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A Lisp interpreter in C, part 15: lambda

Blog 2020/1/13

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A Lisp interpreter in C, part 15: lambda

Let's learn how to write a Lisp interpreter in C!

Finally, the moment we've been waiting for! Lambda: user-defined, first-class, anonymous functions.

Lisp forms

We create another struct to represent a lambda:


struct Lambda_ {
    FormType type;
    List* paramsp;
    List* bodyp;
    List* envp;
typedef struct Lambda_ Lambda;

The lambda (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) consists of:

  • the formal parameters: a and b
  • the statements in the body: (+ a b)
  • the environment in which the lambda was created

The evaluator

We add a lambda clause to eval_list():


             return sf_cond(argsp, resultpp, envp);
         } else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "scope") == 0) {
             return sf_scope(argsp, resultpp, envp);
+        } else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "lambda") == 0) {
+            return sf_lambda(argsp, resultpp, envp);

sf_lambda captures the environment in which the lambda was created:

eval.c (some error handling elided):

/* The 'lambda' special-form.
Creates a user-defined anonymous function.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_lambda(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
    if (list_len(argsp) < 2) {
        return E_sf_lambda__bad_arg_count;
    if (!is_list(argsp->datap)) {
        return E_sf_lambda__arg2_not_list;
    List* paramsp = (List*)(argsp->datap);
    List* bodyp = argsp->nextp;
    Lambda* lp;
    new_lambda(&lp, paramsp, bodyp, envp);
    *resultpp = (Form*)lp;
    return 0;

Most of the work happens in apply():

  • push a new scope onto the environment and bind the formal parameters to the arguments
  • evaluate each statement of the lambda body
  • return the value of the last statement

eval.c (some error handling elided):

     if (is_cfunc(opp)) {
         CFunc* cfp = (CFunc*)opp;
         return (cfp->f)(argsp, resultpp, envp);
+    } else if (is_lambda(opp)) {
+        Lambda *lp = (Lambda*)opp;
+        /* create the local environment and bind the args to the params. */
+        List* lenvp = lp->envp;
+        env_push_scope(&lenvp);
+        List* paramsp = lp->paramsp;
+        while (!is_list_empty(paramsp)) {
+            Symbol* keyp = (Symbol*)(paramsp->datap);
+            if (is_list_empty(argsp)) {
+                return E_apply__bad_arg_count_1;
+            }
+            Form* valuep = argsp->datap;
+            env_bind(lenvp, keyp, valuep);
+            paramsp = paramsp->nextp;
+            argsp = argsp->nextp;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (!is_list_empty(argsp)) {
+            return E_apply__bad_arg_count_2;
+        }
+        /* evaluate each line of the body. */
+        List* bodyp = lp->bodyp;
+        Form* resultp;
+        while (!is_list_empty(bodyp)) {
+            Form* statementp = bodyp->datap;
+            int err = eval_form(statementp, &resultp, lenvp);
+            if (err && err != E_did_not_produce_a_value) {
+                return err;
+            }
+            bodyp = bodyp->nextp;
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (resultp == NULL) {
+            return E_did_not_produce_a_value;
+        } else {
+            *resultpp = resultp;
+            return 0;
+        }
     } else {
         return E_apply__bad_op_type;

The printer

We update print_form() to handle Lambdas:


     } else if (is_cfunc(formp)) {
         CFunc* cfp = (CFunc*)formp;
         return print_cfunc(cfp, fp);
+    } else if (is_lambda(formp)) {
+        Lambda* lp = (Lambda*)formp;
+        return print_lambda(lp, fp);
     } else {

print_lambda() prints out the formal parameters, e.g. (lambda (a b) (+ a b)) prints as <Lambda(a,b)>:

printer.c (error handling elided):

/* Prints the Lambda in lp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_lambda(Lambda* lp, FILE* fp) {
    fputs("<Lambda(", fp);
    List* paramsp = lp->paramsp;
    while (!is_list_empty(paramsp)) {
        Symbol* symp = (Symbol*)(paramsp->datap);
        fprintf(fp, "%s", symp->valuep);
        bool is_last = is_list_empty(paramsp->nextp);
        if (!is_last) {
            fputs(",", fp);
        paramsp = paramsp->nextp;
    fputs(")>", fp);
    return 0;

Try it out

We can create a lambda:

$ ./lisp
> (lambda (x) (+ x x))

We can call a lambda:

> ((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 2)

We can bind a lambda:

> (bind double (lambda (x) (+ x x)))
> (double 4)

We can write a lambda which takes a lambda and returns a lambda:

> (bind twice (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f x)))))
> ((twice double) 4)

We can even pass that lambda into itself! 🤯🤯🤯

> (((twice twice) double) 4)   

If we expose form_eq() as a built-in, we could implement fibonacci!

Add a bi_eq() built-in:


/* Built-in equality, i.e. `(== 1 1 1)`.
Calculates the equality of the given forms.
Returns 0 or error. */
int bi_eq(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
    if (list_len(argsp) < 2) {
        return E_bi_eq__bad_arg_count;
    bool accum = true;
    Form* a = argsp->datap;
    argsp = argsp->nextp;
    while (!is_list_empty(argsp)) {
        Form* b = argsp->datap;
        accum = accum && form_eq(a, b);
        if (accum == false) {
        } else {
            argsp = argsp->nextp;
    if (accum == true) {
        *resultpp = (Form*)g_true;
    } else {
        *resultpp = (Form*)g_false;
    return 0;

and bind it to == during new_default_env():


     assert(env_bind_cbool(envp, "false", g_false) == 0);
     assert(env_bind_cbool(envp, "else", g_true) == 0);
     assert(env_bind_cfunc(envp, "+", bi_add) == 0);
+    assert(env_bind_cfunc(envp, "==", bi_eq) == 0);
     return envp;

Now with lambda, cond, + and ==, we can write a fibonacci implementation:

$ ./lisp
> (bind fib 
    (lambda (n)
        (== n 1) 1
        (== n 2) 1
        else (+ (fib (+ n -1)) (fib (+ n -2))))))
> (fib 10)


Next time

This is all I have for the moment, but in future parts I'd like to look at:

