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Created February 17, 2010 12:31
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[ D:\ ]
> ruby -v && gem -v
ruby 1.9.1p243 (2009-07-16 revision 24175) [i386-mingw32]
[ D:\ ]
> gem list compass --local
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
compass (0.10.0.pre5)
compass-susy-plugin (0.6.3)
[ D:\ ]
> compass --help
Usage: compass [options] [project]
The compass command line tool will help you create and manage the stylesheets for your project.
To get started on a stand-alone project based on blueprint:
compass -f blueprint my_compass_project
When you change any sass files, you must recompile your project using --update or --watch.
Mode Options(only specify one):
-i, --install Create a new compass project.
The default mode when a project is provided.
-u, --update Update the current project.
This is the default when no project is provided.
-w, --watch Monitor the current project for changes and update
-p, --pattern PATTERN Stamp out a pattern into the current project.
Must be used with -f.
--write-configuration Write the current configuration to the configuration file.
--list-frameworks List compass frameworks available to use.
--validate Validate your project's compiled css. Requires Java.
--grid-img [DIMENSIONS] Generate a background image to test grid alignment.
Dimension is given as <column_width>+<gutter_width>x<height>.
Defaults to 30+10x20. Height is optional.
Install/Pattern Options:
-f, --framework FRAMEWORK Use the specified framework. Only one may be specified.
-n, --pattern-name NAME The name to use when stamping a pattern.
Must be used in combination with -p.
--rails Sets the app type to a rails project (same as --app rails).
Configuration Options:
-c, --config CONFIG_FILE Specify the location of the configuration file explicitly.
--app APP Tell compass what kind of application it is integrating with. E.g. rails
--sass-dir SRC_DIR The source directory where you keep your sass stylesheets.
--css-dir CSS_DIR The target directory where you keep your css stylesheets.
--images-dir IMAGES_DIR The directory where you keep your images.
--javascripts-dir JS_DIR The directory where you keep your javascripts.
-e, --environment ENV Use sensible defaults for your current environment.
One of: development, production (default)
-s, --output-style STYLE Select a CSS output mode.
One of: nested, expanded, compact, compressed
--relative-assets Make compass asset helpers generate relative urls to assets.
General Options:
-r, --require LIBRARY Require the given ruby LIBRARY before running commands.
This is used to access compass plugins without having a
project configuration file.
-q, --quiet Quiet mode.
--trace Show a full stacktrace on error
--force Allows some failing commands to succeed instead.
--dry-run Dry Run. Tells you what it plans to do.
--imports Emit an imports suitable for passing to the sass command-line.
Example: sass `compass --imports`
Note: Compass's Sass extensions will not be available.
--install-dir Emit the location where compass is installed.
--boring Turn off colorized output.
-?, -h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Print version
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