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Last active March 20, 2021 17:55
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Week 3

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Week 4

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Week 5

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Week 2

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Week 3

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Week 4

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Week 5

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Week 2

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Week 3

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Week 4

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Week 5

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  • When you've worked towards a goal in the past, what systems or tools have been helpful for you in accomplishing that goal? How could you adapt those same systems/tools to use while at Turing?

When I was working as a journalist, the goal of every day was getting my story submitted on deadline. I planned out my day by working backwards. Newscast at 5pm and 6pm, start cutting video at 4pm, start writing scripts at 3pm, conduct interviews and shoot b-roll from 11am-3pm, factor in travel time, spend 10am-11am making phone calls. I also tried to be as conservative as possible with time estimates. For a 45 minute drive, I would budget an hour. The time-management skills I cultivated as a journalist will definitely come in handing for Turing. I know how to break a project, or even an entire module, into more maneagble pieces and then set deadlines for the completion of each.

  • As you start this new career, what is one of your strengths and how do you know?

When it comes to problem-solving, I am persistent, methodical and not easily defeated. I've gotten a sense of this already from some of the coding challenges in the Mod 1 pre-work. When a segment of code doesn't work, I got back and tweak it, and I have the endurance to persist until the code works. I had decent aptitude for mathematics in high school, and I think math really taught me how to solve problems strategically and step-by-step. I think I'm also able to derive a sense of enjoyment from the challenge of difficult problem solving - I like exercising my brain, I like overcoming challenges. That enjoyment helps prevent frustration or being overwhelmed by the problem.

  • Describe how you work best (conditions, environment, preferences, etc.):

I would say my ideal work conditions are pretty conventional. I like to work in a well-lit room at a desk with a decent office chair. For the last few months I've been working at the dining room table but I recently replaced that with an actual desk and office chair. I also purchased an additional monitor for Turing which really helps me when I'm contantly refering back and forth between different windows. Working from home has been nice because I like having the room to myself. A little bit of background noise is fine and sometimes I'll listen to music. Music with lyrics is too distracting though, so I stick to lo-fi beats and instrumentals when I'm working. Video game soundtracks are good too.

  • As you start this new career, what is your greatest area of improvement when it comes to your professional skills?

I mentioned my persistence as a strength. Unfortunately that sometimes means I'm too stubborn to ask for help and the result is that I spend much longer on a problem than I need to. It's important to figure things out on your own, but it's also important to use time efficiently and not waste time. I need to be better about asking my instructors and cohort questions. In terms of professional development, networking is also a skill I need to improve. I recognize that networking will be important to securing a job as quickly as possible after Turing which is a priority for me.

  • How will developing a deeper understanding of your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?

An intimate understanding of ones strengths and weaknesses is critical in any undertaking. If I'm aware of my strengths, I'll have a better understanding of how I can contribute to group projects. If I'm aware of my weaknesses, I can take steps to mitigate or improve on them. Software development is a very collaborative industry, so I need to have a thorough understanding of where I can best contribute, and where I might need to seek help from others.

  • Describe the vision you currently have for your career after Turing:

I would like to secure a job as a developer in Denver with a higher salary than what I'm currently earning. The median salary for Turing grads is $75K. I'd honestly be super happy with $60K. I've given some thought to specific industries. News organizations probably hire developers and I have a background in journalism. I'd also be happy working for one of the tech companies in Denver. I would be happy to continue working from home if remote work turns out to be a long term trend, which is not unlikely. I think developer jobs lend themselves well to a WFH environment. Starting a new job remotely will likely pose some unique challenges, but once I get settled I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm also happy to return of office life.

Ultimately, I'd like to learn more coding languages and move towards being a full stack engineer. Once I'm situated with a new job after Turing, I'll probably start studying Ruby with my free-time. Maybe design my own app. Beyond that, who knows? This could open the door to exciting new tech fields like augmented reality or quantum computing. It would be super cool to be at the forefront of emerging tech! But one step at a time.

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