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Last active November 18, 2017 16:58
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Save chaonan99/766341e72c63763e028eab9428587f24 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
That's a torch implementation of LSTM module with attention mechanism base on Karpathy's implementation in NeuralTalk2
-- from
-- by Andrej Karpathy
local gradcheck = {}
function gradcheck.relative_error(x, y, h)
h = h or 1e-12
if torch.isTensor(x) and torch.isTensor(y) then
local top = torch.abs(x - y)
local bottom = torch.cmax(torch.abs(x) + torch.abs(y), h)
return torch.max(torch.cdiv(top, bottom))
return math.abs(x - y) / math.max(math.abs(x) + math.abs(y), h)
function gradcheck.numeric_gradient(f, x, df, eps)
df = df or 1.0
eps = eps or 1e-8
local n = x:nElement()
local x_flat = x:view(n)
local dx_num =
local dx_num_flat = dx_num:view(n)
for i = 1, n do
local orig = x_flat[i]
x_flat[i] = orig + eps
local pos = f(x)
if torch.isTensor(df) then
pos = pos:clone()
x_flat[i] = orig - eps
local neg = f(x)
if torch.isTensor(df) then
neg = neg:clone()
local d = nil
if torch.isTensor(df) then
d = - neg, df) / (2 * eps)
d = df * (pos - neg) / (2 * eps)
dx_num_flat[i] = d
x_flat[i] = orig
return dx_num
- f is a function that takes a tensor and returns a scalar
- x is the point at which to evalute f
- dx is the analytic gradient of f at x
function gradcheck.check_random_dims(f, x, dx, eps, num_iterations, verbose)
if verbose == nil then verbose = false end
eps = eps or 1e-4
local x_flat = x:view(-1)
local dx_flat = dx:view(-1)
local relative_errors = torch.Tensor(num_iterations)
for t = 1, num_iterations do
-- Make sure the index is really random.
-- We have to call this on the inner loop because some functions
-- f may be stochastic, and eliminating their internal randomness for
-- gradient checking by setting a manual seed. If this is the case,
-- then we will always sample the same index unless we reseed on each
-- iteration.
local i = torch.random(x:nElement())
local orig = x_flat[i]
x_flat[i] = orig + eps
local pos = f(x)
x_flat[i] = orig - eps
local neg = f(x)
local d_numeric = (pos - neg) / (2 * eps)
local d_analytic = dx_flat[i]
x_flat[i] = orig
local rel_error = gradcheck.relative_error(d_numeric, d_analytic)
relative_errors[t] = rel_error
if verbose then
print(string.format(' Iteration %d / %d, error = %f',
t, num_iterations, rel_error))
print(string.format(' %f %f', d_numeric, d_analytic))
return relative_errors
return gradcheck
require 'nn'
require 'nngraph'
local LSTM = {}
function LSTM.lstm(input_size, output_size, rnn_size, n, frame_per_video, seq_per_video, dropout)
dropout = dropout or 0
-- TODO: No idea how to choose attention size...
att_size = att_size or 512
-- there will be 2*n+1 inputs
local inputs = {}
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- indices giving the sequence of symbols
for L = 1,n do
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- prev_c[L]
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- prev_h[L]
table.insert(inputs, nn.Identity()()) -- img
local x, input_size_L, feats
local outputs = {}
for L = 1,n do
-- c,h from previos timesteps
local prev_h = inputs[L*2+1]
local prev_c = inputs[L*2]
-- the input to this layer
if L == 1 then
x = inputs[1]
input_size_L = input_size
-- Attention model --
-- TODO: more elegent way to do this?
-- TODO: Share parameter or not?
feats = inputs[(n+1)*2]
local e = {}
local featTable = {nn.SplitTable(1)(feats):split(frame_per_video)}
local hxW = nn.Linear(rnn_size,att_size)(prev_h)
local Ua = nn.Linear(input_size,att_size)
local va = nn.Linear(att_size,1)
-- assert(#featTable == frame_per_video, 'Currently only support batch_size = 1')
for i = 1, frame_per_video do
local va_t = va:clone('weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
local Ua_t = Ua:clone('weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
e[i] = va_t(nn.Tanh()(nn.CAddTable()({hxW,nn.Replicate(seq_per_video)(Ua_t(featTable[i]))})))
z = nn.MM()({nn.SoftMax()(nn.JoinTable(2)(e)),feats})
-- Attention model end --
x = outputs[(L-1)*2]
if dropout > 0 then x = nn.Dropout(dropout)(x):annotate{name='drop_' .. L} end -- apply dropout, if any
input_size_L = rnn_size
-- evaluate the input sums at once for efficiency
local i2h = nn.Linear(input_size_L, 4 * rnn_size)(x):annotate{name='i2h_'..L}
local h2h = nn.Linear(rnn_size, 4 * rnn_size)(prev_h):annotate{name='h2h_'..L}
local all_input_sums, z2h
if L == 1 then
z2h = nn.Linear(input_size, 4 * rnn_size)(z):annotate{name='z2h_'..L}
all_input_sums = nn.CAddTable()({i2h, h2h, z2h})
all_input_sums = nn.CAddTable()({i2h, h2h})
local reshaped = nn.Reshape(4, rnn_size)(all_input_sums)
local n1, n2, n3, n4 = nn.SplitTable(2)(reshaped):split(4)
