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Last active October 17, 2019 01:07
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Baby steps towards a structured JSON editor (part 4)

Blog 2019/3/3

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Baby steps towards a structured JSON editor (part 4)

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Progress report for 2019/3/3:

  • Basic navigation implemented.
  • Inserting new nodes is about half-way done.

mar-03-2019 21-01-19

["hello", ["world", ["these", "are"]], {"a": 1, "b": [3.14,true,null]}, "words", "in", "boxes"]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# a pyqt script which draws a visual representation of a JSON structure.
# see
# see
# todo:
# insertion "before"
# todo:
# better menus
# todo:
# look into painting to a QPixmap, and then painting that with QPainter.
# perhaps that can be a higher-performance "compositing" option?
# (tradeoff less cpu for more memory usage?)
# todo:
# line-wrapping
# todo:
# editing of values
# todo:
# guard against the case where a user tries to insert a key which already exists
# into an object.
# todo:
# write the edited AST to disk.
import sys
import time
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
# an AST node is a dict. examples:
# {
# "type": "null",
# "value": None,
# "children": None,
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
# {
# "type": "boolean"
# "value": True,
# "children": None,
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
# {
# "type": "number"
# "value": 123.456,
# "children": None,
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
# {
# "type": "string"
# "value": "hello world",
# "children": None,
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
# {
# "type": "array"
# "value": [1,2,3],
# "children": [<ref>, <ref>, <ref>...]
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
# {
# "type": "object"
# "value": {1:2},
# "children": [<ref>, <ref>, <ref>...]
# "into": None,
# "out": <ref>|None,
# "prev": <ref>|None,
# "next": <ref>|None,
# "cached_size": (<w>,<h>)|None,
# }
def ast_from_json(jsn):
node = {
"value": jsn,
"children": None,
"into": None,
"out": None,
"next": None,
"prev": None,
"cached_size": None,
if jsn is None:
node["type"] = "null"
elif isinstance(jsn, bool):
node["type"] = "boolean"
elif isinstance(jsn, int) or isinstance(jsn, float):
node["type"] = "number"
elif isinstance(jsn, str) or isinstance(jsn, unicode):
node["type"] = "string"
elif isinstance(jsn, list):
node["type"] = "array"
node["children"] = []
prev_child = None
for (i,j) in enumerate(jsn):
child = ast_from_json(j)
child["out"] = node
if i == 0:
node["into"] = child
child["prev"] = prev_child
if prev_child is not None:
prev_child["next"] = child
prev_child = child
elif isinstance(jsn, dict):
node["type"] = "object"
node["children"] = []
prev_child = None
for (i,k) in enumerate(sorted(jsn.keys())):
kchild = ast_from_json(k)
kchild["out"] = node
if i == 0:
node["into"] = kchild
kchild["prev"] = prev_child
if prev_child is not None:
prev_child["next"] = kchild
kchild["out"] = node
v = jsn[k]
vchild = ast_from_json(v)
vchild["out"] = node
vchild["prev"] = kchild
vchild["out"] = node
vchild["prev"] = kchild
kchild["next"] = vchild
prev_child = vchild
return node
# this will never be reached.
assert False
return node
def ast_insert_into(node):
if state["ast"] is None:
state["ast"] = node
state["focused"] = node
if state["focused"]["type"] == "array":
arr = state["focused"]
# stitch the new node in.
arr["value"].insert(0, node["value"])
arr["children"].insert(0, node)
arr["into"] = node
node["out"] = arr
node["prev"] = arr
if len(arr["children"]) > 1:
old_first = arr["children"][1]
old_first["prev"] = node
node["next"] = old_first
# ascend through the parent containers, busting the size caches.
i = arr
while i is not None:
i["cached_size"] = None
i = i["out"]
if state["focused"]["type"] == "object":
obj = state["focused"]
knode = node
vnode = ast_from_json(None)
# stitch the new node-pair in.
obj["value"][knode["value"]] = vnode["value"]
obj["children"].insert(0, vnode)
obj["children"].insert(0, knode)
obj["into"] = knode
knode["out"] = obj
knode["prev"] = obj
knode["next"] = vnode
vnode["out"] = obj
vnode["prev"] = knode
if len(obj["children"]) > 2:
old_first = obj["children"][2]
old_first["prev"] = vnode
vnode["next"] = old_first
# ascend through the parent containers, busting the size caches.
i = obj
while i is not None:
i["cached_size"] = None
i = i["out"]
state["focused"] = node
def ast_insert_after(node):
focused = state["focused"]
container = focused["out"]
if container["type"] == "array":