  • revisit bind (currently no distinction between define and set!)
  • implement a meta-circular evaluator
  • macros
  • ditching the a-list in favor of a hash table\
  • symbol interning
  • tail-call optimization
  • implementing a garbage collector
  • implementing vector and hast table literals
  • implementing persistent data structures
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "builtins.h"
#include "errors.h"
/* Built-in addition, i.e. `(+ 1 2 3)`.
Calculates the sum of argsp into resultp.
Promotes CLong to CDouble where needed.
Returns 0 or error. */
int bi_add(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
long accuml = 0;
double accumd = 0.0;
bool long_mode = true;
bool double_mode = false;
bool mode = long_mode;
while (!is_list_empty(argsp)) {
Form* argp = argsp->datap;
if (is_clong(argp)) {
long l = ((CLong*)argp)->value;
if (mode == long_mode) {
accuml += l;
} else {
accumd += (double)l;
} else if (is_cdouble(argp)) {
double d = ((CDouble*)argp)->value;
if (mode == double_mode) {
accumd += d;
} else {
/* switch to double-mode. */
mode = double_mode;
accumd = (double)accuml + d;
} else {
return E_bi_add__unsupported_arg_type;
argsp = argsp->nextp;
if (mode == long_mode) {
CLong* clp;
int err = new_clong(&clp, accuml);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*resultpp = (Form*)clp;
return 0;
} else {
CDouble* cdp;
int err = new_cdouble(&cdp, accumd);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*resultpp = (Form*)cdp;
return 0;
/* Built-in equality, i.e. `(== 1 1 1)`.
Calculates the equality of the given forms.
Returns 0 or error. */
int bi_eq(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) < 2) {
return E_bi_eq__bad_arg_count;
bool accum = true;
Form* a = argsp->datap;
argsp = argsp->nextp;
while (!is_list_empty(argsp)) {
Form* b = argsp->datap;
accum = accum && form_eq(a, b);
if (accum == false) {
} else {
argsp = argsp->nextp;
if (accum == true) {
*resultpp = (Form*)g_true;
} else {
*resultpp = (Form*)g_false;
return 0;
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _BUILTINS_H_
#define _BUILTINS_H_
#include "forms.h"
int bi_add(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp);
int bi_eq(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp);
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _ERRCODE_H_
#define _ERRCODE_H_
enum ErrCode_ {
/* not an error. */
E_success = 0,
/* A catch-all "unknown" error. */
/* Note: we start at 10,000 to skip past the errno range. */
E_unknown = 10000,
/* certain special-forms do not return a value. */
E_did_not_produce_a_value = 10001,
/* We ran out of buffer while reading a token. */
E_file_get_token__buff_overflow = 10010,
/* We tried to parse an invalid string. */
E_parse_string__invalid_string_1 = 10020,
E_parse_string__invalid_string_2 = 10021,
E_parse_string__invalid_string_3 = 10022,
E_parse_string__invalid_string_4 = 10023,
E_read_list__premature_eof_1 = 10030,
E_read_list__premature_eof_2 = 10031,
E_read_list__premature_eof_3 = 10032,
E_read_list__missing_ws = 10040,
E_read_form__unexpected_list_closer = 10050,
E_read_form__comment = 10051,
E_eval_symbol__unbound = 10060,
E_sf_bind__bad_arg_count = 10070,
E_bi_add__unsupported_arg_type = 10080,
E_apply__bad_op_type = 10100,
E_apply__bad_arg_count_1 = 10101,
E_apply__bad_arg_count_2 = 10102,
E_sf_quote__bad_arg_count = 10110,
E_sf_if__bad_arg_count = 10120,
E_sf_cond__bad_arg_count = 10130,
E_sf_scope__bad_arg_count = 10140,
E_sf_scope__arg1_not_list = 10141,
E_sf_scope__binding_key_not_symbol = 10142,
E_sf_scope__bad_bindings_arg_count = 10143,
E_sf_lambda__bad_arg_count = 10150,
E_sf_lambda__arg2_not_list = 10151,
E_bi_eq__bad_arg_count = 10160,
typedef enum ErrCode_ ErrCode;
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "eval.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Evaluates symp into resultpp.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int eval_symbol(Symbol* symp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
/* symbols evaluate to their corresponding value from the env. */
Form* valuep = env_lookup(envp, symp);
if (valuep == NULL) {
return E_eval_symbol__unbound;
} else {
*resultpp = valuep;
return 0;
/* The 'bind' special-form.
Binds a value to a symbol in the environment.
Returns E_did_not_produce_a_value or error. */
static int sf_bind(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) != 2) {
return E_sf_bind__bad_arg_count;
/* arg1 is the symbol. */
Symbol* keyp = (Symbol*)argsp->datap;
/* arg2 is the form to be evaluated and associated with the symbol. */
Form* arg2p = argsp->nextp->datap;
Form* valuep;
int err = eval_form(arg2p, &valuep, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
err = env_bind(envp, keyp, valuep);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
/* this is our success-case. */
return E_did_not_produce_a_value;
/* The 'quote' special-form.
Passes its argument through un-evaluated.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_quote(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) != 1) {
return E_sf_quote__bad_arg_count;
*resultpp = argsp->datap;
return 0;
/* The 'if' special-form.
Evaluates and passes arg 2 if arg 1 is truthy, otherwise arg 3.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_if(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) != 3) {
return E_sf_if__bad_arg_count;
/* arg1 is the form to be evaluated and associated with the symbol. */
Form* predicatep = argsp->datap;
Form* consequentp = argsp->nextp->datap;
Form* alternativep = argsp->nextp->nextp->datap;
Form* pred_evaledp;
int err = eval_form(predicatep, &pred_evaledp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
Form* valuep;
if (is_form_truthy(pred_evaledp)) {
err = eval_form(consequentp, &valuep, envp);
} else {
err = eval_form(alternativep, &valuep, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*resultpp = valuep;
return 0;
/* The 'cond' special-form.
Evaluates and passes the first clause which has a true predicate.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_cond(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
while (true) {
if (is_list_empty(argsp)) {
return E_sf_cond__bad_arg_count;
Form* predicatep = argsp->datap;
argsp = argsp->nextp;
if (is_list_empty(argsp)) {
return E_sf_cond__bad_arg_count;
Form* consequentp = argsp->datap;
Form* pred_evaledp;
int err = eval_form(predicatep, &pred_evaledp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
if (is_form_truthy(pred_evaledp)) {
return eval_form(consequentp, resultpp, envp);
} else {
argsp = argsp->nextp;
/* The 'scope' special-form.
Pushes a local environment with the bindings in arg1, then evaluates arg2-argN,
passing the value of argN.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_scope(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) < 2) {
return E_sf_scope__bad_arg_count;
/* evaluate the bindings into a local scope. */
