#!/usr/bin/env python |
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- |
# cy.py: a traspiler for an alternate syntax for C. |
# Note: this is an incomplete work-in-progress. |
# Data structures: |
# A token is a tuple. |
# First element is a string 'token'. |
# Second element is a string which is the token type (e.g. 'OBRACKET'). |
# Third element is a string which is the source text of the token (e.g. '['). |
# e.g. ('token', 'OBRACKET', '[') |
# e.g. ('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'foo') |
# e.g. ('token', 'S', ' ') |
# An AST node is a tuple. |
# First element is a string 'ast'. |
# Second element is a string which is the AST node type (e.g. 'vardecl'). |
# Third element is an array which are the child tuples (AST nodes or tokens). |
# e.g. ('ast', 'type', [('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'int')]) |
# Grammar: |
# |
# program = statement { statement } |
# |
# statement = ( lstatement NL ) | bstatement | include | define | comment | blankline |
# lstatement = declassign | assign | vardecl | funcall | return | BREAK | CONTINUE |
# bstatement = fundecl | if | while | for | struct | scope |
# include = INCLUDE NL |
# define = DEFINE NL |
# comment = [S] ( LCOMMENT | BCOMMENT ) NL |
# blankline = [S] NL |
# |
# declassign = vardecl S EQ S rvalue |
# assign = lvalue S aoperator S rvalue |
# lvalue = unary | dotted | arrowed | indexed | IDENTIFIER |
# | EQ |
# vardecl = IDENTIFIER COLON S type |
# return = RETURN [ S rvalue ] |
# funcall = IDENTIFIER OPAREN [ rvalue { COMMA S rvalue } ] CPAREN |
# |
# fundecl = FUNC S IDENTIFIER fundeclargs [ fundeclret ] scope |
# fundeclargs = OPAREN [ vardecl { COMMA S vardecl } ] CPAREN |
# fundeclret = S ARROW S type |
# if = IF S rvalue scope { elif } [else] |
# elif = ELIF S rvalue scope |
# else = ELSE scope |
# while = WHILE S rvalue scope |
# for = FOR S [lstatement] SEMICOLON S rvalue SEMICOLON S lstatement scope |
# scope = COLON NL INDENT statement { statement } DEDENT |
# struct = STRUCT S IDENFITIER structscope |
# structscope = COLON NL INDENT vardecl NL { vardecl NL } DEDENT |
# |
# rvalue = funcall | binary | unary | dotted | arrowed | indexed | type | IDENTIFIER |
# binary = OPAREN rvalue S boperator S rvalue CPAREN |
# unary = uoperator OPAREN rvalue CPAREN |
# uoperator = MINUS | AMP | STAR | BANG | TILDE |
# type = POINTER LT type GT |
# | ARRAY LT type GT |
# | FUNCTION LT type GT |
# ws = (S | NL) { (S | NL) } |
# The above EBNF notation is: |
# - lowercase are AST nodes |
# - ALLCAPS are tokens (terminals) |
# - Concatenation: rule1 = rule2 rule3 rule4 |
# - Alternation: rule1 = rule2 | rule3 | rule4 |
# - Repetition: rule1 = rule2 { rule3 } |
# - Grouping: rule1 = (rule2 rule3) | rule4 |
# Token data structure utils: |
def is_token(token): |
"""Returns whether the arg is a token.""" |
return isinstance(token, tuple) and len(token) > 0 and token[0] == 'token' |
def token_type(token): |
"""Returns the type of the token (e.g. 'IDENTIFIER').""" |
assert is_token(token) |
return token[1] |
def token_text(token): |
"""Returns the source text of the token (e.g. 'foo' for a 'IDENTIFIER' token).""" |
assert is_token(token) |
return token[2] |
def is_toktype(token, toktype): |
""" |
Returns whether the token is of the given type. |
_toktype_ is e.g. 'IDENTIFIER', 'COLON', etc. |
""" |
return is_token(token) and token_type(token) == toktype |
# Tokenizer implementation: |
def tokenize(tokendefs, keyword_map, input, indent=0): |
"""Uses tokendefs to tokenize the 'input' string and return a list of tokens""" |
tokens = [] |
offset = 0 |
previous = None |
while offset < len(input): |
for (token_name, regex) in tokendefs: |
m = regex.match(input, offset) |
if m is not None: |
matched_text = m.group(0) |
offset += len(matched_text) |
token = ('token', token_name, matched_text) |
# special-case: distinguish keywords from identifiers |
token = keyword_specialcases(token, keyword_map) |
# special-case: implement "offside-rule" |
(tokens2, indent) = offside_rule(token, previous, indent) |
tokens += tokens2 |
previous = token |
break |
else: |
raise Exception("Couldn't tokenize starting at '%s...'" % input[offset:offset+16]) |
# special-case: add any needed implicit trailing DEDENT tokens |
while indent > 0: |
tokens.append(('token', 'DEDENT', '')) |
indent -= 1 |
return tokens |
def offside_rule(token, previous, indent_level): |
""" |
Implement the "offside rule" indentation-based scoping mechanism. |
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off-side_rule |
Args: |
- token: the current token |
- previous: the previous token |
- indent_level: the indent level before encounting this token |
Returns a list of replacement tokens and the new indentation level. |
If the previous token was a NL and the indentation level has changed, |
inject INDENT or DEDENT tokens as needed. |
Otherwise, return the token unmodified. |
Big-picture example: the token stream |
should become |
""" |
def get_indent_level(text): |
""" |
Determine the indentation level of the text. |
TODO: this implementation is pretty naive. |
""" |
indentation = text.split('\n')[-1] |
assert len(indentation) % INDENT_UNIT == 0 |
return len(indentation) / INDENT_UNIT |
assert is_token(token) |
if previous is None: |
return ([token], indent_level) |
assert is_token(previous) |
if not is_toktype(previous, 'NL'): |
return ([token], indent_level) |
tokens = [] |
if is_toktype(token, 'S'): |
text = token_text(token) |
new_level = get_indent_level(text) |
else: |
new_level = 0 |
for _ in range(new_level - indent_level): |
tokens.append(('token', 'INDENT', ' ')) |
for _ in range(indent_level - new_level): |
tokens.append(('token', 'DEDENT', '')) |
if not is_toktype(token, 'S'): |
tokens.append(token) |
return (tokens, new_level) |
def keyword_specialcases(token, keyword_map): |
""" |
Add a special-case which turns IDENTIFIER tokens into keyword tokens. |
e.g.: |
- 'array' changes from an IDENTIFIER token to an ARRAY token. |
- 'true' changes from an IDENTIFIER token to a BOOLLIT token. |
""" |
if is_toktype(token, 'IDENTIFIER'): |
text = token_text(token) |
if text in keyword_map.keys(): |
toktype = keyword_map[text] |
return ('token', toktype, text) |
return token |
def load_tokendefs(fpath): |
""" |
Load the token definitions from the file at fpath. |
Returns a list of tuples of the form (<token type>, <compiled regex>). |
The format of the tokendefs file should be pairs of lines: |
- a line which is the token type (e.g. 'IDENTIFIER', 'OBRACKET', etc), |
- followed by a line which is the regex which recognizes that token. |
Example tokendefs.txt: |
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]* |
\( |
) |
""" |
import re |
tokendefs = [] |
with open(fpath) as f: |
for line in f: |
token_name = line.rstrip('\n') |
pattern = f.next().rstrip('\n') |
regex = re.compile(pattern) |
tokendef = (token_name, regex) |
tokendefs.append(tokendef) |
return tokendefs |
def load_keywords(fpath): |
""" |