arr = container
# stitch the new node in.
index = 1
it = focused
while it["prev"] != None and it["prev"] != container:
index += 1
it = it["prev"]
arr["value"].insert(index, node["value"])
arr["children"].insert(index, node)
arr["into"] = arr["children"][0]
node["out"] = arr
node["prev"] = arr["children"][index-1]
node["next"] = node["prev"]["next"]
if node["next"] != None:
node["next"]["prev"] = node
node["prev"]["next"] = node
# ascend through the parent containers, busting the size caches.
i = arr
while i is not None:
i["cached_size"] = None
i = i["out"]
if state["focused"]["type"] == "object":
assert False # TODO
state["focused"] = node
def ast_insert_before(node):
if state["ast"] is None:
assert False # TODO
def paint(painter, event):
# fill the canvas with white
painter.fillRect(event.rect(), QBrush(qcolor(prefs["bg_rgb"])))
# paint the json structure
(x, y) = (20, 20)
paint_ast(state["ast"], painter, (x, y), prefs)
if state["mode"] == "context_menu":
paint_context_menu(painter, event)
elif state["mode"] == "node_type_menu":
paint_node_type_menu(painter, event)
def paint_context_menu(painter, event):
painter.fillRect(event.rect(), QBrush(qcolora((0,0,0,127))))
(x, y) = (20, 20)
paint_ast(context_menu_ast(), painter, (x, y), prefs)
# return an AST representing the available context menu items.
def context_menu_ast():
if state["focused"] is None:
state["focused"] = state["ast"]
focused = state["focused"]
if state["ast"] is None:
d = {
"d": "insert node (into)",
d = {}
if focused["out"] is not None:
d["s"] = "insert node (before)"
d["f"] = "insert node (after)"
if focused["children"] is not None:
d["d"] = "insert node (into)"
return ast_from_json(d)
def paint_node_type_menu(painter, event):
painter.fillRect(event.rect(), QBrush(qcolora((0,0,0,127))))
(x, y) = (20, 20)
paint_ast(node_type_menu_ast(), painter, (x, y), prefs)
def node_type_menu_ast():
return ast_from_json({
"o": "Object",
"a": "Array",
"s": "String",
"n": "Number",
"b": "Boolean",
"0": "null",
# recursively paint a json structure, starting at (x,y).
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the json structure.
def paint_ast(ast, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad=5):
if ast is None:
typ = ast["type"]
if typ == "array":
return paint_array(ast, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad)
elif typ == "object":
return paint_object(ast, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad)
if typ == "null":
rgb = prefs["null_rgb"]
border_rgb = prefs["null_border_rgb"]
elif typ == "boolean":
rgb = prefs["boolean_rgb"]
border_rgb = prefs["boolean_border_rgb"]
elif typ == "number":
rgb = prefs["number_rgb"]
border_rgb = prefs["number_border_rgb"]
rgb = prefs["word_rgb"]
border_rgb = prefs["word_border_rgb"]
return paint_word_in_box(
atom_repr(ast["value"]), painter, (x, y), rgb, border_rgb, pad, border_width(ast)
# paint the items of the array in a container box.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the array.
def paint_array(ast, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad=5):
# first, paint the container box
font = painter.font()
(w, h) = size_of_ast(ast, font, pad)
paint_box(painter, (x, y, w, h), prefs["array_rgb"], prefs["array_border_rgb"], border_width(ast))
# now paint the elements inside of the box
y += pad
for child in ast["children"]:
x += pad
(jw, jh) = size_of_ast(child, font, pad)
centered = False
if centered:
(cx, cy) = (x, y + ((h-jh)/2.0))
(cx, cy) = (x, y)
paint_ast(child, painter, (cx, cy), prefs, pad)
x += jw
return (w, h)
# paint the key-value pairs of the dictionary in a container box.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the dictionary.
def paint_object(ast, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad=5):
# first, paint the container box
(w, h) = size_of_ast(ast, painter.font(), pad)
paint_box(painter, (x, y, w, h), prefs["obj_rgb"], prefs["obj_border_rgb"], border_width(ast))
# now paint the key-value pairs inside the box
y += pad
it = iter(ast["children"])
for k in it:
v = next(it)
x += pad
(pw, _) = paint_kv_pair((k,v), painter, (x, y), prefs, pad)
x += (pw + pad)
return (w, h)
# paint a linked key-value pair inside a linked pair of boxes.
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the pair.