if (!is_list(argsp->datap)) {
return E_sf_scope__arg1_not_list;
List* bindingsp = (List*)(argsp->datap);
int err = env_push_scope(&envp);
if (err) {
return err;
while (!is_list_empty(bindingsp)) {
/* grab the key. */
if (!is_symbol(bindingsp->datap)) {
return E_sf_scope__binding_key_not_symbol;
Symbol* keyp = (Symbol*)(bindingsp->datap);
/* grab & eval the value. */
bindingsp = bindingsp->nextp;
if (is_list_empty(bindingsp)) {
return E_sf_scope__bad_bindings_arg_count;
Form* valuep = bindingsp->datap;
Form* value_evaledp;
err = eval_form(valuep, &value_evaledp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
/* push the key-value pair into the local env. */
err = env_bind(envp, keyp, value_evaledp);
if (err) {
return err;
/* loop. */
bindingsp = bindingsp->nextp;
/* evaluate the statements. */
Form* resultp = (Form*)g_nil;
List* statementsp = argsp->nextp;
while (!is_list_empty(statementsp)) {
Form* statementp = statementsp->datap;
err = eval_form(statementp, &resultp, envp);
if (err && err != E_did_not_produce_a_value) {
return err;
statementsp = statementsp->nextp;
/* pass the last evaluated result. */
*resultpp = resultp;
return 0;
/* The 'lambda' special-form.
Creates a user-defined anonymous function.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int sf_lambda(List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (list_len(argsp) < 2) {
return E_sf_lambda__bad_arg_count;
if (!is_list(argsp->datap)) {
return E_sf_lambda__arg2_not_list;
List* paramsp = (List*)(argsp->datap);
List* bodyp = argsp->nextp;
Lambda* lp;
int err = new_lambda(&lp, paramsp, bodyp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
*resultpp = (Form*)lp;
return 0;
/* Evaluate a list of forms.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int eval_forms(List* formsp, List** resultspp, List* envp) {
List* resultsp = g_emptylist;
while (!is_list_empty(formsp)) {
Form* resultp;
int err = eval_form(formsp->datap, &resultp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
err = list_push(&resultsp, resultp);
if (err) {
return err;
formsp = formsp->nextp;
*resultspp = resultsp;
return 0;
/* Function application: apply the operator to the arguments.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int apply(Form* opp, List* argsp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
if (is_cfunc(opp)) {
CFunc* cfp = (CFunc*)opp;
return (cfp->f)(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (is_lambda(opp)) {
Lambda *lp = (Lambda*)opp;
/* create the local environment and bind the args to the params. */
List* lenvp = lp->envp;
int err = env_push_scope(&lenvp);
if (err) {
return err;
List* paramsp = lp->paramsp;
while (!is_list_empty(paramsp)) {
Symbol* keyp = (Symbol*)(paramsp->datap);
if (is_list_empty(argsp)) {
return E_apply__bad_arg_count_1;
Form* valuep = argsp->datap;
err = env_bind(lenvp, keyp, valuep);
if (err) {
return err;
paramsp = paramsp->nextp;
argsp = argsp->nextp;
if (!is_list_empty(argsp)) {
return E_apply__bad_arg_count_2;
/* evaluate each line of the body. */
List* bodyp = lp->bodyp;
Form* resultp;
while (!is_list_empty(bodyp)) {
Form* statementp = bodyp->datap;
err = eval_form(statementp, &resultp, lenvp);
if (err && err != E_did_not_produce_a_value) {
return err;
bodyp = bodyp->nextp;
if (resultp == NULL) {
return E_did_not_produce_a_value;
} else {
*resultpp = resultp;
return 0;
} else {
return E_apply__bad_op_type;
/* Evaluates lp into resultpp.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int eval_list(List* lp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
/* the empty list evaluates to itself. */
if (is_list_empty(lp)) {
*resultpp = (Form*)lp;
return 0;
/* special-forms are handled as special cases. */
Form* op_formp = lp->datap;
List* argsp = lp->nextp;
if (is_symbol(op_formp)) {
Symbol* op_symp = (Symbol*)op_formp;
if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "bind") == 0) {
return sf_bind(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "quote") == 0) {
return sf_quote(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "if") == 0) {
return sf_if(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "cond") == 0) {
return sf_cond(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "scope") == 0) {
return sf_scope(argsp, resultpp, envp);
} else if (strcmp(op_symp->valuep, "lambda") == 0) {
return sf_lambda(argsp, resultpp, envp);
/* this is a regular function call. */
Form* op_evaledp;
List* args_evaledp;
int err = eval_form(op_formp, &op_evaledp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
err = eval_forms(argsp, &args_evaledp, envp);
if (err) {
return err;
return apply(op_evaledp, args_evaledp, resultpp, envp);
/* Evaluates formp into resultpp.
Returns 0 or E_did_not_produce_a_value or error. */
int eval_form(Form* formp, Form** resultpp, List* envp) {
/* literals evaluate to themselves. */
if (is_clong(formp) || is_cdouble(formp) || is_cstring(formp)) {
*resultpp = formp;
return 0;
/* symbols. */
} else if (is_symbol(formp)) {
Symbol* symp = (Symbol*)formp;
return eval_symbol(symp, resultpp, envp);
/* lists. */
} else if (is_list(formp)) {
List* lp = (List*)formp;
return eval_list(lp, resultpp, envp);
/* unsupported form. */
} else {
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _EVAL_H_
#define _EVAL_H_
#include "forms.h"
int eval_form(Form* formp, Form** resultpp, List* envp);
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
/* All of the Lisp forms. */
#include "forms.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Form */
/* Are a and b equal? */
bool form_eq(Form* a, Form* b) {
if (a->type != b->type) {
return false;
} else if (is_clong(a)) {
CLong* al = (CLong*)a;
CLong* bl = (CLong*)b;
return al->value == bl->value;
} else if (is_cdouble(a)) {
CDouble* ad = (CDouble*)a;
CDouble* bd = (CDouble*)b;
return ad->value == bd->value;
} else if (is_cstring(a)) {
CString* as = (CString*)a;
CString* bs = (CString*)b;
return (strcmp(as->valuep, bs->valuep) == 0);
} else if (is_symbol(a)) {
Symbol* as = (Symbol*)a;
Symbol* bs = (Symbol*)b;
return (strcmp(as->valuep, bs->valuep) == 0);
} else if (is_list(a)) {
List* al = (List*)a;
List* bl = (List*)b;
while (true) {
if (is_list_empty(al) && is_list_empty(bl)) {
return true;
} else if (!is_list_empty(al) && !is_list_empty(bl)) {
if (form_eq(al->datap, bl->datap)) {
al = al->nextp;
bl = bl->nextp;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else if (is_cbool(a)) {
/* CBool's are singletons, so we can just use pointer comparison. */
return a == b;
} else if (is_nil(a)) {
return true;
} else if (is_cfunc(a)) {
CFunc* af = (CFunc*)a;
CFunc* bf = (CFunc*)b;
return af->f == bf->f;
} else {
/* Is formp truthy? */
bool is_form_truthy(Form* formp) {
return !is_form_falsey(formp);
/* Is formp falsey? */
bool is_form_falsey(Form* formp) {
return formp == (Form*)g_false || is_nil(formp);
/* Symbol */
