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Created January 5, 2021 05:38
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Examples of playing around with continuations in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Example where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable
-- | Save a computation in an MVar. It can be taken from the MVar and run
-- again.
-- Similar to the example in
-- with let/cc.
example2 :: forall r. IO (MVar (Int -> ContT String IO Int))
example2 = do
mvar :: MVar (Int -> ContT String IO Int) <- newEmptyMVar
let myContT = do
let fourPlusSetMVar :: ContT String IO Int
fourPlusSetMVar = callCC f
f :: (Int -> ContT String IO Int) -> ContT String IO Int
f k = do
liftIO $ putMVar mvar k
pure 4
(+) <$> pure 3 <*> fourPlusSetMVar
runContT myContT (\i -> pure (show i))
pure mvar
-- | Show how example2 can be used.
example3 :: IO ()
example3 = do
mvar <- example2
k :: Int -> ContT String IO Int <- takeMVar mvar
runContT (k 100) (pure . show) >>= print
runContT (k 200) (pure . show) >>= print
-- | Simple continuation.
-- >>> runCont example4 (\i -> show i)
-- "4"
-- >>> runCont example4 (\i -> "")
-- ""
example4 :: Cont String Int
example4 = ContT $ \int2str ->
int2str 4
-- | Slightly more complicated continuation.
-- >>> evalCont example5
-- 7
-- >>> runCont example5 (\i -> 100)
-- 103
example5 :: Cont Int Int
example5 = ContT $ \int2int -> 3 + int2int 4
-- | Trying to play around with shift / reset, but I don't know how they work.
example6 :: Cont Int Int
example6 = do
res <- example5
reset $ do
-- | Continuations can be used to inject a new value into them and continue
-- with the computation with the new value.
-- Use the default value:
-- >>> evalCont example8
-- 15
-- Inject a new value and continue the computation with that value:
-- >>> runCont example8 (\_ -> 100)
-- 111
example8 :: Cont Int Int
example8 = cont f
f :: (Int -> Int) -> Int
-- This k is the continuation that can be used to set where the new value can
-- be injected in.
f k =
getSum $
(\(i :: Int) ->
if i == 4
-- Call the continuation here, which would let the user inject a
-- value other than 4 here, and have the computation continue from
-- that point.
Sum (k i)
Sum i
-- This doesn't work because the r type in the Cont is not the same as the
-- result a type. It only works above because r and a are both the same type.
-- example9 :: Cont String Int
-- example9 = cont $ \(k :: Int -> String) ->
-- getSum $ foldMap (\(i :: Int) -> if i == 4 then Sum (k i) else Sum i) [1..5]
-- Implementation of callCC from transformers.
-- callCC :: ((a -> ContT r m b) -> ContT r m a) -> ContT r m a
-- callCC f = ContT $ \ c -> runContT (f (\ x -> ContT $ \ _ -> c x)) c
-- | This is a specialization of callCC to Cont (instead of ContT). However,
-- this isn't necessary, as you can see below.
-- callCC doesn't actually use the m anywhere.
callCC' :: forall r a b. ((a -> Cont r b) -> Cont r a) -> Cont r a
callCC' f = cont $ \k -> runCont (f (\a -> cont $ \xxx -> k a)) k
-- | callCC gives us an way to do an "early return". Calling it with a value
-- just immediately returns from that continuation.
example10 :: Cont Int Int
example10 = callCC f
f :: (Int -> Cont Int ()) -> Cont Int Int
f retF = do
for_ [1..50] $ \i -> if i == 20 then retF i else pure ()
pure 1000
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I ran this with GHC-8.8.4 with the built-in transformers-

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