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Last active June 18, 2024 04:06
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Works for macOS Sierra and High Sierra (Improved version)

Taken from StackExchange

Thanks to LangLangC

For temperature and other improvements see

This method leaves brightness control enabled

Reset SMC

Shutdown, unplug everything except power and hold

leftShift + Ctrl + Option + Power 

I holded for 5 seconds, but holding just for an instant should work

Reset NVRAM: Power up and hold

Command + Option + p + r

Until you hear the startup chime two times.

Shutdown computer

Power up and boot into Single User Recovery by holding

if you are on high sierra 10.13.6+ you might need to use Command + r instead

Command + r + s

Disable SIP (This takes a bit to complete so wait for it)

csrutil disable

Disable Discrete GPU on boot by running

nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00

Enable verbose boot mode (This will show text everytime you boot up, shutdown or restart your mac)

nvram boot-args="-v"



Boot into Single User-mode by holding

Command + s

It might look as if it hanged, but press enter and you should see the shell (root#)

Mount root partition writeable

/sbin/mount -uw /

Make a kext-backup directory

mkdir -p /System/Library/Extensions-off

Move ONLY ONE offending kext out of the way

mv /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000.kext  /System/Library/Extensions-off/

Inform the system to update its kextcache:

touch /System/Library/Extensions/



It will show a bunch of text in the screen (don't be alarmed, let it finish) and then it will restart again In second restart it will show text in the screen again and then it will show normal login screen Your computer now should work properly (dGPU off and iGPU on, shown as i in gfxCardStatus


If an update that contains changes to the AMD drivers is about to take place it is advisable to move back the AMDRadeonX3000.kext to its default location before the update process. Otherwise the updater writes at least another kext of a different version to its default location or at worst you end up with an undefined state of partially non-matching drivers.

After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra.

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Ale337-s commented Feb 12, 2024

**mnemos2000 ** commented Feb 12, 2024 via email

Dear Mnemos2000,
Thank you so much for your reply and advice.

Actually, as you suggested, I did proceed from " Boot into Single User-mode by holding", but it still remains hanging in the boot loop and never going into the system.
To be precise: I get to the last reboot and it does exactly as it is described here:
"It will show a bunch of text in the screen (don't be alarmed, let it finish) and then it will restart again In second restart it will show text in the screen again and then it will show normal login screen Your computer now should work properly"

Only that, in this case, when it comes to the second restart, it then shows the progress bar with the apple, the bar remains completely empty, then at one stage the screen goes black and the computer restarts with the chime, again by showing all the bunch of text and going to the apple-boot bar not charging, and then goes black again, and so on. It enters a neverending reboot loop...

Might there be any other possible commands in this case...?
Reinstalling High Sierra is an option and/or possibility that might make it work again?
The system is still 10.13.6, I think the automatic update that was done was a security thing.
I have no idea what to do to get out of this and I really need to access my computer.
What do you think?

Thanks again. All help is much appreciated.

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Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Hi everyone. I had successfully gone through these steps for the disabling of the defective card and everything was fine until yesterday I gave in to one of those insisting messages for updates from Apple, without realizing the consequences it could bring. Now my computer is no longer getting past the boot. I ran all the commands again but the fix seems to not be working anymore. The computer enters a boot hang loop and I can't find the way to work around it. After trying to understand what it could be, I stumbled upon this, which is clearly my case, but have no idea on how to proceed. "After any system update the folder /System/Library/Extensions has to be checked for the offending kext. Its presence there will lead to e.g. a boot hang on Yosemite and Sierra, an overheating boot-loop in High Sierra."
Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

Escribo en español y traduzco después al Inglés: Me ocurrió lo mismo. Es necesario saber que, a priori, no se puede instalar un OS superior a High Sierra 10.13.6. La solución era introducir, a través del teclado, el comando para deshabilitar el chip gráfico pero sin ver nada en pantalla. El comando es el siguiente (una sola línea):

nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00

Pero al principio no funcionaba. Tardé en darme cuenta que mi teclado es español y tras reiniciar los caracteres del teclado no corresponden con los caracteres del sistema. Así que con una tabla de correspondencia en un papel introduje el comando considerando sustituir los caracteres -, =, :, ", /, \ y + por las siguientes equivalencias:

  •     (?’)         pulsar una sola tecla sin el shift 

= (¿¡) pulsar una sola tecla sin el shift = : Ñ “ ¨ / - es decir para sacar la inclinada de encima del siete pulsamos el - a la izqda de shift-dcho \ ç es decir la barra raíz de alt+º se consigue con la cedilla ç

  •     ¿            es decir el signo mas se saca con shift+¿

y de este modo funcionó.

