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Last active February 10, 2022 09:28
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Save cfpperche2/2e68ac44a081aaa0628b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ubuntu 14.04 + Kernel 3.14.17 + Xenomai 2.6.4 + RTnet-master + ROS Indigo + Orocos 2.8
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This is an installation tutorial of the OROCOS v2.8 with the ROS Indigo and
# the Xenomai 2.6.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.
# The following is adapted from:
# Update kernel
sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-trusty
# Update Xorg
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-trusty
# Update GCC
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
sudo update-alternatives --remove-all gcc
sudo update-alternatives --remove-all g++
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 20
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 20
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc
sudo update-alternatives --config g++
# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install fakeroot kernel-package makedumpfile build-essential crash kexec-tools kernel-wedge git-core libncurses5 libncurses5-dev libelf-dev binutils-dev asciidoc devscripts debhelper dh-kpatches autotools-dev autoconf automake libtool
sudo apt-get build-dep linux
# Reboot
sudo reboot
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Prepare Xenomai source
cd /usr/src
sudo git clone --depth=1 git:// xenomai-2.6.4
# sudo wget
# sudo tar xfv xenomai-2.6.4.tar.bz2
sudo wget
sudo tar xfv linux-3.14.17.tar.xz
sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-3.14.17 /usr/src/linux
sudo cp -vi /boot/config-`uname -r` linux/.config
sudo xenomai-2.6.4/scripts/ --arch=x86_64 --adeos=/usr/src/xenomai-2.6.4/ksrc/arch/x86/patches/ipipe-core-3.14.17-x86-4.patch --linux=/usr/src/linux-3.14.17
#Kernel Options
#In Power management and ACPI options
# ACPI (Advanced Configura- tion and Power Interface) Support turn of Processor,
# CPU Frequency scaling turn off CPU Frequency scaling,
# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ is not set
# ACPI options turn off CPU idle PM support,
#Kernel hacking turn off KGDB: kernel debugger,
# CONFIG_KGDB is not set
#Turn off Virtualization,
#Real-time sub-system
# Nucleus
# SET Number of registry slots = 4096
cd linux
sudo make menuconfig
sudo make-kpkg --bzimage --initrd --append-to-version=-xenomai-2.6.4 -j8 kernel-image kernel-headers modules
# Install kernel
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i linux-image-*.deb
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-*.deb
sudo update-initramfs -c -k "3.14.17-xenomai-2.6.4"
sudo update-grub
# Reboot
sudo reboot
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Set user space Xenomai support
cd /usr/src
sudo mkdir build_xenomai-2.6.4
cd build_xenomai-2.6.4
sudo ../xenomai-2.6.4/configure --enable-shared --enable-smp --enable-x86-sep
sudo make -j8
sudo make install
cd /etc/
sudo touch xenomai.conf
sudo sh -c "echo '/usr/xenomai/lib' >> xenomai.conf"
sudo ldconfig
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin:/usr/xenomai/lib:/usr/xenomai/include" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo su
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
# echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/xenomai/bin:/usr/xenomai/lib:/usr/xenomai/include" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo addgroup xenomai
sudo addgroup root xenomai
sudo usermod -a -G xenomai `whoami`
# Add to rc.local
# sudo nano /etc/rc.local
# echo "<gid>" > /sys/module/xeno_nucleus/parameters/xenomai_gid
XenoGID=`cat /etc/group | sed -nr "s/xenomai:.:([0-9]+):.*/\1/p"`
sudo sh -c "echo $XenoGID > /sys/module/xeno_nucleus/parameters/xenomai_gid"
# Update groub (enable boot menu just in case something go wrong)
# In /etc/default/grub comment GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT and GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# Then, modify the grub defaults (located at /etc/default/grub) so that GRUB_CMD_LINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
# defines the xeno_nucleus.xenomai_gid variable. For example, if the xenomai GID from above is 1001,
# this line should read:
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# Then update grub:
sudo update-grub
# Reboot
sudo reboot
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install RTnet
# Based on and rtnet mailist
# Get patch 0001-Fix-compilatin-issues-on-kernel-above-3.10.patch from
# or
# or
# Put patch 0001-Fix-compilatin-issues-on-kernel-above-3.10.patch in /usr/src
cd /usr/src
sudo wget -O 0001-Fix-compilatin-issues-on-kernel-above-3.10.patch
sudo git clone git:// rtnet-code
sudo ln -s rtnet-code rtnet
cd rtnet
sudo git apply ../0001-Fix-compilatin-issues-on-kernel-above-3.10.patch
# Select the following option in the gconfig menu:
# Variant - Xenomai 2.1
# Add-ons - Real-time Capturing Support set to ON
# Examples - RTnet Application Examples set to ON
sudo su
make menuconfig # Select drivers for amd and intel NICs
sudo make -j8
sudo make install
# Configure RTnet
# The RTnet installation folder will be created under /usr/local/rtnet
# Create the RTnet management device node
sudo mknod /dev/rtnet c 10 240
# Testing with a single node (local loopback)
# The testing procedure is as follows:
# Disconnect the RTnet node’s network cable from your normal non real-time ehternet network
# Restart the systems into the patched kernel mode.
# Display the Network setup with the command
# This will show you have the eth0 running (which is your network card) and the lo running (which is the local loop-back)
# You need to disable the non-realtime network operation of the network card as follows:
sudo ifconfig eth0 down
# Then, unload the network card’s device drivers, e.g. "sudo rmmod 8139too"
# Ethernet card driver name
# lspci | awk '/net/ {print $1}' | xargs -i% lspci -ks %
# or
# lshw -c network
sudo lshw -c network | grep -Eio "driver=[A-Z]*[0-9]*" | grep -Eio "[=][A-Z]*[0-9]*" | grep -Eio "[A-Z]*[0-9]*"
sudo rmmod <DRIVER>
# Load the required modules of your real-time Linux extension needed for RTnet operations
sudo modprobe xeno_rtdm
sudo modprobe xeno_hal
sudo modprobe xeno_nucleus
# Edit the following parameters in the RTnet configuration file located at /usr/local/rtnet/etc/rtnet.conf:
sudo nano /usr/local/rtnet/etc/rtnet.conf
# Set the host up as master or slave depending on how you are going to use it.
# RT_DRIVER="rt_e1000" should be the realtime equivalent of the module you removed. e.g. rt_8139too.
# RT_DRIVER_OPTIONS="" should just have empty quotes because there is only one card on the Host.
# IPADDR="" because you setup yourself as the master with this address and you want to talk to the local loopback which # # will be setup as a slave at
# RTCAP="yes" if you want to run real time capturing of packets like Ethereal.
# TDMA_SLAVES="" Setup for loopback as the slave.
# Save the file and from the sbin/ directory, and run:
cd /usr/local/rtnet/sbin
sudo ./rtnet start
# It will wait for slaves. press cntl ^C to go out of its waiting for slaves. You can see that RTnet is
# running by calling lsmod and finding the realtime driver of the network card in the loaded module list.
# If it is not listed then RTnet is not running.
# Ping the local loopback as follows:
sudo ./rtping
# To stop RTnet transmitting on the card, run:
sudo ./rtnet stop
# Testing with multiple nodes
# The testing procedure is as follows:
# Disconnect the RTnet nodes from the normal non real-time ehternet network.
# Connect the RTnet nodes to each other using a switch (or hub).
# Restart the systems into the patched kernel mode.
# Modify the rtnet configuration file /usr/local/rtnet/etc/rtnet.conf. You should check the following:
# RT_DRIVER must be set to the correct real-time Ethernet NIC driver
# Set IPADDR to the station’s (network-unique) IP address
# Set TDMA_MODE to master or slave, depending on the node’s role
# Place the slaves’ IP addresses in TDMA_SLAVES, separated by spaces (only required by master)
# Example 1. Mandatory steps
# Shut down the non-real time Ethernet device
# Unload the non-real time Ethernet device driver modules
# Load the required Xenomai modules
# Change to directory /usr/local/rtnet/sbin
# Start RTnet on all nodes. The nodes should see each others, and then return to the command prompt:
sudo ./rtnet start
# Check the communication between the nodes with the following command, where is the IP address of a remote node:
sudo ./rtping
# Stop the command with ^C.
# Unload the RTnet modules:
sudo ./rtnet stop
# Debugging RTnet
# If RTnet doesn’t work, or only works intermittedly, it is likely due to one of these known issues:
# /dev/rtnet device node is missing.
# Xenomai is not working as expected on your hardware.
# The Linux driver for the real-time network device was built into the kernel and blocks the hardware.
# IRQ clash. Xenomai is able to detect conflicts and report them to the kernel console.
# you are using rt_e1000 driver and RTnet 0.9.9 or older. See RTnet:rt_e1000 for a workaround.
# Steps to resolve problems:
# Check the kernel console or the system log for suspicious messages.
# Validate that the basic tests of your real-time extension are working correctly. Xenomai, e.g., comes with an basic test called latency.
