualToString:@"ar"]) {
return @"ar-SA";
} else if ([ISO681LanguageCode hasPrefix:@"cs"]) {
return @"cs-CZ";
} else if ([ISO681LanguageCode hasPrefix:@"da"]) {
return @"da-DK";
} else if ([ISO681LanguageCode hasPrefix:@"de"]) {
return @"de-DE";
} else if ([ISO681LanguageCode hasPrefix:@"el"]) {
ryansechrest /
Last active May 5, 2024 18:00
PHP style guide with coding standards and best practices.

PHP Style Guide

All rules and guidelines in this document apply to PHP files unless otherwise noted. References to PHP/HTML files can be interpreted as files that primarily contain HTML, but use PHP for templating purposes.

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Most sections are broken up into two parts:

  1. Overview of all rules with a quick example
  2. Each rule called out with examples of do's and don'ts
sloria /
Last active May 31, 2024 07:02
A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python.

The Best of the Best Practices (BOBP) Guide for Python

A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python.

In General


  • "Build tools for others that you want to be built for you." - Kenneth Reitz
  • "Simplicity is alway better than functionality." - Pieter Hintjens
def verify_sign(public_key_loc, signature, data):
Verifies with a public key from whom the data came that it was indeed
signed by their private key
param: public_key_loc Path to public key
param: signature String signature to be verified
return: Boolean. True if the signature is valid; False otherwise.
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
def sign_data(private_key_loc, data):
param: private_key_loc Path to your private key
param: package Data to be signed
return: base64 encoded signature
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
jasonrudolph /
Last active April 30, 2024 19:21
5 entertaining things you can find with the GitHub Search API
tyvsmith /
Created July 22, 2013 18:45
"`classes.dex` method count helpers. Requires smali/baksmali from and dexdump from the build-tools in the Android SDK be on your PATH." Use this to keep track of methods and fields in your apk. They are both limited to 65536. Example use: $ source; $ dex-field-count classes.dex; Original method scrip…
function dex-method-count() {
cat $1 | head -c 92 | tail -c 4 | hexdump -e '1/4 "%d\n"'
function dex-method-count-by-package() {
dir=$(mktemp -d -t dex)
baksmali $1 -o $dir
for pkg in `find $dir/* -type d`; do
smali $pkg -o $pkg/classes.dex
count=$(dex-method-count $pkg/classes.dex)
maccman /
Last active January 13, 2018 12:03
Queueing jQuery Ajax requests. Usage $.ajax({queue: true})
$ = jQuery
queues = {}
running = false
queue = (name) ->
name = 'default' if name is true
queues[name] or= []
next = (name) ->