Load the keyword definitions from the file at the path. |
Returns a dict which maps keywords to toktypes. |
The format of the keywords file should be pairs of lines: |
- a keywork (e.g. 'true'), |
- followed by a line which is the toktype of that keyword (e.g. 'BOOLLIT'). |
Example keywords.txt file: |
true |
false |
array |
return |
""" |
keyword_map = {} |
with open(fpath) as f: |
for line in f: |
keyword = line.rstrip('\n') |
toktype = f.next().rstrip('\n') |
keyword_map[keyword] = toktype |
return keyword_map |
# AST node data structure utils: |
def is_ast(ast): |
"""Returns whether the arg is an AST node.""" |
return isinstance(ast, tuple) and len(ast) > 0 and ast[0] == 'ast' |
def ast_type(ast): |
"""Returns the type of the AST (e.g. 'vardecl', 'statement', etc.)""" |
assert is_ast(ast) |
return ast[1] |
def is_asttype(ast, atype): |
""" |
Returns whether the AST node is of the given type. |
atype is e.g. 'vardecl', 'statement', etc. |
""" |
return is_ast(ast) and ast_type(ast) == atype |
def ast_children(ast): |
"""Return the child nodes of the given AST.""" |
assert is_ast(ast) |
return ast[2] |
# Parser helpers: |
# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_form#Table_of_symbols |
def alternation(tokens, funcs): |
"""Try each of the parsing functions until one succeeds.""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
for f in funcs: |
(ast, tokens) = f(tokens) |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
return failure |
def concatenation(tokens, funcs): |
""" |
All of the parsing functions must succeed as a whole. |
Returns (<array of AST's>, <remaining tokens>). |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
asts = [] |
for f in funcs: |
(ast, tokens) = f(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
asts.append(ast) |
return (asts, tokens) |
# Parsing functions: |
# Note: all parse_x functions share a similar format: |
# - Their first argument is the list of tokens. |
# - They return a tuple of (<parsed result>, <remaining tokens>). |
# - <parsed result> is either an AST node or a token (a terminal). |
# - <remaining tokens> is the list of unconsumed tokens. |
# - If the parse fails, (None, <tokens>) is returned, where <tokens> |
# is the list of tokens which was passed in. |
def parse(tokens): |
"""Attempts to parse the tokens into an AST.""" |
(ast, tokens) = parse_program(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
raise Exception("Couldn't parse starting at %s" % tokens[:8]) |
if len(tokens) > 0: |
raise Exception("Leftover tokens: %s" % tokens) |
return ast |
def parse_program(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a program. |
Grammar: |
program = statement { statement } |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
statement_asts = [] |
(ast, tokens) = parse_statement(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
statement_asts.append(ast) |
while True: |
(ast, tokens) = parse_statement(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
break |
statement_asts.append(ast) |
ast = ('ast', 'program', statement_asts) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_statement(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a statement. |
Grammar: |
statement = ( lstatement NL ) | bstatement | include | define | comment | blankline |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_lstatement, |
parse_NL |
]) |
if asts is not None: |
lstatement_ast = asts[0] |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [lstatement_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(bstatement_ast, tokens) = parse_bstatement(tokens) |
if bstatement_ast is not None: |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [bstatement_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(include_ast, tokens) = parse_include(tokens) |
if include_ast is not None: |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [include_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(define_ast, tokens) = parse_define(tokens) |
if define_ast is not None: |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [define_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(comment_ast, tokens) = parse_comment(tokens) |
if comment_ast is not None: |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [comment_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(blank_ast, tokens) = parse_blankline(tokens) |
if blank_ast is not None: |
ast = ('ast', 'statement', [blank_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
return failure |
def parse_lstatement(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a "line" statement. |
Grammar: |
lstatement = declassign | assign | vardecl | funcall | return | BREAK | CONTINUE |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_declassign, |
parse_assign, |
parse_vardecl, |
parse_funcall, |
parse_return, |
parse_BREAK, |
parse_CONTINUE |
]) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
statement_ast = ('ast', 'lstatement', [ast]) |
return (statement_ast, tokens) |
def parse_bstatement(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a "block" statement. |
Grammar: |
bstatement = fundecl | if | while | for | struct | scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_fundecl, |
parse_if, |
parse_while, |
parse_for, |
parse_struct, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
statement_ast = ('ast', 'bstatement', [ast]) |
return (statement_ast, tokens) |
def parse_include(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an include statement. |
Grammar: |
include = INCLUDE NL |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(include_token, tokens) = parse_INCLUDE(tokens) |
if include_token is None: |
return failure |
(nl_ast, tokens) = parse_NL(tokens) |
if nl_ast is None: |
return failure |
if nl_ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'include', [include_token]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_define(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an define statement. |
Grammar: |
define = DEFINE NL |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(define_token, tokens) = parse_DEFINE(tokens) |
if define_token is None: |
return failure |
(nl_ast, tokens) = parse_NL(tokens) |
if nl_ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'define', [define_token]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_comment(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a (line or block-level) comment. |
Grammar: |
comment = [S] ( LCOMMENT | BCOMMENT ) NL |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_S(tokens) |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_LCOMMENT, |
parse_BCOMMENT |
]) |
if token is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'comment', [token]) |
(nl_ast, tokens) = parse_NL(tokens) |
if nl_ast is None: |
return failure |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_blankline(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a blank line. |
Grammar: |