# Collect informations about your setup (versions, configuration, output messages) and post a support request on rtnet-users.
# Using realtime (RTnet) and non-realtime network together
# If you have two (or more) ethernet lines available on your system, you can configure one to use RTnet (realtime) and the other one to use non-realtime network:
# Unload the non-realtime driver.
# Load and start rtnet on one card using cards parameter (e.g. insmod rt_e1000.ko cards=1,0).
# Load the non-realtime module and bring it up (the standard way using insmod and ifup). It will take whatever cards are left.
# The parameter cards accepts an array of zeros and ones. For instance insmod rt_e1000.ko cards=0,1,0 will use the “middle” card of 3.
# See script fragment below for an example:
sudo insmod /usr/local/rtnet/modules/rt_e1000.ko cards=1,0
sudo insmod e1000 $ sudo ifup eth1
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ROS Indigo
# Setup your sources.list
# Setup your computer to accept software from
# ROS Indigo ONLY supports Saucy (13.10) and Trusty (14.04) for debian packages.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
# Set up your keys
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 0xB01FA116
# wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
# Installation
# First, make sure your Debian package index is up-to-date:
sudo apt-get update
# Desktop-Full Install: (Recommended) : ROS, rqt, rviz, robot-generic libraries, 2D/3D simulators,
# navigation and 2D/3D perception
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
# To find available packages, use:
# apt-cache search ros-indigo
# Initialize rosdep
# Before you can use ROS, you will need to initialize rosdep. rosdep enables you to easily install
# system dependencies for source you want to compile and is required to run some core components in ROS.
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
# Environment setup
# It's convenient if the ROS environment variables are automatically added to your bash session
# every time a new shell is launched:
echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# If you have more than one ROS distribution installed, ~/.bashrc must only source the setup.bash
# for the version you are currently using.
# If you just want to change the environment of your current shell, you can type:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
# Getting rosinstall
# rosinstall is a frequently used command-line tool in ROS that is distributed separately.
# It enables you to easily download many source trees for ROS packages with one command.
# To install this tool on Ubuntu, run:
sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Building orocos_toolchain from source
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
echo "export OROCOS_TARGET=xenomai" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export XENOMAI_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/xenomai/include" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export XENOMAI_NATIVE_LIBRARY=/usr/xenomai/lib" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export XENOMAI_ROOT_DIR=/usr/xenomai" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# Manually resolve recursive dependencies
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
sudo gem install rake hoe
# First, create an isolated underlay for building plain CMake-based packages like Orocos:
# Create a catkin workspace
mkdir -p ~/ws/underlay_isolated/src/orocos
cd ~/ws/underlay_isolated
# Clone the repository using
git clone --recursive -b toolchain-2.8 src/orocos/orocos_toolchain
# or
# git clone --recursive git:// -b toolchain-2.7 src/orocos/orocos_toolchain
catkin_make_isolated --install -DXENOMAI_ROOT_DIR=/usr/xenomai
#Add this line to your ~/.bashrc file to run the setup script for our workspace:
source install_isolated/
# Then, in the same shell, create an underlay for building Catkin-based packages:
mkdir -p ~/ws/underlay/src
cd ~/ws/underlay
git clone -b indigo-devel src/rtt_ros_integration
source devel/
# Temporarily add the src directory to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
# export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:~/orocos_ws/src
# User integration
# echo "export ROS_WORKSPACE=$ROS_WORKSPACE" >> ~/.bashrc
# echo "export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:"/home/vilma/ros_workspace" >> ~/.bashrc
# echo "source $ROS_WORKSPACE/orocos/orocos_toolchain/" >> ~/.bashrc
# source ~/.bashrc
# At this point you can create Catkin or rosbuild packages which use the rtt_ros_integration tools.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Creating an Orocos-ROS Package
# The Orocos and ROS communities have both standardized on using CMake for building source code, and have also both
# developed independent CMake macros for assisting the process. The ROS community has developed catkin and the Orocos
# toolchain uses Orocos-specific macros. These macros are used for exporting (declaring) and retreiving inter-package
# dependencies. It's a good, conflict-preventing, practice to decide when a package should be characterized by Catkin-based
# or Orocos-based macros.
# Any package that builds orocos targets (plugins, components, executables, etc) needs_to call the orocos_generate_package()
