// Arduino PWM-based returnless fuel pressure regulator. |
// Copyright 2021 Jason Pepas. |
// Released under the terms of the MIT License, see https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT |
#include <stdint.h> |
typedef int pin_t; // an Arduino pin number. |
typedef int adc_t; // an Arduino 10-bit ADC value (0-1023). |
typedef int pwm_t; // an Arduino PWM output value (0-255). |
typedef int psi_t; // Pounds per square inch. |
// Pin assignments: |
pin_t g_transducerPin = 0; |
pin_t g_pumpPin = 1; |
pin_t g_errorLEDPin = 2; |
// Global state. These are initialized in setup(). |
adc_t g_targetPressureADC; |
pwm_t g_pumpPWM; |
void die() { |
while(1) { |
digitalWrite(g_errorLEDPin, HIGH); |
} |
} |
uint8_t shiftValueFor(uint8_t oversample) { |
switch (oversample) { |
case 2: return 1; |
case 4: return 2; |
case 8: return 3; |
case 16: return 4; |
case 32: return 5; |
case 64: return 6; |
default: die(); |
} |
} |
adc_t readFuelPressure(pin_t sensorPin) { |
// Note: arduino analogRead takes about 100us (10kHz) according to |
// http://yaab-arduino.blogspot.com/2015/02/fast-sampling-from-analog-input.html |
// An oversample rate of 64x fits 10-bit values neatly into a 16-bit unsigned accumulator, at about 150Hz. |
// Arduino PWM is typically 490Hz, so we will spit out at least three pulses before changing PWM value. |
uint8_t oversample = 64; |
uint16_t accumulator = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i < oversample; i++) { |
int reading = analogRead(sensorPin); |
accumulator += reading; |
} |
accumulator = accumulator >> shiftValueFor(oversample); |
return (adc_t)accumulator; |
} |
int clamped(int value, int minimum, int maximum) { |
if (value < minimum) { |
return minimum; |
} else if (value > maximum) { |
return maximum; |
} else { |
return value; |
} |
} |
pwm_t calculatePumpPWM(pwm_t currentPWM, adc_t currentPressureADC, adc_t targetPressureADC) { |
pwm_t minimumPWM = 0; |
pwm_t maximumPWM = 255; |
adc_t pressureEStopADC = 600; |
if (currentPressureADC >= pressureEStopADC) { |
return 0; |
} else if ((currentPressureADC < targetPressureADC) && (currentPWM < maximumPWM)) { |
int delta = (targetPressureADC - currentPressureADC) > 1; |
pwm_t newPWM = currentPWM + delta; |
return clamped(newPWM, minimumPWM, maximumPWM); |
} else if ((currentPressureADC > targetPressureADC) && (currentPWM > minimumPWM)) { |
int delta = (currentPressureADC - targetPressureADC) > 1; |
pwm_t newPWM = currentPWM - delta; |
return clamped(newPWM, minimumPWM, maximumPWM); |
} else { |
return clamped(currentPWM, minimumPWM, maximumPWM); |
} |
} |
adc_t calculateTargetPressureADC(psi_t targetPSI) { |
float transducerScaleMin = 0.5; |
float transducerScaleMax = 4.5; |
float transducerFullScalePSI = 100; |
float targetPressureADC = ((transducerScaleMax - transducerScaleMin) / transducerFullScalePSI) * targetPSI; |
return (adc_t)targetPressureADC; |
} |
void setup() { |
g_transducerPin = 0; |
g_pumpPin = 1; |
g_pumpPWM = 0; |
psi_t targetPressurePSI = 45; |
g_targetPressureADC = calculateTargetPressureADC(targetPressurePSI); |
} |
void loop() { |
adc_t currentPressureADC = readFuelPressure(g_transducerPin); |
pwm_t pwm = calculatePumpPWM(g_pumpPWM, currentPressureADC, g_targetPressureADC); |
analogWrite(g_pumpPin, pwm); |
} |