blankline = [S] NL |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(_, tokens) = parse_S(tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_NL(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'blankline', []) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_declassign(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a declaration-assignment statement. |
Grammar: |
declassign = vardecl S EQ S rvalue |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_vardecl, |
parse_S, |
parse_EQ, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
vardecl_ast = asts[0] |
expr_ast = asts[4] |
ast = ('ast', 'declassign', [vardecl_ast, expr_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_assign(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an assignment statement. |
Grammar: |
assign = lvalue S aoperator S rvalue |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_lvalue, |
parse_S, |
parse_aoperator, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
lvalue_ast = asts[0] |
op_ast = asts[2] |
expr_ast = asts[4] |
ast = ('ast', 'assign', [lvalue_ast, op_ast, expr_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_lvalue(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an lvalue (the left-hand side of an assignment statement). |
Grammar: |
lvalue = unary | dotted | arrowed | indexed | IDENTIFIER |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_unary, |
parse_dotted, |
parse_arrowed, |
parse_indexed, |
]) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
ret = ('ast', 'lvalue', [ast]) |
return (ret, tokens) |
def parse_aoperator(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an assignment operator. |
Grammar: |
| EQ |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_PLUSEQ, |
parse_MINUSEQ, |
parse_STAREQ, |
parse_SLASHEQ, |
parse_PERCENTEQ, |
parse_AMPEQ, |
parse_PIPEEQ, |
parse_CARATEQ, |
parse_LTLTEQ, |
parse_GTGTEQ, |
parse_EQ |
]) |
if token is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'aoperator', [token]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_vardecl(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a vardecl AST node. |
Grammar: |
vardecl = IDENTIFIER COLON S type |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_COLON, |
parse_S, |
parse_type |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifier_token = asts[0] |
type_ast = asts[3] |
vardecl_ast = ('ast', 'vardecl', [identifier_token, type_ast]) |
return (vardecl_ast, tokens) |
def parse_return(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a return statement. |
Grammar: |
return = RETURN [ S rvalue ] |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_terminal(tokens, 'RETURN') |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
return_ast = ('ast', 'return', []) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue |
]) |
if asts is not None: |
expr_ast = asts[1] |
return_ast = ('ast', 'return', [expr_ast]) |
return (return_ast, tokens) |
def parse_funcall(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a funcion call. |
Grammar: |
funcall = IDENTIFIER OPAREN [ rvalue { COMMA S rvalue } ] CPAREN |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
def list_of_exprs(tokens): |
""" |
Grammar: rvalue { COMMA S rvalue } |
Returns (<list of exprs>, <remaining tokens>) |
""" |
exprs = [] |
(expr_ast, tokens) = parse_rvalue(tokens) |
if expr_ast is None: |
return (exprs, tokens) |
exprs.append(expr_ast) |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_COMMA, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
expr_ast = asts[2] |
exprs.append(expr_ast) |
return (exprs, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_OPAREN |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifier_token = asts[0] |
(exprs, tokens) = list_of_exprs(tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_CPAREN(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
funcall_ast = ('ast', 'funcall', [identifier_token] + exprs) |
return (funcall_ast, tokens) |
# fundecl examples: |
# func f(): |
# func f(a: int): |
# func f() -> int: |
# func f(a: int) -> int: |
# func f(a: int, b: int): |
# func f(a: int, b: int) -> int: |
def parse_fundecl(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a function declaration. |
Grammar: |
fundecl = FUNC S IDENTIFIER fundeclargs [ fundeclret ] scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_FUNC, |
parse_S, |
parse_fundeclargs |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifier_token = asts[2] |
args_ast = asts[3] |
(ret_ast, tokens) = parse_fundeclret(tokens) |
(scope_ast, tokens) = parse_scope(tokens) |
if scope_ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'fundecl', [identifier_token, args_ast, ret_ast, scope_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_fundeclargs(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a list of function declaration arguments. |
Grammar: |
fundeclargs = OPAREN [ vardecl { COMMA S vardecl } ] CPAREN |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
def list_of_args(tokens): |
""" |
Grammar: vardecl { COMMA S vardecl } |
Returns (<list of args>, <remaining tokens>) |
""" |
args = [] |
(vardecl_ast, tokens) = parse_vardecl(tokens) |
if vardecl_ast is None: |
return (args, tokens) |
args.append(vardecl_ast) |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_COMMA, |
parse_S, |
parse_vardecl |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
vardecl_ast = asts[2] |
args.append(vardecl_ast) |
return (args, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_OPAREN(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
(args, tokens) = list_of_args(tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_CPAREN(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'fundeclargs', args) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_fundeclret(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a function declaration return value. |
Grammar: |
fundeclret = S ARROW S type |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_S, |
parse_ARROW, |
parse_S, |
parse_type |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
type_ast = asts[3] |
ast = ('ast', 'fundeclret', [type_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_if(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an if statement. |
Grammar: |
if = IF S rvalue scope { elif } [else] |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
def parse_elif(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an elif statement. |
Grammar: |
elif = ELIF S rvalue scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_ELIF, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'elif', [asts[2], asts[3]]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_else(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an else statement. |
Grammar: |
else = ELSE scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_ELSE, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'else', [asts[1]]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_IF, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