# macro so that the appropriate platform-specific pkg-config .pc files are generated. These packages can _depend on
# ROS libraries, but they should avoid exporting headers, libraries, or other resources via the catkin_package() macro.
# A simple Orocos-ROS package looks like the following:
# my_orocos_pkg
# ├──
# ├── CMakeLists.txt
# ├── package.xml
# ├── include
# │ └── my_orocos_pkg
# └── src
# Where the CMakeLists.txt has the following directives:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
### ROS Dependencies ###
# Find the RTT-ROS package (this transitively includes the Orocos CMake macros)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
### Orocos Dependencies ###
# Note that orocos_use_package() does not need to be called for any dependency
# listed in the package.xml file
### Orocos Targets ###
# orocos_component(my_component src/my_component.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(my_component ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES})
# orocos_library(my_library src/my_library.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(my_library ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES})
# orocos_service(my_service src/my_service.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(my_service ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES})
# orocos_plugin(my_plugin src/my_plugin.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(my_plugin ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES})
# orocos_typekit(my_typekit src/my_typekit.cpp)
# target_link_libraries(my_typekit ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${USE_OROCOS_LIBRARIES})
### Orocos Package Exports and Install Targets ###
# Generate install targets for header files
orocos_install_headers(DIRECTORY include/${PROJECT_NAME})
# Export package information (replaces catkin_package() macro)
DEPENDS rtt_ros
# The package.xml file is a normal Catkin package.xml file, with some additional export flags for ROS plugin auto-loading:
<maintainer email="">Firstname Lastname</maintainer>
Package description.
<!-- Build deps are queried automatically with orocos_use_package() -->
<!-- ROS Msg Typekits and Srv Proxies -->
<!-- Plugin deps are loaded automatically by the rtt_ros import service -->
# Building ROS-Based Orocos Components
# While the ROS community has standardized on the rosbuild (ROS Hydro and earlier) and Catkin (ROS Groovy and later)
# buildsystems, Orocos has its own CMake/PkgConfig-based package description system which uses Autoproj manifest.xml
# files similar to rosbuild manifest.xml files.
# This is primarily because Orocos builds its libraries with respect to a given $OROCOS_TARGET (gnulinux/xenomai/macosx/etc)
# so that you can build multiple versions of the same library in place without having to rebuild everything whenever you
# change targets.
# So in order to build Orocos components in a rosbuild or Catkin package, you need to first include the RTT CMake macros.
# This is done automatically when you find the rtt_ros package:
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS rtt_ros)
# If you need other RTT libraries like the CORBA transport etc, you can use the use_orocos() macro provided by the
# rtt_ros package:
# The above is equivalent to calling the following:
find_package(OROCOS-RTT REQUIRED COMPONENTS rtt-scripting rtt-transport-corba)
# When this file is included, it both defines and executes several macros. Specifically, it parses the package.xml or
# manifest.xml of the including package, and executes orocos_use_package(pkg-name) on all build dependencies.
# This populates several variables including, but not limited to ${OROCOS_USE_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${OROCOS_USE_LIBRARIES}
# which are used by Orocos target- and package-definition macros like orocos_executable(), orocos_library() and
# orocos_generate_package().
# Also, while the orocos_use_package() macro can be used to find both Orocos-based packages and normal pkg-config-based
# packages, you should only use it for Orocos-based packages. You should use the normal CMake and Catkin mechanisms for
# all non-Orocos dependencies. As long as the names of orocos packages are listed as <build_depend> dependencies in your
# package.xml file, their build flags will automatically be made available when building your package.
# Do not use find_package(catkin COMPONENTS) to find orocos packages, since catkin doesn't properly handle the
# orocos-target-specific packages. Listing them in the package.xml file will also enforce proper build ordering.
# To build components, libraries, typekits, and other Orocos plugins, use the standard orocos_*() CMake macros.
# Then to make these available to other packages at build-time (through orocos_use_package()), declare an Orocos package
# at the end of your CMakeLists.txt file:
orocos_generate_package(DEPENDS some-other-oro-pkg)
# See the Orocos RTT documentation (or cheat sheet) for more info on these macros.
# NOTE: You still need to call find_package(catkin ...) and catkin_package(...) for non-orocos dependencies and targets,
# but you shuold use the orocos_*() CMake macros for Orocos-based code.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install ITaSC -
# The following explanation uses the ROS workspace and rosinstall tools, it is however easy to follow the
# same instructions without these tools, as will be hinted further on.
# IMPORTANT: We combine catkin packages and rosbuild packages by combining catkin and rosws workspaces!!
#ROS Indigo
#Orocos (installation instructions on
#rtt_ros_integration (
#geometry (
#robot-model (
#rtt_geometry (
#orocos_kinematics_dynamics (
# IMPORTANT: You need to install everything (except ROS Indigo) from source, it currently doesn't work using debian packages.