/* Malloc's a Symbol into sympp and copies sp into it. */
int new_symbol(Symbol** sympp, const char* sp) {
Symbol* symp = malloc(sizeof(Symbol));
if (symp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
symp->type = TypeSymbol;
size_t len = strlen(sp);
symp->valuep = malloc(len + 1);
if (symp->valuep == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
strcpy(symp->valuep, sp);
*sympp = symp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a Symbol? */
bool is_symbol(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeSymbol;
/* CLong */
/* Malloc's a CLong into clpp, initializing it with l.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_clong(CLong** clpp, long l) {
CLong* clp = malloc(sizeof(CLong));
if (clp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
clp->type = TypeCLong;
clp->value = l;
*clpp = clp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a CLong? */
bool is_clong(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeCLong;
/* CDouble */
/* Malloc's a CDouble into cdpp, initializing it with d.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_cdouble(CDouble** cdpp, double d) {
CDouble* cdp = malloc(sizeof(CDouble));
if (cdp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
cdp->type = TypeCDouble;
cdp->value = d;
*cdpp = cdp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a CDouble? */
bool is_cdouble(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeCDouble;
/* CString */
/* Malloc's a CString into cspp and places sp into it.
Note: sp is not copied; cspp assumes ownership of it.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_cstring(CString** cspp, char* sp) {
CString* csp = malloc(sizeof(CString));
if (csp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
csp->type = TypeCString;
csp->valuep = sp;
*cspp = csp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a CString? */
bool is_cstring(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeCString;
/* CBool */
CBool* g_true = NULL;
CBool* g_false = NULL;
/* Initialize the global boolean singletons.
Asserts on failure.
Call this function once from main(). */
void cbool_main() {
g_true = malloc(sizeof(CBool));
assert(g_true != NULL);
g_true->type = TypeCBool;
g_true->value = true;
g_false = malloc(sizeof(CBool));
assert(g_false != NULL);
g_false->type = TypeCBool;
g_false->value = false;
/* Is formp a CBool? */
bool is_cbool(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeCBool;
/* Nil */
Nil* g_nil = NULL;
/* Initialize the global nil singleton.
Asserts on failure.
Call this function once from main(). */
void nil_main() {
g_nil = malloc(sizeof(Nil));
g_nil->type = TypeNil;
assert(g_nil != NULL);
/* Is formp nil? */
bool is_nil(Form* formp) {
return formp == (Form*)g_nil;
/* List */
List* g_emptylist = NULL;
/* Initialize the global empty list singleton.
Asserts on failure.
Call this function once from main(). */
void list_main() {
assert(g_emptylist == NULL);
g_emptylist = malloc(sizeof(List));
assert(g_emptylist != NULL);
g_emptylist->type = TypeList;
g_emptylist->nextp = g_emptylist;
g_emptylist->datap = (Form*)g_emptylist;
/* Malloc's a List intp lpp, initializing it with datap.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_list(List** lpp, Form* datap) {
List* lp;
if (datap == NULL) {
lp = g_emptylist;
} else {
lp = malloc(sizeof(List));
if (lp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
lp->type = TypeList;
lp->datap = datap;
lp->nextp = g_emptylist;
*lpp = lp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a List? */
bool is_list(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeList;
/* Is listp the empty list? */
bool is_list_empty(List* lp) {
return lp == g_emptylist;
/* Push formp as the new head of listpp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int list_push(List** listpp, Form* formp) {
List* list2p;
int err = new_list(&list2p, formp);
if (err) {
return err;
list2p->nextp = *listpp;
*listpp = list2p;
return 0;
/* Returns the length of the list. */
size_t list_len(List* listp) {
size_t len = 0;
while (!is_list_empty(listp)) {
listp = listp->nextp;
return len;
/* Association List */
/* Creates a new key-value pair and pushes it onto the A-list.
Returns 0 or error. */
int alist_push(List** alistpp, Symbol* keyp, Form* valuep) {
List* alistp = *alistpp;
/* construct a key-value "pair" (list) */
List* vlp;
int err = new_list(&vlp, valuep);
if (err) {
return err;
List* kvlp;
err = new_list(&kvlp, (Form*)keyp);
if (err) {
return err;
kvlp->nextp = vlp;
List* newheadp;
err = new_list(&newheadp, (Form*)kvlp);
if (err) {
return err;
newheadp->nextp = alistp;
*alistpp = newheadp;
return 0;
/* Returns the value which corresponds to keyp.
Returns a Form or NULL. */
Form* alist_lookup(List* alistp, Symbol* keyp) {
while (true) {
if (is_list_empty(alistp)) {
return NULL;
} else {
List* kvlp = (List*)(alistp->datap);
if (form_eq(kvlp->datap, (Form*)keyp)) {
return kvlp->nextp->datap;
} else {
alistp = alistp->nextp;
/* Environment */
/* Pushes a new scope onto envpp.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_push_scope(List** envpp) {
List* envp = *envpp;
List* alistp = g_emptylist;
List* newheadp;
int err = new_list(&newheadp, (Form*)alistp);
if (err) {
return err;
newheadp->nextp = envp;
*envpp = newheadp;
return 0;
/* Push a new key-value pair onto the environment.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind(List* envp, Symbol* keyp, Form* valuep) {
List* alistp = (List*)(envp->datap);
int err = alist_push(&alistp, keyp, valuep);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
envp->datap = (Form*)alistp;
return 0;
/* Recursively looks up the value from the environment stack.
Returns a Form or NULL. */
Form* env_lookup(List* envp, Symbol* keyp) {
List* alistp;
while (!is_list_empty(envp)) {
alistp = (List*)(envp->datap);
Form* valuep = alist_lookup(alistp, keyp);
if (valuep) {
return valuep;
} else {
envp = envp->nextp;
return NULL;
/* Convenience function to push a long into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_clong(List* envp, char* key, long value) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
CLong* valuep;
err = new_clong(&valuep, value);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)valuep);
/* Convenience function to push a double into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_cdouble(List* envp, char* key, double value) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
CDouble* valuep;
err = new_cdouble(&valuep, value);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)valuep);
/* Convenience function to push a string into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_cstring(List* envp, char* key, char* value) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
CString* valuep;
err = new_cstring(&valuep, value);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)valuep);