def paint_kv_pair((k,v), painter, (x, y), prefs, pad=5):
font = painter.font()
(kw, kh) = size_of_ast(k, font, pad)
(vw, vh) = size_of_ast(v, font, pad)
paint_ast(k, painter, (x, y), prefs, pad)
paint_ast(v, painter, (x + kw + pad, y), prefs, pad)
# paint the link between the two boxes
# configure the box stroke
pen = QPen()
x + kw, y + (kh/2.0),
x + kw + pad, y + (kh/2.0)
return (kw + vw, kh + vh)
# paint a word inside of a box, starting at (x, y).
# returns the (width, height) used to paint the word.
def paint_word_in_box(text, painter, (x, y), rgb, border_rgb, pad=5, border_width=1):
# calculate the size of the text
(tw, th) = size_of_word(text, painter.font())
(w, h) = (pad + tw + pad, pad + th + pad)
paint_box(painter, (x, y, w, h), rgb, border_rgb, border_width)
# configure the text stroke
pen = QPen() # defaults to black
# draw the text
text_top_fudge = -2 # qt text seems to have extra padding on top.
baseline = y + th + pad + text_top_fudge
pad + x,
return (w, h)
# paint a box (with a border stroke and rounded corners)
def paint_box(painter, (x, y, w, h), rgb, border_rgb, border_width=1):
corner_radius = 4
# configure the box stroke
pen = QPen()
# configure the box fill
# draw the box
if prefs["rounded"]:
# note: the rounded corners come out a bit odd.
# see
x, y, w, h,
x, y, w, h
return (w,h)
# returns the border width of an AST node. when focused, it will be thicker.
def border_width(ast):
if ast == state["focused"]:
if prefs["aa"]:
return 3
return 2
return 1
# calculate the bounding box size of a json structure
def size_of_ast(ast, font, pad=5):
cached_size = ast["cached_size"]
if cached_size is not None:
return cached_size
(w, h) = _size_of_ast(ast, font, pad)
ast["cached_size"] = (w, h)
return (w, h)
def _size_of_ast(ast, font, pad=5):
(total_w, total_h) = (0, 0)
if ast["children"] is not None:
if len(ast["children"]):
for child in ast["children"]:
(w, h) = size_of_ast(child, font, pad)
total_w += (pad + w)
total_h = max(total_h, h)
(w, h) = size_of_word("", font)
total_w += (pad + w)
total_h = h
total_w += pad
total_h = pad + total_h + pad
(w, h) = size_of_word(atom_repr(ast["value"]), font)
total_w = pad + w + pad
total_h = pad + h + pad
return (total_w, total_h)
# the string representation of the (string|number|boolean|null).
def atom_repr(value):
if value is None:
return "null"
elif value is True:
return "true"
elif value is False:
return "false"
return "%s" % value
word_size_cache = {}
def size_of_word(text, font):
global word_size_cache
cached_size = word_size_cache.get(text)
if cached_size is not None:
return cached_size
(w, h) = _size_of_word(text, font)
word_size_cache[text] = (w, h)
return (w, h)
# calculate the bounding box size of a word
def _size_of_word(text, font):
# note: the size of "" will be reported as (0,0). this isn't what we want.
# the size of " " will be reported as (0,15), so we'll map "" to " ".
if text == "":
text = " "
text_bounds = QFontMetrics(font).boundingRect(text)
return (text_bounds.width(), text_bounds.height())
# given an rgb triple, return s QColor
def qcolor(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb
return QColor(r,g,b,255)
def qcolora(rgba):
(r,g,b,a) = rgba
return QColor(r,g,b,a)
# return a lighter version of a color
def lighter(rgb):
(r,g,b) = rgb
return (
min(255, int(r + ((255-r)/1.15))),
min(255, int(g + ((255-g)/1.15))),
min(255, int(b + ((255-b)/1.15))),
# a widget which paints words inside of boxes, using software rendering.
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self, paint_fn, keypress_fn):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.paint_fn = paint_fn
self.keypress_fn = keypress_fn
# this gets called every time the widget needs to repaint (e.g. window resize)
def paintEvent(self, event):
on_paint_event(self, event, self.paint_fn)
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
self.keypress_fn(self, event)
# a widget which paints words inside of boxes, using OpenGL.
class GLWindow(QOpenGLWidget):
def __init__(self, paint_fn, keypress_fn):
super(GLWindow, self).__init__()
self.paint_fn = paint_fn
self.keypress_fn = keypress_fn
# this gets called every time the widget needs to repaint (e.g. window resize)
def paintEvent(self, event):
on_paint_event(self, event, self.paint_fn)
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
self.keypress_fn(self, event)