# You need first to install the following debian packages upon which they rely to have successful compilation:
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev sip-dev liburdfdom-dev ros-indigo-angles ros-indigo-tf2-ros ros-indigo-geometric-shapes liblua5.1-0 liblua5.1-0-dev collada-dom-dev
# IMPORTANT: your workspace setup should look as follows:
# underlay_isolated
# build_isolated
# install_isolated
# devel_isolated
# src
# orocos
# orocos_kinematics_dynamics
# orocos_toolchain
# underlay
# build
# devel
# src
# geometry
# robot_model
# rtt_geometry
# rtt_ros_integration
# Afterwards add the following to your .bashrc file:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
source ~/ws/underlay/devel/
# Make a new rosbuild workspace (for instance ~/ros_ws) that overlays the catkin workspace:
mkdir ~/ros_ws
cd ~/ros_ws
rosws init . ~/ws/devel
# Add your rosbuild workspace to your .bashrc:
source ~/ros_ws/
# Installation file
# Download the ROS installation file here
# Merge this file into your workspace:
rosws merge itasc_dsl.rosinstall
rosws update
# OR manually clone each repository mentioned in the file, switch to the correct branch/tag, and add to
# Application dependent install files
# The KUKA youBot and PR2 have not yet been tested in Indigo.
# Setup
# Download this file, move and rename it to ~/.bash_itasc_dsl
# Add at the following at the end of your ~/.bashrc file, in following order:
source /path/to/your/rosworkspace/setup.bash
source .bash_itasc_dsl
# re-source your .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# Changes to iTaSC files
# As iTaSC was originally based on ROS Groovy, some adaptations of the code are necessary for it to compile in Indigo.
# Unfortunately these changes are still manual work.
# orocos toolchain 2.7
# First change to be made is that the Orocos toolchain packages, although they have a package.xml, are no ROS packages
# anymore starting from Toolchain 2.7. So all manifests of itasc packages have to be adapted as one can no longer
# directly depend on rtt and ocl, one has to depend on rtt_ros which serves as a replacement for the previous ROS
# package rtt and depends on the system (rosdep) packages rtt, ocl, orogen and a minimal set of packages to support
# ROS native types and to provide a service to import ROS packages recursively. So for all manifests:
<depend package="rtt_ros"/>
<!-- <depend package="rtt"/> -->
<!-- <depend package="ocl"/> -->
<!-- <depend package="orogen"/> -->
# trajectory_generators/fixed_joint_generator/CMakeLists.txt
#find_package(Eigen REQUIRED)
# trajectory_generators/fixed_joint_generator/manifest.xml
<rosdep name="eigen"/>
<depend package="rtt_ros" />
<depend package="orocos_kdl"/>
# itasc_tasks/sixDof_pff/manifest.xml
<rosdep name="eigen"/>
<depend package="orocos_kdl"/>
<depend package="rtt_ros" />
<depend package="itasc_core"/>
<depend package="kdl_typekit"/>
# Build the packages
# Build the core packages
rosmake itasc_core trajectory_generators itasc_tasks rFSM rttlua_completion itasc_solvers fixed_object itasc_robot_object moving_object moving_object_tf
# Build application dependent packages
# Compile the dedicated itasc components for the PR2 or Youbot, located in the itasc_robots_objects stack (not yet tested in Indigo)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Overview
# rFSM is a small and powerful Statechart implementation. It is mainly designed for Coordination of complex
# systems but is not limited to that. rFSM is written in pure Lua and is therefore highly portable and embeddable.
# As a Lua domain specific language rFSM inherits the extensibility of its host language.
# rFSM is dual licensed under LGPL/BSD.
# This README is also available in HTML and Text format in the doc/ subdirectory.
# Setup
# Make sure you have Lua 5.1 installed and the rFSM folder is in your LUA_PATH. For example:
export LUA_PATH=";;;/home/mk/src/git/rfsm/?.lua"
# If your LUA_PATH is already set to something, then just add the rFSM path instead of overwriting it:
export LUA_PATH="$LUA_PATH;/home/mk/src/git/rfsm/?.lua"
# Information about how to use rFSM using the OROCOS RTT Framework can be found here.
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