Actualmente tengo instalados dos SSD: Uno con High Sierra 10.13.6. Su problema es que no controlo el brillo y si se cae en suspensión pierdo la pantalla con lo que tengo que apagar con el botón I/0 y reiniciar el sistema. Otro con Catalina mediante la instalación del macOS Catalina Patcher descargado desde Tengo control de brillo y si cae en suspensión no se cuelga. Por contra, el Patcher no es compatible con Chrome por su bajo nivel de seguridad pues tiene el CSRUTIL deshabitado....por lo que debo navegar con Firefox...

Todo esto después de haber leído las dos páginas: y Espero que te sea de ayuda


I write in Spanish and then translate into English: The same thing happened to me. It is necessary to know that, a priori, you cannot install an OS higher than High Sierra 10.13.6. The solution was to enter, through the keyboard, the command to disable the graphics chip but without seeing anything on the display screen. The command is as follows (single line):

nvram fa4ce28d-b62f-4c99-9cc3-6815686e30f9:gpu-power-prefs=%01%00%00%00

But at first it didn't work. It took me a while to realize that my keyboard is Spanish and after restarting the keyboard characters do not correspond to the system characters. So with a correspondence table on a paper I entered the command considering replacing the characters -, =, :, ", /, \ and + with the following equivalences:

  •   (?’)       press a single key without shift

= (¿¡) press a single key without the shift = : Ñ “ ¨ / - to obtain the slope above the seven, press the - to the left of shift-right \ ç to obtain, the root bar of alt+º is achieved with the cedilla ç

  •  ¿          shift+¿

and this way it worked.

I currently have two SSDs installed: One with High Sierra 10.13.6. Its problem is that I don't control the brightness and if it goes to sleep I lose the screen so I have to turn it off with the I/0 button and restart the system. Another with Catalina by installing the macOS Catalina Patcher downloaded from I have brightness control and if it goes to sleep it doesn't hang. On the other hand, the Patcher is not compatible with Chrome due to its low level of security since it has the CSRUTIL I have to navigate with Firefox...

All this after having read the two pages: and

I hope this helps you

Dear Luisfromspain,
Thank you for your help.
Actually, if I understood properly, you suggest that I might have a mismatching keyboard regarding the system. But my keyboard is set to English....and the commands seem to respond properly.
I hope I'm not missing something else from your response...
If so, please let me know.

Thank you

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Wealing commented Feb 25, 2024 via email

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Sp-cy commented Feb 27, 2024

If any of you are totally unable to boot into Mac-OS, this happened to me at some point and I was left between losing total usability of the laptop or installing Linux, so I installed Pop!_OS at first and then changed to Ubuntu just because it's update cycle is more frequent. I left a very messy log of the process in my blog, I apologize for the adhd mess of the write up, but it works: [How I Installed Ubuntu 23.04 on a Late 2011 Macbook Pro (for the Second Time)](

Unlike OS X, everything works fine on Linux, maybe battery life is not as good but the rest might be even better. For me it was just impossible to access Apple servers to reinstall the OS on a completely wiped SSD, so this was my best option. Hope this works for any of you that is left with an unusable laptop due to Apple's neglect.

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Due to not being able to use Parsec (Metal support), I installed Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro 8,3 and it works beautifully. Highly recommend it! It's a dual boot, so if I want to go into macOS, I still can. I have since moved onto using Sunshine/Moonlight and haven't tested it in macOS as yet.

Of course, you will still need to be able to turn the MacBook on in order to do anything and disable the dGPU. Usually a quick blast of a heat gun over the dGPU will get you going again. Just please remove the motherboard and anything you can before using the heat gun on it, or you can expect some melted plastic! The one time I was lazy and didn't feel like removing the board from the case, and boy do I regret it!

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