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Last active June 5, 2024 04:29
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AutoHotkey v2 Dark Mode
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; This script creates a dark mode for specific windows by inverting their colors.
; It uses the Windows Magnifier in the background for the color inverting, but it only inverts just the rectangle in place
; of the specific windows, NOT the whole screen like the Magnifier applicaion does. This is possible through DLL calls.
; Big thanks to the original source at
; Requirements:
; - AutoHotkey needs to be installed in C:\Program Files (or use the workaround from
; - In the 'Launch Settings' of 'AutoHotkey Dash' you need to enable 'UI Access'.
; Usage:
; Use Win+i to invert a window manually or add it to the auto_invert_gp group to invert it automatically.
#SingleInstance Force
if (!A_IsCompiled && !InStr(A_AhkPath, "_UIA")) {
Run "*uiAccess " A_ScriptFullPath
SetTitleMatchMode "RegEx"
; Add Programs for automatic dark mode here:
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_class #32770", , "Find|Öffnen|Speichern unter" ; Windows Explorer properties window and many others (but not the file open/save dialog that is already dark)
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_class OperationStatusWindow" ; Windows Explorer dialogs
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe AutoHotkeyUX.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe hh.exe" ; Windows Help
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe mmc.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe procexp64.exe" ; Process Explorer
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe regedit.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe Taskmgr.exe"
GroupAdd "auto_invert_gp", "ahk_exe WinRAR.exe"
; Add Programs where automatic dark mode should never be applied here:
; This is mostly because they have dialogs that match ahk_class #32770 but are already in dark mode
AutoInvIgnProcName:= ["notepad++.exe"]
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
DetectHiddenWindows true
; SetBatchLines -1
SetWinDelay -1
OnExit Uninitialize
global Inverters := []
global pTarget := 0
; Color Matrix used to transform the colors
; Special thanks to, they have many more color matrixes.
; I'm not too keen on the maths, so maybe I'm missing some things,
; but here is my basic understanding of what does what in a color matrix, when applied to a color vector:
; r*=x g+=x*r b+=x*r a+=x*r 0
; r+=x*g g*=x b+=x*g a+=x*g 0
; r+=x*b g+=x*b b*=x a+=x*b 0
; r+=x*a g+=x*a b+=x*a a*=x 0
; r+=x g+=x b+=x a+=x 1
; Simple Inversion
MatrixInv := "-1|0|0|0|0|"
. "0|-1|0|0|0|"
. "0|0|-1|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; Smart Inversion
MatrixSmart := "0.333|-0.667|-0.667|0|0|"
. "-0.667| 0.333|-0.667|0|0|"
. "-0.667|-0.667|0.333|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; High saturation, good pure colors
MatrixHigh := "1|-1|-1|0|0|"
. "-1|1|-1|0|0|"
. "-1|-1|1|0|0|"
. "0|0|0|1|0|"
. "1|1|1|0|1"
; set the wanted color matix
global Matrix := MatrixHigh
inGroup(GroupName, WinTitle := "A", WinText := "", ExcludeTitle := "", ExcludeText := "")
GroupIDs := WinGetList("ahk_group " GroupName)
Window := WinExist(WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText)
Loop GroupIDs.Length
if (GroupIDs[A_Index] = Window)
;found match
return Window
return false
class Inverter
hTarget := ""
hGui := ""
hGui1 := ""
hGui2 := ""
hChildMagnifier := ""
hChildMagnifier1 := ""
hChildMagnifier2 := ""
xPrev := ""
yPrev := ""
wPrev := ""
hPrev := ""
stopped := 0
DetectHiddenWindows true
this.hTarget := hTarget
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "magnification.dll")
MAGCOLOREFFECT := Buffer(100, 0)
Loop Parse Matrix, "|"
NumPut("Float", A_LoopField, MAGCOLOREFFECT, (A_Index - 1) * 4)
Loop 2
gid := hTarget "_" A_Index
MyGui := Gui(, gid,)
if (A_Index = 2)
MyGui.Opt("+AlwaysOnTop") ; needed for ZBID_UIACCESS
; +HWNDhGui%A_Index%
MyGui.Opt("-DPIScale +toolwindow -Caption +E0x02000000 +E0x00080000 +E0x20") ; WS_EX_COMPOSITED := E0x02000000 WS_EX_LAYERED := E0x00080000 WS_EX_CLICKTHROUGH := E0x20
this.hGui%A_Index%:= MyGui.Hwnd
this.hChildMagnifier%A_Index% := DllCall("CreateWindowEx", "uint", 0, "str", "Magnifier", "str", "MagnifierWindow", "uint", WS_CHILD := 0x40000000, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "ptr", this.hGui%A_Index%, "uint", 0, "ptr", DllCall("GetWindowLong" (A_PtrSize=8 ? "Ptr" : ""), "ptr", this.hGui%A_Index%, "int", GWL_HINSTANCE := -6 , "ptr"), "uint", 0, "ptr")