/* Convenience function to push nil into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_nil(List* envp, char* key) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)g_nil);
/* Convenience function to push a boolean into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_cbool(List* envp, char* key, CBool* value) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)value);
/* Convenience function to push a built-in C function into the env.
Returns 0 or error. */
int env_bind_cfunc(List* envp, char* key, int (*f)(List*, Form**, List*)) {
Symbol* keyp;
int err = new_symbol(&keyp, key);
if (err) {
return err;
CFunc* valuep;
err = new_cfunc(&valuep, f);
if (err) {
return err;
return env_bind(envp, keyp, (Form*)valuep);
/* CFunc */
/* Malloc's a CFunc into cfpp and places f into it.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_cfunc(CFunc** cfpp, int (*f)(List*, Form**, List*)) {
CFunc* cfp = malloc(sizeof(CFunc));
if (cfp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
cfp->type = TypeCFunc;
cfp->f = f;
*cfpp = cfp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a CFunc? */
bool is_cfunc(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeCFunc;
/* Lambda */
/* Malloc's a Lambda into lpp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_lambda(Lambda** lpp, List* paramsp, List* bodyp, List* envp) {
Lambda* lp = malloc(sizeof(Lambda));
if (lp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
lp->type = TypeLambda;
lp->paramsp = paramsp;
lp->bodyp = bodyp;
lp->envp = envp;
*lpp = lp;
return 0;
/* Is formp a Lambda? */
bool is_lambda(Form* formp) {
return formp->type == TypeLambda;
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
/* All of the Lisp forms. */
#ifndef _FORM_H_
#define _FORM_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
/* The list of Lisp form types. */
enum FormType_ {
TypeSymbol = 10,
TypeCLong = 20,
TypeCDouble = 30,
TypeCString = 40,
TypeCBool = 50,
TypeNil = 60,
TypeList = 100,
TypeCFunc = 200,
TypeLambda = 210,
typedef enum FormType_ FormType;
/* A type-erased Lisp form. */
struct Form_ {
FormType type;
typedef struct Form_ Form;
bool form_eq(Form* a, Form* b);
bool is_form_truthy(Form* formp);
bool is_form_falsey(Form* formp);
/* Symbol */
struct Symbol_ {
FormType type;
char* valuep;
typedef struct Symbol_ Symbol;
int new_symbol(Symbol** sympp, const char* sp);
bool is_symbol(Form* formp);
/* CLong */
struct CLong_ {
FormType type;
long value;
typedef struct CLong_ CLong;
int new_clong(CLong** clpp, long l);
bool is_clong(Form* formp);
/* CDouble */
struct CDouble_ {
FormType type;
double value;
typedef struct CDouble_ CDouble;
int new_cdouble(CDouble** cdpp, double d);
bool is_cdouble(Form* formp);
/* CString */
struct CString_ {
FormType type;
char* valuep;
typedef struct CString_ CString;
int new_cstring(CString** cspp, char* sp);
bool is_cstring(Form* formp);
/* CBool */
struct CBool_ {
FormType type;
bool value;
typedef struct CBool_ CBool;
void cbool_main();
bool is_cbool(Form* formp);
extern CBool* g_true;
extern CBool* g_false;
/* Nil */
struct Nil_ {
FormType type;
typedef struct Nil_ Nil;
void nil_main();
bool is_nil(Form* formp);
extern Nil* g_nil;
/* List */
struct List_ {
FormType type;
Form* datap;
struct List_* nextp;
typedef struct List_ List;
extern List* g_emptylist;
int new_list(List** lpp, Form* datap);
bool is_list(Form* formp);
int list_push(List** listpp, Form* formp);
bool is_list_empty(List* listp);
size_t list_len(List* listp);
void list_main();
/* Association List */
int alist_push(List** alistpp, Symbol* keyp, Form* valuep);
Form* alist_lookup(List* alistp, Symbol* keyp);
/* Environment */
int env_push_scope(List** envpp);
int env_bind(List* envp, Symbol* keyp, Form* valuep);
Form* env_lookup(List* envp, Symbol* keyp);
int env_bind_clong(List* envp, char* key, long value);
int env_bind_cdouble(List* envp, char* key, double value);
int env_bind_cstring(List* envp, char* key, char* value);
int env_bind_nil(List* envp, char* key);
int env_bind_cbool(List* envp, char* key, CBool* value);
int env_bind_cfunc(List* envp, char* key, int (*f)(List*, Form**, List*));
/* CFunc */
struct CFunc_ {
FormType type;
int (*f)(List*, Form**, List*);
typedef struct CFunc_ CFunc;
int new_cfunc(CFunc** cfpp, int (*f)(List*, Form**, List*));
bool is_cfunc(Form* formp);
/* Lambda */
struct Lambda_ {
FormType type;
List* paramsp;
List* bodyp;
List* envp;
typedef struct Lambda_ Lambda;
int new_lambda(Lambda** lpp, List* paramsp, List* bodyp, List* envp);
bool is_lambda(Form* formp);
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "repl.h"
#include "forms.h"
#include "builtins.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Creates a default environment.
Asserts on error. */
List* new_default_env() {
List* envp = g_emptylist;
assert(env_push_scope(&envp) == 0);
assert(env_bind_clong(envp, "the-answer", 42) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cdouble(envp, "pi", 3.14159) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cstring(envp, "greeting", "Hello, world!") == 0);
assert(env_bind_nil(envp, "nil") == 0);
assert(env_bind_cbool(envp, "true", g_true) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cbool(envp, "false", g_false) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cbool(envp, "else", g_true) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cfunc(envp, "+", bi_add) == 0);
assert(env_bind_cfunc(envp, "==", bi_eq) == 0);
return envp;
/* The entrypoint of this program. */
int main() {
List* envp = new_default_env();
int err = repl(envp);
if (err) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %d.\n", err);
return err;
} else {
CC=gcc -g -std=c99 -Wall -Werror -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L
lisp: main.o forms.o reader.o eval.o printer.o repl.o builtins.o
$(CC) -o lisp *.o
main.o: main.c
$(CC) -c main.c
forms.o: forms.h forms.c
$(CC) -c forms.c
reader.o: reader.h reader.c
$(CC) -c reader.c
eval.o: eval.h eval.c
$(CC) -c eval.c
printer.o: printer.h printer.c
$(CC) -c printer.c
repl.o: repl.h repl.c
$(CC) -c repl.c
builtins.o: builtins.h builtins.c
$(CC) -c builtins.c
rm -f *.o lisp
test: lisp
.PHONY: clean
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "printer.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Prints the Symbol in symp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_symbol(Symbol* symp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fprintf(fp, "%s", symp->valuep);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
} else {
return 0;
/* Prints the CLong in lp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_clong(CLong* lp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fprintf(fp, "%li", lp->value);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
} else {
return 0;
/* Prints the CDouble in dp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_cdouble(CDouble* dp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fprintf(fp, "%f", dp->value);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