sub_asts = [asts[2], asts[3]] |
elifs = [] |
while True: |
(ast, tokens) = parse_elif(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
break |
elifs.append(ast) |
sub_asts += elifs |
(else_ast, tokens) = parse_else(tokens) |
if else_ast is not None: |
sub_asts.append(else_ast) |
if_ast = ('ast', 'if', sub_asts) |
return (if_ast, tokens) |
def parse_while(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a while statement. |
Grammar: |
while = WHILE S rvalue scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_WHILE, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
expr_ast = asts[2] |
scope_ast = asts[3] |
ast = ('ast', 'while', [expr_ast, scope_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_for(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a for statement. |
Grammar: |
for = FOR S [lstatement] SEMICOLON S rvalue SEMICOLON S lstatement scope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_FOR, |
parse_S |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
(lstatement1_ast, tokens) = parse_lstatement(tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_SEMICOLON, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_SEMICOLON, |
parse_S, |
parse_lstatement, |
parse_scope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
expr2_ast = asts[2] |
lstatement3_ast = asts[5] |
scope_ast = asts[6] |
ast = ('ast', 'for', [lstatement1_ast, expr2_ast, lstatement3_ast, scope_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_scope(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a scoped sequence of statements. |
Grammar: |
scope = COLON NL INDENT statement { statement } DEDENT |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
statements = [] |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_COLON, |
parse_NL, |
parse_INDENT, |
parse_statement |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
statements.append(asts[3]) |
while True: |
(ast, tokens) = parse_statement(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
break |
statements.append(ast) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_DEDENT(tokens) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'scope', statements) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_struct(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a struct. |
Grammar: |
struct = STRUCT S IDENFITIER structscope |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
def parse_structscope(tokens): |
""" |
Grammar: |
structscope = COLON NL INDENT vardecl NL { vardecl NL } DEDENT |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_COLON, |
parse_NL, |
parse_INDENT, |
parse_vardecl, |
parse_NL |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
vardecls = [asts[3]] |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_vardecl, |
parse_NL |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
vardecls.append(asts[0]) |
(dedent, tokens) = parse_DEDENT(tokens) |
if dedent is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'structscope', vardecls) |
return (ast, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_STRUCT, |
parse_S, |
parse_structscope |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifier_token = asts[2] |
scope_ast = asts[3] |
ast = ('ast', 'struct', [identifier_token, scope_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_rvalue(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an rvalue (the right-hand side of an assignment statement). |
I.e. an expression which result in a value. |
Grammar: |
rvalue = funcall | binary | unary | dotted | arrowed | indexed | type | IDENTIFIER |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_funcall, |
parse_binary, |
parse_unary, |
parse_dotted, |
parse_arrowed, |
parse_indexed, |
parse_type, |
parse_INTLIT, |
parse_FLOATLIT, |
parse_STRINGLIT, |
parse_BOOLLIT |
]) |
if ast is None: |
return failure |
expr_ast = ('ast', 'rvalue', [ast]) |
return (expr_ast, tokens) |
def parse_binary(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a binary expression. |
Grammar: |
binary = OPAREN rvalue S boperator S expr CPAREN |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_OPAREN, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_S, |
parse_boperator, |
parse_S, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_CPAREN |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
expr1 = asts[1] |
op = asts[3] |
expr2 = asts[5] |
ast = ('ast', 'binary', [expr1, op, expr2]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_boperator(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a binary operator. |
Grammar: |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_LTLT, |
parse_GTGT, |
parse_LTEQ, |
parse_GTEQ, |
parse_EQEQ, |
parse_BANGEQ, |
parse_AMPAMP, |
parse_BARBAR, |
parse_PLUS, |
parse_MINUS, |
parse_STAR, |
parse_SLASH, |
parse_PERCENT, |
parse_LT, |
parse_GT, |
parse_BANG, |
parse_AMP, |
parse_BAR, |
parse_TILDE, |
parse_CARAT |
]) |
if token is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'boperator', [token]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_unary(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a unary expression. |
Grammar: |
unary = uoperator OPAREN rvalue CPAREN |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_uoperator, |
parse_OPAREN, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_CPAREN |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
op = asts[0] |
expr = asts[2] |
ast = ('ast', 'unary', [op, expr]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_uoperator(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a unary operator. |
Grammar: |
uoperator = MINUS | AMP | STAR | BANG | TILDE |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_MINUS, |
parse_AMP, |
parse_STAR, |
parse_BANG, |
parse_TILDE |
]) |
if token is None: |
return failure |
ast = ('ast', 'uoperator', [token]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_dotted(tokens): |
""" |
Attempt to parse a member access (dot) expression. |
Grammar: |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_PERIOD, |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifiers = [asts[0], asts[2]] |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_PERIOD, |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
identifiers.append(asts[1]) |
ast = ('ast', 'dotted', identifiers) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_arrowed(tokens): |
""" |
Attempt to parse an arrow access (pointer) expression. |
Grammar: |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_ARROW, |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifiers = [asts[0], asts[2]] |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_ARROW, |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
identifiers.append(asts[1]) |
ast = ('ast', 'arrowed', identifiers) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_indexed(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse an indexed expression. |
