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Last active October 31, 2020 07:32
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Movement and Fatigue Settings Tweaked - MWSE Version
local modName = "Movement and Fatigue Settings Tweaked"
local modAuthor = "nelxxz"
local codeAuthor = "Celediel"
local modConfig = "MAFST"
local modInfo = "This mod tweaks Fatigue (Stamina) settings to make running, walking, " ..
"swimming, jumping and attacking slightly less painful.\n\n" ..
"In sum, your character will still suffer fatigue loss, but only when carrying " ..
"a lot of weight, and especially in low endurance levels. This is compensated " ..
"by increased jumping costs and slightly more draining attacks, based on " ..
"weapon weight. General movement, however, will be faster and overall more " ..
"balanced, both for the player and NPCs, as well as for creatures. " ..
"Additionally, while jumping height hasn't changed, the distance travelled from " ..
"jumping has been reduced. All in all, there is still reason to both level up " ..
"Acrobatics and Athletics, and acquire magical enchanted items and spells to explore."
local defaultConfig = {
gmst = {
-- fAthleticsRunBonus = 1.285, -- from The Jogging Mod
-- fBaseRunMultiplier = 1.465, -- uncomment to use
fFatigueJumpBase = 15,
fFatigueRunBase = 2,
fFatigueRunMult = 1.5,
fFatigueSwimRunBase = 4,
fJumpMoveBase = 0.3,
fJumpMoveMult = 0,
fMaxWalkSpeed = 250,
fMinWalkSpeed = 150,
fMaxWalkSpeedCreature = 350,
fMinWalkSpeedCreature = 7,
fWeaponFatigueMult = 0.3
local vanilla = {
values = {
fAthleticsRunBonus = 1,
fBaseRunMultiplier = 1.75,
fFatigueJumpBase = 5,
fFatigueRunBase = 5,
fFatigueRunMult = 2,
fFatigueSwimRunBase = 7,
fJumpMoveBase = 0.5,
fJumpMoveMult = 0.5,
fMaxWalkSpeed = 200,
fMinWalkSpeed = 100,
fMaxWalkSpeedCreature = 300,
fMinWalkSpeedCreature = 5,
fWeaponFatigueMult = 0.24
descriptions = {
fAthleticsRunBonus = "How Athletics affects running speed",
fBaseRunMultiplier = "How much faster running is than walking",
fFatigueJumpBase = "Fatigue costs by jumping",
fFatigueRunBase = "Fatigue costs by running",
fFatigueRunMult = "Fatigue costs per encumbrance point by running",
fFatigueSwimRunBase = "Fatigue costs by swimming",
fJumpMoveBase = "Forward jumping distance",
fJumpMoveMult = "Forward jumping distance multiplier",
fMaxWalkSpeed = "Maximum walking speed",
fMinWalkSpeed = "Minimum walking speed",
fMaxWalkSpeedCreature = "Maximum walking speed for creatures",
fMinWalkSpeedCreature = "Minimum walking speed for creatures",
fWeaponFatigueMult = "Fatigue drain from attacking"
local config = mwse.loadConfig(modConfig, defaultConfig)
-- sometimes the config values end up as strings, probably because of MCM text fields?
-- this ensures the value is of the right type
-- a bit extra, but could be future boilerplate so whatever
local function getValueOfRightTypeForGMST(value, gmst)
local t = gmst:lower():sub(1, 1)
if t == "f" or t == "i" then
return tonumber(value)
elseif t == "s" then
return tostring(value)
return value
local function applyChanges(showMessage)
for gmst, value in pairs(config.gmst) do
tes3.findGMST(tes3.gmst[gmst]).value = getValueOfRightTypeForGMST(value, gmst)
mwse.log("[%s] %s set to %s", modName, gmst, tes3.findGMST(tes3.gmst[gmst]).value)
if showMessage then tes3.messageBox("Changes applied!") end
local function onInitialized() applyChanges(false) end
local function configMenu()
local template = mwse.mcm.createTemplate(modName)
template:saveOnClose(modConfig, config)
local page = template:createSideBarPage({
label = "Sidebar Page???",
description = string.format("%s by %s, MWSE version by %s\n\n%s", modName, modAuthor, codeAuthor, modInfo)
local category = page:createCategory(modName)
-- Create text fields for each GMST in the config
for gmst, _ in pairs(config.gmst) do
label = gmst,
description = string.format("Sets value of %s (%s) (Vanilla value: %s, default value: %s)", gmst,
vanilla.descriptions[gmst], vanilla.values[gmst], defaultConfig.gmst[gmst]),
restartRequired = true,
restartRequiredMessage = "Restart the game or click the apply button to apply the changes.",
numbersOnly = true,
variable = mwse.mcm.createTableVariable({id = gmst, table = config.gmst})
category:createButton({buttonText = "Apply", callback = applyChanges})
return template
event.register("modConfigReady", function() mwse.mcm.register(configMenu()) end)
event.register("initialized", onInitialized)
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