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Created January 12, 2017 20:36
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// A Stream is an abstraction over strings and arrays so that we don't have to
// keep chopping them up everywhere eating up CPU. An iterable is either a
// string or an array. The cursor is an index that marks the beginning of the
// stream and the length is the amount left in the Stream.
export class Stream {
constructor(iterable, cursor, length) {
this.iterable = iterable
this.cursor = cursor || 0
this.length = length === undefined
? iterable.length - this.cursor
: length
// Get the first value from the iterable.
head() {
if (this.length <= 0) {
throw new TypeError('index out of range')
return this.iterable[this.cursor]
// Consume the stream by moving the cursor.
move(distance) {
return new Stream(
this.cursor + distance,
this.length - distance
// Same interface as Array.slice but returns a new Stream
slice(start, stop) {
if (stop < start) {
throw new Error('stop < start')
if (stop && stop > this.length) {
throw new TypeError('index out of range')
return new Stream(
this.cursor + start,
(stop || this.length) - start
// The Result of a parser should either be Success of Failure which represents
// a disjoint type just like an Either.
export class Result {
constructor(value, stream) {
this.value = value = stream
export class Success extends Result {
map(fn) {
return new Success(fn(this.value),
bimap(s, f) {
return new Success(s(this.value),
chain(fn) {
return fn(this.value,
fold(s, f) {
return s(this.value,
export class Failure extends Result {
map(fn) {
return this
bimap(s, f) {
return new Failure(f(this.value),
chain(fn) {
return this
fold(s, f) {
return f(this.value,
// A Parser contains a function that parses a stream but provides functions for
// mapping and chaining over the Result.
export class Parser {
constructor(parse) {
this.parse = parse
run(iterable) {
if (iterable instanceof Stream) {
return this.parse(iterable)
} else {
return this.parse(new Stream(iterable))
map(f) {
return new Parser(stream =>
bimap(s, f) {
return new Parser(stream =>
this.parse(stream).bimap(s, f))
chain(f) {
return new Parser(stream =>
.chain((v, s) => f(v).run(s)))
fold(s, f) {
return new Parser(stream =>
this.parse(stream).fold(s, f))
static of(value) {
return new Parser((stream) =>
new Success(value, stream))
expected(value) {
return this.bimap(
x => x,
inside => [value, inside]
export const always = Parser.of
export const never = value =>
new Parser(stream =>
new Failure(value, stream))
export const any = new Parser(stream =>
stream.length > 0
? new Success(stream.head(), stream.move(1))
: new Failure('any: unexpected end', stream))
export const end = new Parser(stream =>
stream.length === 0
? new Success(null, stream)
: new Failure(`end: expected end but found ${stream.head()}`, stream))
export const where = predicate =>
new Parser(stream => {
if (stream.length > 0) {
const value = stream.head()
if (predicate(value)) {
return new Success(value, stream.move(1))
} else {
return new Failure(`where: predicate did not match ${value}`, stream)
} else {
return new Failure('where: unexpected end', stream)
export const whereEq = value =>
where(x => x === value)
.expected(`whereEq: did not equal ${value}`)
export const sequence = list =>
(acc, parser) =>
acc.chain(values => =>
value === null
? values
: values.concat([value]))),
list[0].map(value =>
value === null
? []
: [value]))
.expected('sequence: failed')
export const either = list =>
new Parser(stream => {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const parser = list[i]
const result =
if (result instanceof Success) {
return result
return new Failure('either: failed', stream)
export const not = parser =>
new Parser(stream =>
(value, s) => new Failure('not: failed', stream),
(value, s) => new Success(s.head(), s.move(1))))
export const zeroOrMore = parser =>
new Parser(stream =>
(value, s) => zeroOrMore(parser).map(rest => [value].concat(rest)).run(s),
(value, s) => new Success([], stream)))
export const oneOrMore = parser =>
parser.chain(result =>
zeroOrMore(parser).map(rest => [result].concat(rest)))
export const nOrMore = (n, parser) =>
.chain(values =>
zeroOrMore(parser).map(more => values.concat(more)))
export const between = (l, p, r) =>
sequence([l, p, r]).map(v => v[1])
export const sepBy = (sep, parser) =>
parser.chain(value =>
.chain(found =>
? sepBy(sep, parser).map(rest => [value].concat(rest))
: always([value])))
export const maybe = parser =>
new Parser(stream =>
(v, s) => new Success(v, s),
(v) => new Success(null, stream)))
export const peek = parser =>
new Parser(stream =>
(v) => new Success(v, stream),
(v) => new Failure(v, stream)))
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