Grammar: |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_OBRACKET, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_CBRACKET |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
subnodes = [asts[0], asts[2]] |
while True: |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_OBRACKET, |
parse_rvalue, |
parse_CBRACKET |
]) |
if asts is None: |
break |
subnodes.append(asts[1]) |
ast = ('ast', 'indexed', subnodes) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_type(tokens): |
""" |
Attemps to parse a type declaration. |
Grammar: |
type = POINTER LT type GT |
| ARRAY LT type GT |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
def parse_type1(tokens, toktype): |
""" |
Grammar fragments: |
ARRAY LT type GT |
'array<int>' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'ARRAY', 'array'), |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'int') |
]) |
]) |
'pointer<char>' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'POINTER', 'pointer'), |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'char') |
]) |
]) |
'array<pointer<char>>' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'ARRAY', 'array'), |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'POINTER', 'pointer'), |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'char') |
]) |
]) |
]) |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(identifier_token, tokens) = parse_terminal(tokens, toktype) |
if identifier_token is None: |
return failure |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_LT, |
parse_type, |
parse_GT |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
subtype_ast = asts[1] |
ast = ('ast', 'type', [identifier_token, subtype_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_type2(tokens): |
""" |
Grammar fragment: |
'array[8]<int>' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'ARRAY', 'array'), |
('token', 'INTLIT', '8'), |
('ast', 'type', [ |
('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'int') |
]) |
]) |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(asts, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [ |
parse_ARRAY, |
parse_OBRACKET, |
parse_INTLIT, |
parse_CBRACKET, |
parse_LT, |
parse_type, |
parse_GT |
]) |
if asts is None: |
return failure |
identifier_token = asts[0] |
intlit_token = asts[2] |
subtype_ast = asts[5] |
ast = ('ast', 'type', [identifier_token, intlit_token, subtype_ast]) |
return (ast, tokens) |
def parse_type3(tokens): |
""" |
Grammar fragment: |
'int' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'int')]) |
'char' becomes: |
('ast', 'type', [('token', 'IDENTIFIER', 'char')]) |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(identifier_token, tokens) = parse_terminal(tokens, 'IDENTIFIER') |
if identifier_token is None: |
return failure |
type_ast = ('ast', 'type', [identifier_token]) |
return (type_ast, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_type1(tokens, 'POINTER') |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_type1(tokens, 'ARRAY') |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_type1(tokens, 'FUNCTION') |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_type2(tokens) |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
(ast, tokens) = parse_type3(tokens) |
if ast is not None: |
return (ast, tokens) |
return failure |
def parse_ws(tokens): |
""" |
Attempts to parse any amount of whitespace. |
Grammar: |
ws = (S | NL) { (S | NL) } |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
subnodes = [] |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_S, |
parse_NL |
]) |
if token is None: |
return failure |
subnodes.append(token) |
while True: |
(token, tokens) = alternation(tokens, [ |
parse_S, |
parse_NL |
]) |
if token is None: |
break |
subnodes.append(token) |
ast = ('ast', 'ws', subnodes) |
return (ast, tokens) |
# Terminal parsing: parsing individual tokens. |
def parse_terminal(tokens, toktype): |
""" |
Attempts to parse a terminal node of type _toktype_. |
Note that the parsed result of a terminal is the token itself, not an AST node. |
""" |
failure = (None, tokens) |
if len(tokens) > 0 and is_toktype(tokens[0], toktype): |
return (tokens[0], tokens[1:]) |
else: |
return failure |
def parse_FUNC(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'FUNC') |
def parse_ARRAY(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'ARRAY') |
def parse_COMMA(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'COMMA') |
def parse_PERIOD(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PERIOD') |
def parse_ARROW(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'ARROW') |
def parse_IDENTIFIER(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'IDENTIFIER') |
def parse_COLON(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'COLON') |
def parse_SEMICOLON(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'SEMICOLON') |
def parse_INTLIT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'INTLIT') |
def parse_FLOATLIT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'FLOATLIT') |
def parse_STRINGLIT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'STRINGLIT') |
def parse_BOOLLIT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BOOLLIT') |
def parse_OPAREN(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'OPAREN') |
def parse_CPAREN(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'CPAREN') |
def parse_OBRACKET(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'OBRACKET') |
def parse_CBRACKET(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'CBRACKET') |
def parse_MINUS(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'MINUS') |
def parse_AMP(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'AMP') |
def parse_STAR(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'STAR') |
def parse_BANG(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BANG') |
def parse_PLUS(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PLUS') |
def parse_SLASH(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'SLASH') |
def parse_PERCENT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PERCENT') |
def parse_LT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'LT') |
def parse_LTEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'LTEQ') |
def parse_GT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'GT') |
def parse_GTEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'GTEQ') |
def parse_EQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'EQ') |
def parse_EQEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'EQEQ') |
def parse_BANGEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BANGEQ') |
def parse_AMPAMP(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'AMPAMP') |
def parse_BARBAR(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BARBAR') |
def parse_BAR(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BAR') |
def parse_LTLT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'LTLT') |
def parse_GTGT(tokens): |
