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Last active April 1, 2024 06:08
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AutoHotkey v2 Dark Mode
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; This script creates a dark mode for specific windows by inverting their colors.
; It uses the Windows Magnifier in the background for the color inverting, but it only inverts just the rectangle in place
; of the specific windows, NOT the whole screen like the Magnifier applicaion does. This is possible through DLL calls.
; Big thanks to the original source at
; Requirements:
; - AutoHotkey needs to be installed in C:\Program Files (or use the workaround from
; - In the 'Launch Settings' of 'AutoHotkey Dash' you need to enable 'UI Access'.
; Usage:
; Use Win+i to invert a window manually or add it to the auto_invert_gp group to invert it automatically.
#SingleInstance Force
if (!A_IsCompiled && !InStr(A_AhkPath, "_UIA")) {
Run "*uiAccess " A_ScriptFullPath
SetTitleMatchMode "RegEx"
; Add Programs for automatic dark mode here:
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_class #32770", , "Find|Öffnen|Speichern unter" ; Windows Explorer properties window and many others (but not the file open/save dialog that is already dark)
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_class OperationStatusWindow" ; Windows Explorer dialogs
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe AutoHotkeyUX.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe hh.exe" ; Windows Help
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe mmc.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe procexp64.exe" ; Process Explorer
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe regedit.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe Taskmgr.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe WinRAR.exe"
; Add Programs where automatic dark mode should never be applied here:
; This is mostly because they have dialogs that match ahk_class #32770 but are already in dark mode
AutoInvIgnProcName:= ["notepad++.exe"]
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
DetectHiddenWindows true
; SetBatchLines -1
SetWinDelay -1
OnExit Uninitialize
global Inverters := []
global pTarget := 0
; Color Matrix used to transform the colors
; Special thanks to, they have many more color matrixes.
; I'm not too keen on the maths, so maybe I'm missing some things,
; but here is my basic understanding of what does what in a color matrix, when applied to a color vector:
; r*=x g+=x*r b+=x*r a+=x*r 0
; r+=x*g g*=x b+=x*g a+=x*g 0
; r+=x*b g+=x*b b*=x a+=x*b 0
; r+=x*a g+=x*a b+=x*a a*=x 0
; r+=x g+=x b+=x a+=x 1
; Simple Inversion
MatrixInv := "-1|0|0|0|0|"
. "0|-1|0|0|0|"
. "0|0|-1|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; Smart Inversion
MatrixSmart := "0.333|-0.667|-0.667|0|0|"
. "-0.667| 0.333|-0.667|0|0|"
. "-0.667|-0.667|0.333|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; High saturation, good pure colors
MatrixHigh := "1|-1|-1|0|0|"
. "-1|1|-1|0|0|"
. "-1|-1|1|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; set the wanted color matix
global Matrix := MatrixHigh
inGroup(GroupName, WinTitle := "A", WinText := "", ExcludeTitle := "", ExcludeText := "")
GroupIDs := WinGetList("ahk_group " GroupName)
Window := WinExist(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)
Loop GroupIDs.Length
if (GroupIDs[A_Index] = Window)
;found match
return Window
return false
class Inverter
hTarget := ""
hGui := ""
hGui1 := ""
hGui2 := ""
hChildMagnifier := ""
hChildMagnifier1 := ""
hChildMagnifier2 := ""
xPrev := ""
yPrev := ""
wPrev := ""
hPrev := ""
stopped := 0
DetectHiddenWindows true
this.hTarget := hTarget
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "magnification.dll")
MAGCOLOREFFECT := Buffer(100, 0)
Loop Parse Matrix, "|"
NumPut("Float", A_LoopField, MAGCOLOREFFECT, (A_Index - 1) * 4)
Loop 2
gid := hTarget "_" A_Index
MyGui := Gui(, gid,)
if (A_Index = 2)
MyGui.Opt("+AlwaysOnTop") ; needed for ZBID_UIACCESS
; +HWNDhGui%A_Index%
MyGui.Opt("-DPIScale +toolwindow -Caption +E0x02000000 +E0x00080000 +E0x20") ; WS_EX_COMPOSITED := E0x02000000 WS_EX_LAYERED := E0x00080000 WS_EX_CLICKTHROUGH := E0x20
this.hGui%A_Index%:= MyGui.Hwnd
this.hChildMagnifier%A_Index% := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", "uint", 0, "str", "Magnifier", "str", "MagnifierWindow", "uint", WS_CHILD := 0x40000000, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "ptr", this.hGui%A_Index%, "uint", 0, "ptr", DllCall("GetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : ""), "ptr", this.hGui%A_Index%, "int", GWL_HINSTANCE := -6 , "ptr"), "uint", 0, "ptr")
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetColorEffect", "ptr", this.hChildMagnifier%A_Index%, "ptr", MAGCOLOREFFECT)
gid := hTarget "_" 2
this.hGui := this.hGui1
this.hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier1
return this
stop() {
DetectHiddenWindows true
