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  • Save cemerson/5bfe365d80157662cef8408f8699a89e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cemerson/5bfe365d80157662cef8408f8699a89e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Bookmarklet sort video search results by duration
/* Sort video search results page by duration (low to high) */ javascript:(function() {%0A %2F%2F Get all the <li> elements with the class 'video-listing-entry'%0A const videoEntries %3D document.querySelectorAll('')%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Convert the NodeList to an array for easier sorting%0A const videoEntriesArray %3D Array.from(videoEntries)%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Custom sorting function to sort by video duration%0A function compareDurations(a%2C b) %7B%0A %2F%2F Get the duration values from the data-value attribute of <span> elements%0A const durationA %3D a.querySelector('.video-item--duration').getAttribute('data-value')%3B%0A const durationB %3D b.querySelector('.video-item--duration').getAttribute('data-value')%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Convert the duration strings to time in seconds for comparison%0A const timeA %3D convertDurationToSeconds(durationA)%3B%0A const timeB %3D convertDurationToSeconds(durationB)%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Compare and return the result%0A return timeA - timeB%3B%0A %7D%0A%0A %2F%2F Function to convert duration strings to time in seconds%0A function convertDurationToSeconds(duration) %7B%0A %2F%2F Split the duration into parts (hours%2C minutes%2C seconds)%0A const parts %3D duration.split('%3A').map(Number)%3B%0A %0A if (parts.length %3D%3D%3D 3) %7B%0A %2F%2F If there are three parts (hh%3Amm%3Ass)%2C convert to seconds%0A return parts%5B0%5D * 3600 %2B parts%5B1%5D * 60 %2B parts%5B2%5D%3B%0A %7D else if (parts.length %3D%3D%3D 2) %7B%0A %2F%2F If there are two parts (mm%3Ass)%2C consider it as mm minutes and ss seconds%0A return parts%5B0%5D * 60 %2B parts%5B1%5D%3B%0A %7D else %7B%0A %2F%2F Handle invalid duration format%0A return 0%3B %2F%2F You may want to handle this differently%0A %7D%0A%7D%0A%0A %2F%2F Create a container for the sorted list or find the existing container%0A let videoListContainer %3D document.querySelector('.video-list')%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Check if the container element was found or create one%0A if (!videoListContainer) %7B%0A videoListContainer %3D document.createElement('ul')%3B%0A videoListContainer.className %3D 'video-list'%3B %2F%2F Add the class to the created container%0A %7D%0A%0A %2F%2F Sort the array of <li> elements based on video duration%0A videoEntriesArray.sort(compareDurations)%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Clear the current list and append the sorted list%0A videoListContainer.innerHTML %3D ''%3B%0A%0A videoEntriesArray.forEach((entry) %3D> {%0A videoListContainer.appendChild(entry)%3B %2F%2F Append the sorted entries%0A })%3B%0A%0A %2F%2F Append the container to the parent element%0A const parentElement %3D document.querySelector('.main-and-sidebar ol')%3B%0A if (parentElement) {%0A parentElement.appendChild(videoListContainer)%3B%0A %7D else {%0A console.error('Parent element not found.')%3B%0A %7D%0A} )()%3B
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May break eventually but still working as of 11/2024

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