# hook which gets called for every paint event (i.e. window resize, widget.update(), etc.)
def on_paint_event(widget, event, paint_fn):
then = time.time()
painter = QPainter()
if prefs["aa"]:
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.TextAntialiasing, True)
paint_fn(painter, event)
now = time.time()
elapsed = now - then
print "fps: %s" % (1.0/elapsed)
# hook which gets called on every keypress.
def on_keypress_event(widget, event):
# see
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Q and has_control_mod(event):
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_W and has_control_mod(event):
elif state["mode"] == "nav":
handle_nav_keypress(widget, event)
elif state["mode"] == "context_menu":
handle_context_menu_keypress(widget, event)
elif state["mode"] == "node_type_menu":
handle_node_type_menu_keypress(widget, event)
def has_control_mod(event):
# see
return event.modifiers() & Qt.ControlModifier
def has_shift_mod(event):
return event.modifiers() & Qt.ShiftModifier
def has_alt_mod(event):
return event.modifiers() & Qt.AltModifier
def handle_nav_keypress(widget, event):
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Left:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Right:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Space:
state["mode"] = "context_menu"
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Q:
def handle_context_menu_keypress(widget, event):
if event.key() == Qt.Key_F:
state["insertion_location"] = "after"
state["mode"] = "node_type_menu"
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_D:
state["insertion_location"] = "into"
state["mode"] = "node_type_menu"
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_S:
state["insertion_location"] = "before"
state["mode"] = "node_type_menu"
state["mode"] = "nav"
def handle_node_type_menu_keypress(widget, event):
if event.key() == Qt.Key_O:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_A:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_S:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_N:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_B:
elif event.key() == Qt.Key_0:
state["insertion_location"] = None
state["mode"] = "nav"
def insert_null():
def insert_boolean():
def insert_number():
def insert_string():
def insert_array():
def insert_object():
def insert_node(node):
if state["insertion_location"] == "before":
elif state["insertion_location"] == "into":
elif state["insertion_location"] == "after":
# try to ascend one level in the AST.
# else, try to navigate one node previous.
def nav_up():
if state["focused"]["out"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["out"]
elif state["focused"]["prev"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["prev"]
# try to descend one level in the AST.
# else, try to navigate to the next node if in an array / object.
def nav_down():
if state["focused"]["into"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["into"]
elif state["focused"]["next"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["next"]
# try to navigate to the previous node if in an array / object.
# else, try to ascend one level in the AST.
def nav_prev():
if state["focused"]["prev"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["prev"]
elif state["focused"]["out"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["out"]
# try to navigate to the next node if in an array / object.
# else, try to descend one level in the AST.
# else, see if you can pop up a level(s) and then go to the next node.
def nav_next():
if state["focused"]["next"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["next"]
elif state["focused"]["into"] is not None:
state["focused"] = state["focused"]["into"]
i = state["focused"]
while i["out"] is not None:
i = i["out"]
if i["next"] is not None:
state["focused"] = i["next"]
# close the focused window (currently the same as quitting).
def close_window():
# quit the app.
def quit_app():
# test the sizing and painting functions.
def test_paint(painter, event):
if "linux" in sys.platform:
(x, y) = (20, 20)
(w, h) = test_paint_box(painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
(w, h) = test_paint_word_in_box(painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
(w, h) = test_paint_array([], painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
(w, h) = test_paint_array(["hello", 1, 1.0, False, None], painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
(w, h) = test_paint_array(["arrays", ["nested", "in", ["other", "arrays", ["y'all!"]]]], painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
(w, h) = test_paint_object({"key":"value", "a":1, "b":2}, painter, (x, y))
y += (h + 10)
obj = {"colors": {
"bg": [255,255,255],
"word_border": [0,0,0],
"word": [255,255,255],
"array_border": [0,0,255],
"array": list(lighter((0,0,255))),
"obj_border": [255,0,0],
"obj": list(lighter((255,0,0))),
"kv-link": [0,0,0]
(w, h) = test_paint_object(obj, painter, (x, y))
# test the sizing functions (using a font available on linux).
def test_size_linux():
font = QFont('DejaVu Sans', 10)
assert size_of_word("", font) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_word(" ", font) == (0, 15) # this is a bit strange, but whatevs.