} else {
return 0;
/* Is ch an unescaped char? */
bool is_unescaped(char ch) {
char* found = strchr("\a\b\e\f\n\r\t\v\\\"", (int)ch);
return found != NULL;
/* Returns the escaped version of unesc.
For example, if unesc is a newline, 'n' is returned.
Asserts false if unesc is not a valid escape char. */
static char escape_char(char unesc) {
if (unesc == '\a') {
return 'a';
} else if (unesc == '\b') {
return 'b';
} else if (unesc == '\e') {
return 'e';
} else if (unesc == '\f') {
return 'f';
} else if (unesc == '\n') {
return 'n';
} else if (unesc == '\r') {
return 'r';
} else if (unesc == '\t') {
return 't';
} else if (unesc == '\v') {
return 'v';
} else if (unesc == '\\') {
return '\\';
} else if (unesc == '"') {
return '"';
} else {
/* Escapes srcp into a malloc'ed dstpp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int escape_str(char* srcp, char** dstpp) {
size_t src_len = strlen(srcp);
size_t src_size = src_len + 1;
/* dst will be worst-case twice as large (every byte becomes two bytes),
so start there, then shrink to fit at the end. */
size_t dst_size = src_size * 2;
char* dstp = malloc(dst_size);
if (dstp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
char* src_cursor = srcp;
char* src_last = srcp + src_len - 1;
char* dst_cursor = dstp;
size_t dst_len = 0;
while(src_cursor <= src_last) {
char ch = *src_cursor;
if (is_unescaped(ch)) {
*dst_cursor = '\\';
*dst_cursor = escape_char(ch);
} else {
*dst_cursor = ch;
/* shrink-to-fit. */
size_t newdst_size = dst_len + 1;
char* newdstp = realloc(dstp, newdst_size);
if (newdstp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
} else {
dstp = newdstp;
*dstpp = dstp;
return 0;
/* Prints the CString in csp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_cstring(CString* csp, FILE* fp) {
char* esc;
int err = escape_str(csp->valuep, &esc);
if (err) {
return err;
err = fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", esc);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
} else {
return 0;
/* Prints the List in lp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_list(List* lp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fputs("(", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
List* i = lp;
while (!is_list_empty(i)) {
if (i != lp) {
err = fputs(" ", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
err = print_form(i->datap, fp);
if (err) {
return err;
i = i->nextp;
err = fputs(")", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
return 0;
/* Prints the CBool in cbp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_cbool(CBool* cbp, FILE* fp) {
int err;
if (cbp == g_true) {
err = fputs("true", fp);
} else if (cbp == g_false) {
err = fputs("false", fp);
} else {
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
return 0;
/* Prints nil into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_nil(FILE* fp) {
int err = fputs("nil", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
return 0;
/* Prints the CFunc in cfp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_cfunc(CFunc* cfp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fprintf(fp, "<C function @%p>", cfp->f);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
} else {
return 0;
/* Prints the Lambda in lp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
static int print_lambda(Lambda* lp, FILE* fp) {
int err = fputs("<Lambda(", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
List* paramsp = lp->paramsp;
while (!is_list_empty(paramsp)) {
Symbol* symp = (Symbol*)(paramsp->datap);
err = fprintf(fp, "%s", symp->valuep);
if (err < 0) {
return err;
bool is_last = is_list_empty(paramsp->nextp);
if (!is_last) {
err = fputs(",", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
paramsp = paramsp->nextp;
err = fputs(")>", fp);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
return 0;
/* Prints the Form in formp into fp.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int print_form(Form* formp, FILE* fp) {
if (is_symbol(formp)) {
Symbol* symp = (Symbol*)formp;
return print_symbol(symp, fp);
} else if (is_clong(formp)) {
CLong* lp = (CLong*)formp;
return print_clong(lp, fp);
} else if (is_cdouble(formp)) {
CDouble* dp = (CDouble*)formp;
return print_cdouble(dp, fp);
} else if (is_cstring(formp)) {
CString* csp = (CString*)formp;
return print_cstring(csp, fp);
} else if (is_list(formp)) {
List* lp = (List*)formp;
return print_list(lp, fp);
} else if (is_cbool(formp)) {
CBool* cbp = (CBool*)formp;
return print_cbool(cbp, fp);
} else if (is_nil(formp)) {
return print_nil(fp);
} else if (is_cfunc(formp)) {
CFunc* cfp = (CFunc*)formp;
return print_cfunc(cfp, fp);
} else if (is_lambda(formp)) {
Lambda* lp = (Lambda*)formp;
return print_lambda(lp, fp);
} else {
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _PRINT_H_
#define _PRINT_H_
#include "forms.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int print_form(Form* formp, FILE* fp);
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "reader.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Creates a new FBuff.
Returns 0 or errno. */
int new_fbuff(FBuff** fbpp, FILE* fp) {
FBuff* fbp = malloc(sizeof(FBuff));
if (fbp == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
fbp->fp = fp;
fbp->buffp = NULL;
fbp->nextp = NULL;
fbp->size = 0;
fbp->len = 0;
*fbpp = fbp;
return 0;
/* Frees fbp. */
void free_fbuff(FBuff* fbp) {
/* Reads the next line into fbp.
Returns 0, EOF, or errno. */
static int fbuff_getline(FBuff* fbp) {
ssize_t result = getline(&(fbp->buffp), &(fbp->size), fbp->fp);
if (result == -1) {
if (feof(fbp->fp)) {
return EOF;
} else {
result = errno;
errno = 0;
return result;
} else {
fbp->len = result;
fbp->nextp = fbp->buffp;
return 0;
/* Is fbp at the end of the current line? */
bool is_fbuff_eol(FBuff* fbp) {
return fbp->len == 0 || fbp->nextp == fbp->buffp + fbp->len;
/* Reads and consumes the next character into chp from fbp.
Returns 0, EOF, or errno. */
static int fbuff_getch(FBuff* fbp, char* chp) {
if (is_fbuff_eol(fbp)) {
int err = fbuff_getline(fbp);
if (err) {
return err;
char ch = *(fbp->nextp);
*chp = ch;
return 0;
/* Pushes ch back into fbp.
Asserts if used incorrectly. */
static void fbuff_ungetch(FBuff* fbp, char ch) {
assert(fbp->nextp > fbp->buffp);
*(fbp->nextp) = ch;
/* Is ch considered whitespace?
Note: commas are considered whitespace. */
static bool is_ch_ws(char ch) {
return isspace(ch) || ch == ',';
/* Does ch indicate the end of a token? */
static bool is_ch_delim(char ch) {
return is_ch_ws(ch) || ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ';';
/* Does ch constitute a token on its own? */
static bool is_ch_single_character_token(char ch) {
char* p = strchr("()", (int)ch);
return (p != NULL);
/* Advances fbp past any leading whitespace.
Note: commas are considered whitespace.
