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Created June 14, 2018 13:55
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I've started picking up steam, I have a regular contributor etc. (more
forks and watchers).
We are now seriously aiming for a Vulkan backend and an Android build
(x86 and ARM).
Main problem is that in this whole rush do develop Vulkan, we're running
out of hours in a day to put the right care into various auxillary
aspects of the project.
So we'd benefit from one or two (I wouldn't mind more ;) ) people who
are keen learners who would love to learn a bit of High Performance
Computing, encompassing SIMD optimization, GLSL Compute Shaders and the
Vulkan API.
I'm not expecting MT has many GPU programming experts familiar with the
above, I'm looking more for enthusiasts who are comfortable with C++11
concurrency and the concept of custom memory allocators.
So I thought to ask you if could again look around the MT community?
I think this might be relevant to your project as what's happening in
the Irrlicht SVN is not what I'd call "active development" and Irrlicht
1.9 is pretty much vaporware (1.8 was released in 2012, the rest were
bugfix releases).
Aaaand Apple deprecated OpenGL in favour of Metal (which can have Vulkan
running over it with MoltenVK).
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