# So, I'm not super happy about this, but here's why this has to be special-cased: |
# If we just treated this like all of the other tokenization and parsing functions, |
# we would have a token for '>>', and this would be a one-liner: |
# return parse_terminal(tokens, 'GTGT') |
# However, that would break `pointer<pointer<char>>`, because the last two |
# characters would be a single GTGT token, rathe than two separate GT tokens. |
# So we have to implement parse_GTGT by looking for two distinct GT tokens. |
failure = (None, tokens) |
(gt_tokens, tokens) = concatenation(tokens, [parse_GT, parse_GT]) |
if gt_tokens is None: |
return failure |
token = ('token', 'GTGT', '>>') |
return (token, tokens) |
def parse_GTGTEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'GTGTEQ') |
def parse_LTLTEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'LTLTEQ') |
def parse_TILDE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'TILDE') |
def parse_CARAT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'CARAT') |
def parse_PLUSEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PLUSEQ') |
def parse_MINUSEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'MINUSEQ') |
def parse_STAREQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'STAREQ') |
def parse_SLASHEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'SLASHEQ') |
def parse_PERCENTEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PERCENTEQ') |
def parse_AMPEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'AMPEQ') |
def parse_PIPEEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'PIPEEQ') |
def parse_CARATEQ(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'CARATEQ') |
def parse_INDENT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'INDENT') |
def parse_DEDENT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'DEDENT') |
def parse_IF(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'IF') |
def parse_ELIF(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'ELIF') |
def parse_ELSE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'ELSE') |
def parse_WHILE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'WHILE') |
def parse_FOR(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'FOR') |
def parse_BREAK(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BREAK') |
def parse_CONTINUE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'CONTINUE') |
def parse_NL(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'NL') |
def parse_S(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'S') |
def parse_LCOMMENT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'LCOMMENT') |
def parse_BCOMMENT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'BCOMMENT') |
def parse_INCLUDE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'INCLUDE') |
def parse_DEFINE(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'DEFINE') |
def parse_STRUCT(tokens): |
return parse_terminal(tokens, 'STRUCT') |
# Output generator implementation: |
# Note: all generate_x functions share a similar format: |
# - Their first argument is as AST. |
# - They return a string (of C code). |
# If the passed AST is valid, then errors are not possible. |
# Exceptions are thrown otherwise. |
def generate(ast): |
"""Generates C code from the given AST.""" |
return generate_program(ast) |
def generate_program(ast): |
"""Generates a C program.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'program') |
outputs = [] |
for statement_ast in ast_children(ast): |
statement = generate_statement(statement_ast) |
outputs.append(statement) |
output = '\n'.join(outputs) |
if not output.endswith('\n'): |
output += '\n' # always include a trailing newline. |
return output |
def generate_statement(ast): |
"""Generates a C statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'statement') |
sub_ast = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_ast(sub_ast) |
if is_asttype(sub_ast, 'lstatement'): |
return generate_lstatement(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'bstatement'): |
return generate_bstatement(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'include'): |
return generate_include(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'define'): |
return generate_define(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'comment'): |
return generate_comment(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'blankline'): |
return generate_blankline(sub_ast) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_statement: don't know how to generate %s" % str(sub_ast)) |
def generate_bstatement(ast): |
"""Generates a C "block" statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'bstatement') |
sub_ast = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_ast(sub_ast) |
if is_asttype(sub_ast, 'fundecl'): |
return generate_fundecl(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'if'): |
return generate_if(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'while'): |
return generate_while(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'for'): |
return generate_for(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'struct'): |
return generate_struct(sub_ast) |
elif is_asttype(sub_ast, 'scope'): |
return generate_scope(sub_ast) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_bstatement: don't know how to generate %s" % str(sub_ast)) |
def generate_lstatement(ast): |
"""Generates a C "line" statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'lstatement') |
subnode = ast_children(ast)[0] |
if is_asttype(subnode, 'declassign'): |
return generate_declassign(subnode) |
elif is_asttype(subnode, 'assign'): |
return generate_assign(subnode) |
elif is_asttype(subnode, 'vardecl'): |
return generate_vardecl(subnode) + ';' |
elif is_asttype(subnode, 'funcall'): |
return generate_funcall(subnode) + ';' |
elif is_asttype(subnode, 'return'): |
return generate_return(subnode) |
elif is_toktype(subnode, 'BREAK'): |
return "break;" |
elif is_toktype(subnode, 'CONTINUE'): |
return "continue;" |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_lstatement: don't know how to generate %s" % str(subnode)) |
def generate_blankline(ast): |
"""Generates a blank line.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'blankline') |
return "" |
def generate_comment(ast): |
"""Generates a C (line or block-level) comment.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'comment') |
comment_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(comment_token, 'LCOMMENT') or is_toktype(comment_token, 'BCOMMENT') |
return token_text(comment_token) |
def generate_include(ast): |
"""Generates a C include statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'include') |
include_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(include_token, 'INCLUDE') |
return token_text(include_token) |
def generate_define(ast): |
"""Generate a C define statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'define') |
define_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(define_token, 'DEFINE') |
return token_text(define_token) |
def generate_declassign(ast): |