assert size_of_word("a", font) == (6, 15)
assert size_of_word("Hello, world!", font) == (75, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(""), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(""), font, pad=1) == (2, 17)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("Hello, world!"), font, pad=1) == (77, 17)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(None), font, pad=0) == (20, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("null"), font, pad=0) == (20, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(True), font, pad=0) == (25, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("true"), font, pad=0) == (25, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(False), font, pad=0) == (29, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("false"), font, pad=0) == (29, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(1), font, pad=0) == (5, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("1"), font, pad=0) == (5, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(0.5), font, pad=0) == (18, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("0.5"), font, pad=0) == (18, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([]), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([1]), font, pad=0) == (5, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([1]), font, pad=1) == (9, 19)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({}), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({1:1}), font, pad=0) == (10, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({1:1}), font, pad=1) == (17, 19)
# test the sizing functions (using a font available on Mac).
def test_size_mac():
font = QFont('.SF NS Text', 13)
assert size_of_word("", font) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_word(" ", font) == (0, 15) # this is a bit strange, but whatevs.
assert size_of_word("a", font) == (6, 15)
assert size_of_word("Hello, world!", font) == (71, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(""), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(""), font, pad=1) == (2, 17)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("Hello, world!"), font, pad=1) == (73, 17)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(None), font, pad=0) == (19, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("null"), font, pad=0) == (19, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(True), font, pad=0) == (23, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("true"), font, pad=0) == (23, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(False), font, pad=0) == (27, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("false"), font, pad=0) == (27, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(1), font, pad=0) == (4, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("1"), font, pad=0) == (4, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json(0.5), font, pad=0) == (17, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json("0.5"), font, pad=0) == (17, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([]), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([1]), font, pad=0) == (4, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json([1]), font, pad=1) == (8, 19)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({}), font, pad=0) == (0, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({1:1}), font, pad=0) == (8, 15)
assert size_of_ast(ast_from_json({1:1}), font, pad=1) == (15, 19)
def test_paint_box(painter, (x, y)):
(w, h) = (20, 20)
border_rgb = (0,0,255)
rgb = lighter(border_rgb)
return paint_box(painter, (x, y, w, h), rgb, border_rgb)
def test_paint_word_in_box(painter, (x, y)):
text = "hello"
border_rgb = (255,0,255)
rgb = lighter(border_rgb)
return paint_word_in_box(text, painter, (x, y), rgb, border_rgb)
def test_paint_array(arr, painter, (x, y)):
return paint_array(ast_from_json(arr), painter, (x, y), prefs)
def test_paint_object(obj, painter, (x, y)):
return paint_object(ast_from_json(obj), painter, (x, y), prefs)
# globals
state = {
"ast": None, # the abstract syntax tree.
"focused": None, # the node in the AST which is currently focused.
"mode": "nav", # ("nav"|"context_menu"|"node_type_menu").
"insertion_location": None, # where to insert the newly created AST node.
prefs = {
"rounded": True, # use rounded corners on boxes.
"aa": False, # use anti-aliasing.
"bg_rgb": (255,255,255),
"word_border_rgb": (0,0,0),
"word_rgb": (255,255,255),
"null_border_rgb": (0,0,0),
"null_rgb": lighter((0,0,0)),
"boolean_border_rgb": (0,255,0),
"boolean_rgb": lighter((0,255,0)),
"number_border_rgb": (0,255,255),
"number_rgb": lighter((0,255,255)),
"array_border_rgb": (0,0,255),
"array_rgb": lighter((0,0,255)),
"obj_border_rgb": (255,0,0),
"obj_rgb": lighter((255,0,0)),
"kv-link_rgb": (0,0,0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# handle command-line options.
if "--no-rounded" in sys.argv:
prefs["rounded"] = False
if "--aa" in sys.argv:
prefs["aa"] = True
if "--test" in sys.argv:
paint_fn = test_paint
paint_fn = paint
# load the initial JSON structure
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[-1].startswith("--") == False:
import json
with open(sys.argv[-1]) as f:
state["ast"] = ast_from_json(
elif "--demo" in sys.argv:
state["ast"] = ast_from_json(
["hello", ["world", ["these", "are"]], {"a": 1, "b": [3.14,True,None]}, "words", "in", "boxes"]
state["ast"] = None
state["focused"] = state["ast"]
# boot up Qt.
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
if "--opengl" in sys.argv:
window = GLWindow(paint_fn, on_keypress_event)
window = Window(paint_fn, on_keypress_event)
# it turns out that the python interpreter can't receive signals while
# the Qt main loop is running. So we set up a no-op timer to allow the
# python interpreter to have a chance to handle signals.
# thanks to
timer = QTimer()
timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None)
if "--profile" in sys.argv:
# run in profile mode if "--profile" given on command-line.
import cProfile'app.exec_()')
# otherwise, run normally.
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