if(!this.stopped) {
this.stopped := 1
hGui := this.hGui
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hGui := this.hGui1
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hGui := this.hGui2
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier1
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier2
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
start() {
DetectHiddenWindows true
if(this.stopped) {
this.stopped := 0
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hGui := this.hGui
WinShow "ahk_id " hGui
DetectHiddenWindows true
hTarget := this.hTarget
hGui := this.hGui
hGui1 := this.hGui1
hGui2 := this.hGui2
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier1 := this.hChildMagnifier1
hChildMagnifier2 := this.hChildMagnifier2
hideGui := ""
WINDOWINFO := Buffer(60, 0)
if (this.stopped or DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", WINDOWINFO) = 0) and (A_LastError = 1400)
; xx("destroyed")
if (NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "uint") & 0x20000000) or !(NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "uint") & 0x10000000)
; minimized or not visible
if (this.wPrev != 0)
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
this.wPrev := 0
sleep 10
return 1
x := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "int")
y := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 8, "int")
w := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 28, "int") - x
h := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 32, "int") - y
move := 0
if (hGui = hGui1) and ((NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "uint") = 1) or (DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", WinExist("A"), "uint", GA_ROOTOWNER := 3, "ptr") = hTarget))
; xx("activated")
hGui := hGui2
hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier2
move := 1
hideGui := hGui1
else if (hGui = hGui2) and (NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "uint") != 1) and ((hr := DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", WinExist("A"), "uint", GA_ROOTOWNER := 3, "ptr")) != hTarget) and hr
; deactivated
hGui := hGui1
hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier1
WinMove x, y, w, h, "ahk_id " hGui
WinMove 0, 0, w, h, "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hGui, "ptr", hTarget, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002)
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002) ; some windows can not be z-positioned before setting them to bottom
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", hGui, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002)
hideGui := hGui2
else if (x != this.xPrev) or (y != this.yPrev) or (w != this.wPrev) or (h != this.hPrev)
; location changed
move := 1
if(move) {
WinGetPos ,,&_w_, &_h_, "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd"
hs := A_ScreenHeight-_h_
if(y+h>hs) {
h := hs-y ; escape taskbar
WinMove x, y, w, h, "ahk_id " hGui
WinMove 0, 0, w, h, "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hGui
if (A_PtrSize = 8)
RECT := Buffer(16, 0)
NumPut("int", x, RECT, 0)
NumPut("int", y, RECT, 4)
NumPut("int", w, RECT, 8)
NumPut("int", h, RECT, 12)
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetWindowSource", "ptr", hChildMagnifier, "ptr", RECT)
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetWindowSource", "ptr", hChildMagnifier, "int", x, "int", y, "int", w, "int", h)
this.xPrev := x, this.yPrev := y, this.wPrev := w, this.hPrev := h
this.hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier
this.hGui := hGui
if hideGui
WinHide "ahk_id " hideGui
hideGui := ""
return 1
; Automatically turn on inversion filter
DetectHiddenWindows false ;would otherwise find many other windows
aTarget := WinExist("A")
if (aTarget != pTarget) { ; other window focused, check if it should be automatically inverted
pTarget:= aTarget
GroupIDs := WinGetList("ahk_group auto_invert_gp")
;Concat := ""
;For Each, Element In GroupIDs {
; If (Concat != "") {
; Concat .= "`n"
; }
; Concat .= Element ": " WinGetProcessName(Element) ;WinGetTitle(Element)
;MsgBox Concat
Loop GroupIDs.Length
hTarget := GroupIDs[A_Index]
if (hTarget = aTarget) { ;currently focused window in auto_invert_gp group
found:= 0
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(tmp.hTarget = hTarget) {
found:= 1
if (found = 0) {
;MsgBox "Invert " hTarget " " WinGetProcessName(hTarget)
hTargetName:= WinGetProcessName(hTarget)
ignore:= 0
Loop AutoInvIgnProcName.Length
if AutoInvIgnProcName[A_Index] = hTargetName {
ignore:= 1
if (ignore = 0) {
; Refresh all inverted windows
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(!tmp.stopped) {
ret := tmp.doit()
if(!ret) {
ToggleInversion(hTarget) {
found:= 0
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(tmp.hTarget=hTarget) {
found:= 1
if(tmp.stopped) {
else {
if (found = 0) {
tmp := Inverter(hTarget)
#i:: ;Win+i
Uninitialize(ExitReason, ExitCode)
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