"""Generates a C declaration-assignment statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'declassign') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
vardecl_ast = children[0] |
vardecl = generate_vardecl(vardecl_ast) |
expr_ast = children[1] |
expr = generate_rvalue(expr_ast) |
return "%s = %s;" % (vardecl, expr) |
def generate_assign(ast): |
"""Generates a C assignment statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'assign') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
lvalue_ast = children[0] |
lvalue = generate_lvalue(lvalue_ast) |
op_ast = children[1] |
assert is_asttype(op_ast, 'aoperator') |
op_token = ast_children(op_ast)[0] |
assert is_token(op_token) |
op = token_text(op_token) |
expr_ast = children[2] |
expr = generate_rvalue(expr_ast) |
return "%s %s %s;" % (lvalue, op, expr) |
def generate_lvalue(ast): |
"""Generates a C lvalue expression.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'lvalue') |
child = ast_children(ast)[0] |
if is_asttype(child, 'unary'): |
return generate_unary(child) |
if is_asttype(child, 'dotted'): |
return generate_dotted(child) |
if is_asttype(child, 'arrowed'): |
return generate_arrowed(child) |
if is_asttype(child, 'indexed'): |
return generate_indexed(child) |
elif is_toktype(child, 'IDENTIFIER'): |
return token_text(child) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_lvalue: don't know how to generate %s" % str(ast)) |
def generate_vardecl(ast): |
""" |
Generates a C variable declaration. |
Note: we don't append the trailing ';' here because this is also used for function args. |
""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'vardecl') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
identifier_token = children[0] |
assert is_toktype(identifier_token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
var_name = token_text(identifier_token) |
type_ast = children[1] |
# e.g. 'int a', 'char* b', 'int c[8]', 'char** d', 'int* d[3]', etc. |
return "%s" % generate_type(type_ast, var_name) |
def generate_funcall(ast): |
"""Generates a C function call.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'funcall') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
identifier_token = children[0] |
assert is_toktype(identifier_token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
identifier = token_text(identifier_token) |
exprs = [generate_rvalue(a) for a in children[1:]] |
return "%s(%s)" % (identifier, ", ".join(exprs)) |
def generate_return(ast): |
"""Generates a C return statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'return') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
if len(children) == 0: |
return "return;" |
else: |
expr_ast = children[0] |
return "return %s;" % generate_rvalue(expr_ast) |
def generate_fundecl(ast): |
"""Generates a C function declaration.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'fundecl') |
identifier_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(identifier_token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
identifier = token_text(identifier_token) |
fundeclargs_ast = ast_children(ast)[1] |
assert is_asttype(fundeclargs_ast, 'fundeclargs') |
arg_asts = ast_children(fundeclargs_ast) |
args = [] |
for vardecl_ast in arg_asts: |
arg = generate_vardecl(vardecl_ast) |
args.append(arg) |
args_output = ", ".join(args) |
fundeclret_ast = ast_children(ast)[2] |
if fundeclret_ast is None: |
ret = "void" |
else: |
ret_ast = ast_children(fundeclret_ast)[0] |
ret = generate_type(ret_ast) |
scope_ast = ast_children(ast)[3] |
scope = generate_scope(scope_ast) |
output = "%s %s(%s) %s" % (ret, identifier, args_output, scope) |
return output |
def generate_if(ast): |
"""Generates a C if statement""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'if') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
predicate_ast = children[0] |
predicate = generate_rvalue(predicate_ast) |
output = "if (%s) " % (predicate) |
scope_ast = children[1] |
output += generate_scope(scope_ast) |
for ast in children[2:]: |
assert is_ast(ast) |
if ast_type(ast) == 'elif': |
elif_children = ast_children(ast) |
predicate_ast = elif_children[0] |
predicate = generate_rvalue(predicate_ast) |
output += " else if (%s) " % (predicate) |
scope_ast = elif_children[1] |
output += generate_scope(scope_ast) |
elif ast_type(ast) == 'else': |
else_children = ast_children(ast) |
scope_ast = else_children[0] |
output += " else " + generate_scope(scope_ast) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_if: unexpected AST type %s" % ast_type(ast)) |
return output |
def generate_while(ast): |
"""Generates a C while statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'while') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
expr_ast = children[0] |
expr = generate_rvalue(expr_ast) |
scope_ast = children[1] |
scope = generate_scope(scope_ast) |
output = "while (%s) %s" % (expr, scope) |
return output |
def generate_for(ast): |
"""Generates a C for statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'for') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
output = "for (" |
lstatement_ast = children[0] |
if lstatement_ast is not None: |
output += generate_lstatement(lstatement_ast) |
output += " " |
expr2_ast = children[1] |
output += generate_rvalue(expr2_ast) + "; " |
lstatement3_ast = children[2] |
output += generate_lstatement(lstatement3_ast) |
if output.endswith(';'): |
# the third clause in a for-loop doesn't need a semicolon. |
output = output[:-1] |
output += ") " |
scope_ast = children[3] |
output += generate_scope(scope_ast) |
return output |
def generate_struct(ast): |
"""Generates a C struct declaration.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'struct') |
identifier_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(identifier_token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
identifier = token_text(identifier_token) |
output = "typedef struct _struct_%s %s;\n" % (identifier, identifier) |
output += "struct _struct_%s {\n" % (identifier) |
scope_ast = ast_children(ast)[1] |
assert is_asttype(scope_ast, 'structscope') |
vardecl_asts = ast_children(scope_ast) |
for ast in vardecl_asts: |
output += " " + generate_vardecl(ast) + ";\n" |
output += "};" |
return output |
def generate_scope(ast): |
"""Generates a C scope.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'scope') |
output = "{" |
for statement_ast in ast_children(ast): |
statement = generate_statement(statement_ast) |
output += ("\n" + indent_text(statement)) |
line = "\n}" |
output += line |
return output |
def generate_rvalue(ast): |
"""Generates a C rvalue expression.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'rvalue') |
child = ast_children(ast)[0] |
if is_ast(child): |
if is_asttype(child, 'funcall'): |
return generate_funcall(child) |
if is_asttype(child, 'binary'): |
return generate_binary(child) |
elif is_asttype(child, 'unary'): |
return generate_unary(child) |
elif is_asttype(child, 'dotted'): |
return generate_dotted(child) |
elif is_asttype(child, 'arrowed'): |