Returns 0, EOF, or errno. */
static int fbuff_discard_ws(FBuff* fbp, int* countp) {
int err;
char ch;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch);
if (err) {
return err;
} else if (is_ch_ws(ch)) {
} else {
fbuff_ungetch(fbp, ch);
if (countp != NULL) {
*countp = count;
return 0;
/* Advances fbp past any whitespace in the current line. */
void fbuff_skip_buffered_ws(FBuff* fbp) {
while (!is_fbuff_eol(fbp) && is_ch_ws(*(fbp->nextp))) {
/* Is u even? */
static bool is_even(unsigned int u) {
/* if the LSB isn't set, u is even. */
return !(u & 0x1);
/* Advances fbp far enough to read one token (which is a string literal).
Points buffpp to a malloc'ed buffer containing the string.
Returns 0, EOF, errno, or an error code. */
static int fbuff_get_token_str(FBuff* fbp, char** buffpp) {
int err;
char ch;
/* allocate the initial buffer. */
size_t buffsize = 1000;
size_t bufflen = buffsize - 1;
char* buffp = malloc(buffsize);
if (buffp == NULL) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
char* cursor = buffp;
/* the first char must be the opening quote. */
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
assert(ch == '"');
*cursor = ch;
unsigned int backslash_count = 0;
while (true) {
size_t len = cursor - buffp;
/* time to grow the buffer. */
if (len == bufflen) {
buffsize *= 2;
bufflen = buffsize - 1;
char* newbuffp = realloc(buffp, buffsize);
if (newbuffp == NULL) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
} else {
buffp = newbuffp;
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch);
if (err) {
return err;
/* this is the end of the string. */
} else if (ch == '"' && is_even(backslash_count)) {
*cursor = ch;
*cursor = '\0';
/* shrink buffp to fit the size of the string. */
size_t finalbuffsize = buffp - cursor + 1;
if (finalbuffsize < buffsize) {
char* finalbuffp = realloc(buffp, finalbuffsize);
if (finalbuffp == NULL) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
} else {
buffp = finalbuffp;
/* this is a regular char. */
} else {
/* track the number of consecutive backslashes so we can
disambiguate the closing quote. */
if (ch == '\\') {
} else {
backslash_count = 0;
*cursor = ch;
*buffpp = buffp;
return 0;
/* Advances fbp far enough to read one token of input.
Writes the token contents to *buffpp.
In the case of a string literal, points buffpp to a malloc'ed string buffer.
Returns 0, EOF, errno, or an error code. */
static int fbuff_get_token(FBuff* fbp, char** buffpp, size_t buffsize) {
int err;
char ch;
size_t bufflen = buffsize - 1;
char* cursor = *buffpp;
/* discard any leading whitespace. */
err = fbuff_discard_ws(fbp, NULL);
if (err) {
return err;
/* a token must be at least one char in length. */
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch);
if (err) {
return err;
/* this is a string literal. */
} else if (ch == '"') {
fbuff_ungetch(fbp, ch);
return fbuff_get_token_str(fbp, buffpp);
} else {
*cursor = ch;
/* this is a single-character token. */
if (is_ch_single_character_token(ch)) {
*cursor = '\0';
/* this is a multi-character token. read the rest of the chars. */
} else {
bool is_comment = (ch == ';');
while (true) {
size_t len = cursor - *buffpp;
/* we have run out of room. */
if (len == bufflen) {
return E_file_get_token__buff_overflow;
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch);
/* we've reached EOF. return what we have so far. */
if (err == EOF) {
*cursor = '\0';
/* there was an error reading from fp. */
} else if (err != 0) {
return err;
/* we've reached the end of this regular token. */
} else if (!is_comment && is_ch_delim(ch)) {
fbuff_ungetch(fbp, ch);
*cursor = '\0';
/* we've reached the end of this comment token. */
} else if (is_comment && ch == '\n') {
/* we leave the trailing '\n' to ensure the list args are
still whitespace-separated. */
fbuff_ungetch(fbp, ch);
*cursor = '\0';
/* this char is part of the token. */
} else {
*cursor = ch;
return 0;
/* Tries to parse a long from buffp into lp.
Returns true or false. */
static bool try_parse_long(const char* buffp, long* lp) {
char* endptr;
long l = strtol(buffp, &endptr, 10);
if (errno != 0) {
errno = 0;
return false;
} else if (endptr == buffp || *endptr != '\0') {
return false;
} else {
*lp = l;
return true;
/* Tries to parse a double from buffp intp dp.
Returns true or false. */
static bool try_parse_double(const char* buffp, double* dp) {
char* endptr;
double d = strtod(buffp, &endptr);
if (errno != 0) {
errno = 0;
return false;
} else if (endptr == buffp || *endptr != '\0') {
return false;
} else {
*dp = d;
return true;
/* Is ch in the list of escapable chars? */
static bool is_escapechar(char ch) {
char* found = strchr("abefnrtv?'\"\\", (int)ch);
return found != NULL;
/* Returns the "unescaped" char corresponding to the given escape char.
E.g. if esc is 'n', a newline character is returned.
Asserts false if esc is not a valid escape char. */
static char unescape_char(char esc) {
if (esc == 'a') {
return '\a';
} else if (esc == 'b') {
return '\b';
} else if (esc == 'e') {
return '\e';
} else if (esc == 'f') {
return '\f';
} else if (esc == 'n') {
return '\n';
} else if (esc == 'r') {
return '\r';
} else if (esc == 't') {
return '\t';
} else if (esc == 'v') {
return '\v';
} else if (esc == '\\') {
return '\\';
} else if (esc == '\'') {
return '\'';
} else if (esc == '"') {
return '"';
} else if (esc == '?') {
return '?';
} else {
/* Parses a string from buffp.
*spp is malloc'ed with a copy of the parsed string.
Returns 0 or errno or error. */
static int parse_string(const char* buffp, char** spp) {
size_t src_len = strlen(buffp);
size_t src_size = src_len + 1;
/* minimum buffp is an opening and closing quote, so we know len >= 2. */
assert(src_len >= 2);
/* first and last char must be '"'. */
if (*buffp != '"') {
return E_parse_string__invalid_string_1;
if (*(buffp + src_len - 1) != '"') {
return E_parse_string__invalid_string_2;
size_t dst_size = src_size - 2;
char* dst = malloc(dst_size);
if (dst == NULL) {
int err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
/* skip the opening quote. */
const char* src_first = buffp + 1;
/* skip the closing quote. */
const char* src_last = buffp + src_len - 2;
const char* src_cursor = src_first;
char* dst_cursor = dst;
while (src_cursor <= src_last) {
/* this is possibly an escape sequence. */
if (*src_cursor == '\\') {
/* the last char of the string is a backslash, which is invalid. */
if (src_cursor > src_last) {
return E_parse_string__invalid_string_3;
/* this is an escape sequence. */
} else if (is_escapechar(*src_cursor)) {
*dst_cursor = unescape_char(*src_cursor);
/* this is an invalid escape sequence. */
} else {
return E_parse_string__invalid_string_4;
/* this is just a regular char. */
} else {
*dst_cursor = *src_cursor;
*dst_cursor = '\0';
*spp = dst;
return 0;
/* Read all of the forms in this Lisp list.
Returns 0 or error. */
