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Created October 22, 2010 02:44
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*** form_tag_helper.rb 2010-10-22 10:24:55.000000000 +0900
--- form_tag_helper_jishiha.rb 2010-10-22 11:16:43.000000000 +0900
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# prompt with the question specified. If the user accepts, the form is
# processed normally, otherwise no action is taken.
# * <tt>:disabled</tt> - If set to true, the user will not be able to use this input.
+ # * <tt>:disable</tt> - If set to true, the submit button is disabled when the form is submitted.
# * Any other key creates standard HTML options for the tag.
# ==== Examples
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# image_submit_tag("agree.png", :disabled => true, :class => "agree_disagree_button")
# # => <input class="agree_disagree_button" disabled="disabled" src="/images/agree.png" type="image" />
+ #
+ # image_submit_tag("purchase.png", :disable => true)
+ # # => <input onclick="this.disabled = true;result = (this.form.onsubmit ? (this.form.onsubmit() ? this.form.submit() : false) : this.form.submit());if (result == false) { this.disabled = false; }return result;"src="/images/purchase.png" type="image" />
def image_submit_tag(source, options = {})
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add_confirm_to_attributes!(options, confirm)
+ if disable = options.delete("disable")
+ onclick = "#{options.delete('onclick')};" if options['onclick']
+ options["onclick"] = "this.setAttribute('originalValue', this.value);this.disabled = true;#{onclick}"
+ options["onclick"] << "result = (this.form.onsubmit ? (this.form.onsubmit() ? this.form.submit() : false) : this.form.submit());"
+ options["onclick"] << "if (result == false) { this.disabled = false; }return result;"
+ end
tag :input, { "type" => "image", "src" => path_to_image(source) }.update(options.stringify_keys)
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