return generate_arrowed(child) |
elif is_asttype(child, 'indexed'): |
return generate_indexed(child) |
elif is_asttype(child, 'type'): |
return generate_type(child) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_rvalue: unexpcted ast %s" % str(ast)) |
elif is_token(child): |
token = child |
if is_toktype(token, 'INTLIT') \ |
or is_toktype(token, 'FLOATLIT') \ |
or is_toktype(token, 'STRINGLIT') \ |
or is_toktype(token, 'BOOLLIT') \ |
or is_toktype(token, 'IDENTIFIER') \ |
: |
output = token_text(token) |
return output |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_rvalue: unexpcted ast %s" % str(ast)) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_rvalue: unexpcted ast %s" % str(ast)) |
def generate_binary(ast): |
"""Generates a binary-operator C statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'binary') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
expr1_ast = children[0] |
expr1 = generate_rvalue(expr1_ast) |
op_ast = children[1] |
assert is_asttype(op_ast, 'boperator') |
op_token = ast_children(op_ast)[0] |
assert is_token(op_token) |
op = token_text(op_token) |
expr2_ast = children[2] |
expr2 = generate_rvalue(expr2_ast) |
return "(%s %s %s)" % (expr1, op, expr2) |
def generate_unary(ast): |
"""Generates a unary-operator C statement.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'unary') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
op_ast = children[0] |
assert is_asttype(op_ast, 'uoperator') |
op_token = ast_children(op_ast)[0] |
assert is_token(op_token) |
op = token_text(op_token) |
expr_ast = children[1] |
expr = generate_rvalue(expr_ast) |
return "%s(%s)" % (op, expr) |
def generate_dotted(ast): |
"""Generates a C dotted member access expression.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'dotted') |
identifiers = [] |
for child in ast_children(ast): |
assert is_toktype(child, 'IDENTIFIER') |
identifiers.append(token_text(child)) |
return ".".join(identifiers) |
def generate_arrowed(ast): |
"""Generates a C arrow access expression.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'arrowed') |
identifiers = [] |
for child in ast_children(ast): |
assert is_toktype(child, 'IDENTIFIER') |
identifiers.append(token_text(child)) |
return "->".join(identifiers) |
def generate_indexed(ast): |
"""Generates a C indexed access expression.""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'indexed') |
identifier_token = ast_children(ast)[0] |
assert is_toktype(identifier_token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
output = token_text(identifier_token) |
for child in ast_children(ast)[1:]: |
index = generate_rvalue(child) |
output += "[%s]" % index |
return output |
def generate_type(ast, identifier=""): |
""" |
Generates a C type declaration. |
If identifier is not given, this is an abstract type declaration (e.g. a cast). |
""" |
def did_switch_direction(previous, current): |
""" |
Detect a change in 'direction' while intepreting the type stack. |
C type declaration operator precedence requires that we "go right" first. |
i.e. 'int *foo[]' is "array of pointer to int", not "pointer to array of int". |
In order to express "pointer to array of int", we have to use parenthesis |
to change overcome operator precedence, i.e. 'int (*foo)[]'. |
Any time we need to "change direction", we need to wrap in parenthesis. |
See http://unixwiz.net/techtips/reading-cdecl.html |
""" |
lefts = ['pointer'] |
rights = ['array', 'function'] |
return (previous in lefts and current in rights) \ |
or (previous in rights and current in lefts) |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'type') |
types = type_ast_as_list(ast) |
output = identifier |
previous = None |
for t in types[:-1]: |
if t == 'pointer': |
if did_switch_direction(previous, t): |
output = "*(%s)" % output |
else: |
output = "*%s" % output |
elif t == 'array': |
if did_switch_direction(previous, t): |
output = "(%s)[]" % output |
else: |
output = "%s[]" % output |
elif t == 'function': |
if did_switch_direction(previous, t): |
output = "(%s)()" % output |
else: |
output = "%s()" % output |
elif t.startswith('array:'): |
array_size = int(t.split(':')[1]) |
if did_switch_direction(previous, 'array'): |
output = "(%s)[%i]" % (output, array_size) |
else: |
output = "%s[%i]" % (output, array_size) |
else: |
raise Exception("generate_type: unexpected type '%s'." % t) |
if t.startswith('array:'): |
previous = 'array' |
else: |
previous = t |
base_type = types[-1] |
if identifier == "": |
output = "%s%s" % (base_type, output) |
else: |
output = "%s %s" % (base_type, output) |
return output |
def type_ast_as_list(ast): |
""" |
Return the type AST as a list of types. |
e.g. |
- 'int' results in ['int'] |
- 'pointer<array<char>>' results in ['pointer', 'array', 'char'] |
- 'array[8]<int>' results in ['array:8', 'int'] |
""" |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'type') |
children = ast_children(ast) |
if len(children) == 1: |
# if there is only one child, it is the "base" type (e.g. int, char, etc). |
assert is_token(children[0]) |
token = children[0] |
assert is_toktype(token, 'IDENTIFIER') |
# return e.g. ['int'], ['char'], etc. |
return [token_text(token)] |
elif len(children) == 2: |
# if there are 2 children, this is either array or pointer or function. |
assert is_toktype(children[0], 'ARRAY') \ |
or is_toktype(children[0], 'POINTER') \ |
or is_toktype(children[0], 'FUNCTION') |
token = children[0] |
assert is_ast(children[1]) |
sub_ast = children[1] |
assert is_asttype(ast, 'type') |
# return e.g. ['array', <recursive call>] |
return [token_text(token)] + type_ast_as_list(sub_ast) |
elif len(children) == 3: |
# if there are three children, this is a dimensioned array (e.g. array[8]). |
assert is_toktype(children[0], 'ARRAY') |
assert is_toktype(children[1], 'INTLIT') |
intlit_token = children[1] |
array_size = int(token_text(intlit_token)) |
assert is_ast(children[2]) |
sub_ast = children[2] |
assert is_asttype(sub_ast, 'type') |
# return e.g. ['array:8', <recursive call>] |
return ["array:%s" % (array_size)] + type_ast_as_list(sub_ast) |
else: |
raise Exception("type_ast_as_list: type AST node with more than 3 children!") |
def indent_text(text): |
"""Add indentation to the given block of text.""" |
indent = " " * INDENT_UNIT |
indented_lines = [indent + line for line in text.splitlines()] |
return "\n".join(indented_lines) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
import sys |
import pprint |
tdefs = load_tokendefs("tokendefs.txt") |
keywords = load_keywords("keywords.txt") |
input = None |
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and not sys.argv[-1].startswith('--'): |
input = open(sys.argv[-1]).read() |
else: |
input = sys.stdin.read() |
tokens = tokenize(tdefs, keywords, input) |
if '--tokens' in sys.argv: |
pprint.pprint(tokens) |
sys.exit(0) |
ast = parse(tokens) |
if '--ast' in sys.argv: |
pprint.pprint(ast) |
sys.exit(0) |
output = generate(ast) |
sys.stdout.write(output) |