static int read_list(FBuff* fbp, Form** formpp) {
/* note: the leading '(' has already been consumed. */
int err;
int i = 0;
int ws_count;
char ch1;
List* headp = g_emptylist;
List* tailp = g_emptylist;
while (true) {
err = fbuff_discard_ws(fbp, &ws_count);
if (err) {
/* reaching EOF before ')' is an error. */
if (err == EOF) {
return E_read_list__premature_eof_1;
} else {
return err;
err = fbuff_getch(fbp, &ch1);
if (err) {
/* reaching EOF before ')' is an error. */
if (err == EOF) {
return E_read_list__premature_eof_2;
} else {
return err;
/* we've reached the end of the list. */
} else if (ch1 == ')') {
*formpp = (Form*)headp;
return 0;
} else {
fbuff_ungetch(fbp, ch1);
/* no space between atoms is an error. */
if (i > 0 && ws_count == 0 && is_ch_delim(ch1) == false) {
return E_read_list__missing_ws;
/* read the next form in the list. */
Form* formp;
err = read_form(fbp, &formp);
if (err) {
if (err == E_read_form__comment) {
} else {
/* reaching EOF before ')' is an error. */
if (err == EOF) {
return E_read_list__premature_eof_3;
} else {
return err;
/* append the form onto the list. */
} else {
List* newp;
int err = new_list(&newp, formp);
if (err) {
return err;
if (headp == g_emptylist) {
headp = newp;
tailp = newp;
} else {
tailp->nextp = newp;
tailp = newp;
/* Read one Lisp form from fp intp formpp.
Returns 0 or E_read_form__comment or EOF or errno or error. */
int read_form(FBuff* fbp, Form** formpp) {
int err;
int buffsize = 100;
char buff[buffsize];
char* buffp = buff;
char ch1;
/* read a token. */
err = fbuff_get_token(fbp, &buffp, buffsize);
if (err) {
return err;
ch1 = *buffp;
/* we've reached the end of input. */
if (ch1 == '\0') {
return EOF;
/* this is a comment. */
} else if (ch1 == ';') {
return E_read_form__comment;
/* a list. */
} else if (ch1 == '(') {
return read_list(fbp, formpp);
/* a list closer at this point is a syntax error. */
} else if (ch1 == ')') {
return E_read_form__unexpected_list_closer;
/* string literal. */
} else if (ch1 == '"') {
assert(buffp != buff);
char* sp;
err = parse_string(buffp, &sp);
if (err) {
return err;
CString* csp;
err = new_cstring(&csp, sp);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*formpp = (Form*)csp;
return 0;
/* the form type can't be determined from ch1 alone. */
} else {
bool success;
/* an integer literal. */
long l;
success = try_parse_long(buffp, &l);
if (success) {
CLong* clp;
err = new_clong(&clp, l);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*formpp = (Form*)clp;
return 0;
/* a floating-point literal. */
double d;
success = try_parse_double(buffp, &d);
if (success) {
CDouble* cdp;
err = new_cdouble(&cdp, d);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*formpp = (Form*)cdp;
return 0;
/* assume anything else is a symbol. */
Symbol* symp;
err = new_symbol(&symp, buffp);
if (err) {
return err;
} else {
*formpp = (Form*)symp;
return 0;
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _READ_H_
#define _READ_H_
#include "forms.h"
#include <stdio.h>
/* A line-oriented FILE* buffer. */
struct FBuff_ {
FILE* fp;
char* buffp;
size_t size;
size_t len;
char* nextp;
typedef struct FBuff_ FBuff;
int new_fbuff(FBuff** fbpp, FILE* fp);
void free_fbuff(FBuff* fbp);
bool is_fbuff_eol(FBuff* fbp);
void fbuff_skip_buffered_ws(FBuff* fbp);
int read_form(FBuff* fbp, Form** formpp);
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#include "repl.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Is fp a tty? */
bool is_file_tty(FILE* fp) {
int result = isatty(fileno(fp));
if (result == 0) {
errno = 0;
return false;
} else {
return true;
/* Should the REPL prompt be displayed? */
bool should_display_prompt(FBuff* fbp) {
if (!is_file_tty(fbp->fp)) {
return false;
} else {
return is_fbuff_eol(fbp);
/* Starts a read-eval-print loop.
Loops until EOF or I/O error.
Returns 0 or error. */
int repl(List* envp) {
FBuff* fbp;
int err = new_fbuff(&fbp, stdin);
if (err) {
return err;
while (true) {
if (should_display_prompt(fbp)) {
/* display the prompt. */
int err = fputs("> ", stdout);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
/* read the next Lisp form. */
Form* formp;
err = read_form(fbp, &formp);
if (err) {
if (err == EOF) {
} else if (err == E_read_form__comment) {
} else {
int err2 = fprintf(stderr, "Error %d.\n", err);
if (err2 < 0) {
return err2;
/* evaluate the form. */
Form* resultp;
err = eval_form(formp, &resultp, envp);
if (err == E_did_not_produce_a_value) {
/* certain special-forms do not produce a value. */
} else if (err) {
int err2 = fprintf(stderr, "Error %d.\n", err);
if (err2 < 0) {
return err2;
/* print the result. */
err = print_form(resultp, stdout);
if (err) {
return err;
err = fputs("\n", stdout);
if (err == EOF) {
err = errno;
errno = 0;
return err;
/* loop. */
return 0;
/* This file is Copyright (C) 2019 Jason Pepas. */
/* This file is released under the terms of the MIT License. */
/* See */
#ifndef _REPL_H_
#define _REPL_H_
#include "forms.h"
int repl(List* envp);
set -e -o pipefail
for f in `ls test*.input`
base=$(basename $f .input)
echo $base
cat ${base}.input | ./lisp > /tmp/${base}.out
diff -urN ${base}.expected /tmp/${base}.out
echo "all tests passed"
"line one\nline two"
1 2 3
"line one
line two"
; scopes don't have to create local bindings:
(scope () 1) ; -> 1
; scopes can execute multiple statements, like lambda:
(scope () 1 (+ 1 1)) ; -> 2
; a simple local binding:
(scope (a 3) a) ; -> 3
; scopes shadow bindings from enclosing environments:
(bind b 4)
(scope (b 5) b) ; -> 5
; 'bind' within a scope creates a binding within that scope:
(scope (b 6) (bind b 7) b) ; -> 7
b ; -> 4
; multiple bindings are all listed within the same list:
(scope (c 8 d 9 e 10) (+ b c d e)) ; -> 31
; scope bindings are evaluated in the new scope (like scheme's let*):
(scope (f 1 g (+ f 1)) (+ f g)) ; -> 3
((lambda () 1)) ; -> 1
((lambda () (+ 1 1))) ; -> 2
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2) ; -> 3
(bind incr (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(incr 3) ; -> 4
(bind double (lambda (x) (+ x x)))
(double 3) ; -> 6
(bind twice (lambda (f) (lambda (x) (f (f x)))))
((twice incr) 4) ; -> 6
((twice double) 5) ; -> 20
(((twice twice) incr) 4) ; -> 8
(((twice twice) double) 5) ; -> 80
((scope (z 7) (lambda () (+ z 1)))) ; -> 8
(bind z 8)
((lambda () (+ z 1))) ; -> 9
((scope (z 9) (lambda () (+ z 1)))) ; -> 10
(+ 1 2)
(+ 1
(+ 1(+ 2))
; comment
1 ; comment
(+ 1(+;comment
"Hello, world!"
(bind a 1)
(bind b 2.3)
(bind c "foo")
(bind d true)
(bind e nil)
(bind f a)
(+ 1 1)
(bind x 2)
(+ (+ x x) (+ x x x))
(1 2 3)
(1 (2))
(+ 1 2)
(quote 1)
(quote (1 2 3))
(quote (1(2)))
(quote (+ 1 2))
(quote +)
(quote nil)
(quote quote)
; truthy tests:
(if true 1 2)
(if 42 1 2)
(if 3.14 1 2)
(if (quote foo) 1 2)
(if () 1 2)
; falsey tests:
(if false 1 2)
(if nil 1 2)
(bind x nil)
(if x 1 2)
(bind y true)
(if (if y true false) 1 2)
(bind z false)
(if (if z true false) 1 2)