-- decode the gates
local in_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n1)
local forget_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n2)
local out_gate = nn.Sigmoid()(n3)
-- decode the write inputs
local in_transform = nn.Tanh()(n4)
-- perform the LSTM update
local next_c = nn.CAddTable()({
nn.CMulTable()({forget_gate, prev_c}),
nn.CMulTable()({in_gate, in_transform})
-- gated cells form the output
local next_h = nn.CMulTable()({out_gate, nn.Tanh()(next_c)})
table.insert(outputs, next_c)
table.insert(outputs, next_h)
-- set up the decoder
local top_h = outputs[#outputs]
if dropout > 0 then top_h = nn.Dropout(dropout)(top_h):annotate{name='drop_final'} end
local proj = nn.Linear(rnn_size, output_size)(top_h):annotate{name='decoder'}
local logsoft = nn.LogSoftMax()(proj)
table.insert(outputs, logsoft)
return nn.gModule(inputs, outputs)
return LSTM
-- Test the attention calculation module
-- [Author] Haonan Chen
-- [Date] 08/16/2016
-- [Contact]
require 'nn'
require 'nngraph'
local gradcheck = require 'misc.gradcheck'
local tests = {}
local tester = torch.Tester()
seq_per_video = 6
att_size = 15
rnn_size = 15
input_size = 15
frame_per_video = 5
local function build_attention()
feats = nn.Identity()()
prev_h = nn.Identity()()
local e = {}
local featTable = {nn.SplitTable(1)(feats):split(frame_per_video)}
local nh = nn.Linear(rnn_size,att_size)(prev_h) -- Calculate this outside the loop to save time
local ua = nn.Linear(input_size,att_size) -- Share parameters
local va = nn.Linear(att_size,1)
for i = 1, #featTable do
-- This will share parameters between different clones
local ua_t = ua:clone('weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
local va_t = va:clone('weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
e[i] = va_t(nn.Tanh()(nn.CAddTable()({nh,nn.Replicate(seq_per_video)(ua_t(featTable[i]))})))
jo = nn.SoftMax()(nn.JoinTable(2)(e))
ca = nn.MM()({jo,feats})
m = nn.gModule({feats,prev_h},{ca})
return m
local function gradCheck()
local in_feat = torch.rand(frame_per_video, input_size)
local in_prev_h = torch.rand(seq_per_video, rnn_size)
m = build_attention()
res = m:forward({in_feat, in_prev_h})
local w = torch.randn(res:size(1), res:size(2))
local loss = torch.sum(torch.cmul(w,res))
local gradOutput = w
local gradInput, dummy = unpack(m:backward({in_feat,in_prev_h},gradOutput))
local function f(x)
local output = m:forward({x, in_prev_h})
local loss = torch.sum(torch.cmul(w,output))
return loss
local gradInput_num = gradcheck.numeric_gradient(f, in_feat, 1, 1e-6)
local g = gradInput:view(-1)
local gn = gradInput_num:view(-1)
for i=1,g:nElement() do
local r = gradcheck.relative_error(g[i],gn[i])
print(i, r)
tester:assertTensorEq(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-6)
tester:assertlt(gradcheck.relative_error(gradInput, gradInput_num, 1e-8), 5e-4)
tests.gradCheck = gradCheck
-- This file shows how to use the LSTMAttention module (run a forward pass)
-- [Author] Haonan Chen
-- [Date] 08/02/2016
-- [Contact]
require 'nn'
-- require 'nngraph'
local LSTM = require 'misc.LSTMAttention'
seq_per_video = 20
att_size = 512
rnn_size = 512
input_size = 512
frame_per_video = 15
vocab_size = 80
num_layers = 1
dropout = 0
seq_length = 7
num_state = 2*num_layers
model = LSTM.lstm(input_size, vocab_size + 1, rnn_size, num_layers, frame_per_video, seq_per_video, dropout)
-- Clone LSTM cell
clones = {model}
for t = 2, seq_length + 2 do
clones[t] = model:clone('weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias')
-- initialize
function createInitState(batch_size)
assert(batch_size ~= nil, 'batch size must be provided')
-- construct the initial state for the LSTM
if not init_state then init_state = {} end -- lazy init
for h=1,num_layers*2 do
-- note, the init state Must be zeros because we are using init_state to init grads in backward call too
if init_state[h] then
if init_state[h]:size(1) ~= batch_size then
init_state[h]:resize(batch_size, rnn_size):zero() -- expand the memory
init_state[h] = torch.zeros(batch_size, rnn_size)
return init_state
state = {[0] = createInitState(seq_per_video)} -- For the convenience to apply state[t-1]
imgs = torch.rand(frame_per_video, input_size) -- Doesn't change
inputs = {}
output = {} -- size: seq_length+2, seq_per_image, vocab_size+1
-- Forward the network
for t = 1, seq_length + 2 do
if t == 1 then
inputs[t] = {torch.rand(seq_per_video, input_size), unpack(state[t-1])}
lookup_table_out = torch.rand(seq_per_video, input_size)
inputs[t] = {lookup_table_out, unpack(state[t-1])}
local out = clones[t]:forward(inputs[t])
output[t] = out[num_state+1]
state[t] = {}
for i=1,num_state do table.insert(state[t],out[i]) end
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