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetColorEffect", "ptr", this.hChildMagnifier%A_Index%, "ptr", MAGCOLOREFFECT)
gid := hTarget "_" 2
this.hGui := this.hGui1
this.hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier1
return this
stop() {
DetectHiddenWindows true
if(!this.stopped) {
this.stopped := 1
hGui := this.hGui
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hGui := this.hGui1
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hGui := this.hGui2
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier1
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier2
WinHide "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
start() {
DetectHiddenWindows true
if(this.stopped) {
this.stopped := 0
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
hGui := this.hGui
WinShow "ahk_id " hGui
DetectHiddenWindows true
hTarget := this.hTarget
hGui := this.hGui
hGui1 := this.hGui1
hGui2 := this.hGui2
hChildMagnifier := this.hChildMagnifier
hChildMagnifier1 := this.hChildMagnifier1
hChildMagnifier2 := this.hChildMagnifier2
hideGui := ""
WINDOWINFO := Buffer(60, 0)
if (this.stopped or DllCall("GetWindowInfo", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", WINDOWINFO) = 0) and (A_LastError = 1400)
; xx("destroyed")
if (NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "uint") & 0x20000000) or !(NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 36, "uint") & 0x10000000)
; minimized or not visible
if (this.wPrev != 0)
WinHide "ahk_id " hGui
this.wPrev := 0
sleep 10
return 1
x := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 20, "int")
y := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 8, "int")
w := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 28, "int") - x
h := NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 32, "int") - y
move := 0
if (hGui = hGui1) and ((NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "uint") = 1) or (DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", WinExist("A"), "uint", GA_ROOTOWNER := 3, "ptr") = hTarget))
; xx("activated")
hGui := hGui2
hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier2
move := 1
hideGui := hGui1
else if (hGui = hGui2) and (NumGet(WINDOWINFO, 44, "uint") != 1) and ((hr := DllCall("GetAncestor", "ptr", WinExist("A"), "uint", GA_ROOTOWNER := 3, "ptr")) != hTarget) and hr
; deactivated
hGui := hGui1
hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier1
WinMove x, y, w, h, "ahk_id " hGui
WinMove 0, 0, w, h, "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hGui, "ptr", hTarget, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002)
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002) ; some windows can not be z-positioned before setting them to bottom
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", hTarget, "ptr", hGui, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x0040|0x0010|0x001|0x002)
hideGui := hGui2
else if (x != this.xPrev) or (y != this.yPrev) or (w != this.wPrev) or (h != this.hPrev)
; location changed
move := 1
if(move) {
WinGetPos ,,&_w_, &_h_, "ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd"
hs := A_ScreenHeight-_h_
if(y+h>hs) {
h := hs-y ; escape taskbar
WinMove x, y, w, h, "ahk_id " hGui
WinMove 0, 0, w, h, "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hChildMagnifier
WinShow "ahk_id " hGui
if (A_PtrSize = 8)
RECT := Buffer(16, 0)
NumPut("int", x, RECT, 0)
NumPut("int", y, RECT, 4)
NumPut("int", w, RECT, 8)
NumPut("int", h, RECT, 12)
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetWindowSource", "ptr", hChildMagnifier, "ptr", RECT)
DllCall("magnification.dll\MagSetWindowSource", "ptr", hChildMagnifier, "int", x, "int", y, "int", w, "int", h)
this.xPrev := x, this.yPrev := y, this.wPrev := w, this.hPrev := h
this.hChildMagnifier := hChildMagnifier
this.hGui := hGui
if hideGui
WinHide "ahk_id " hideGui
hideGui := ""
return 1
; Automatically turn on inversion filter
DetectHiddenWindows false ;would otherwise find many other windows
aTarget := WinExist("A")
if (aTarget != pTarget) { ; other window focused, check if it should be automatically inverted
pTarget:= aTarget
GroupIDs := WinGetList("ahk_group auto_invert_gp")
;Concat := ""
;For Each, Element In GroupIDs {
; If (Concat != "") {
; Concat .= "`n"
; }
; Concat .= Element ": " WinGetProcessName(Element) ;WinGetTitle(Element)
;MsgBox Concat
Loop GroupIDs.Length
hTarget := GroupIDs[A_Index]
if (hTarget = aTarget) { ;currently focused window in auto_invert_gp group
found:= 0
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(tmp.hTarget = hTarget) {
found:= 1
if (found = 0) {
;MsgBox "Invert " hTarget " " WinGetProcessName(hTarget)
hTargetName:= WinGetProcessName(hTarget)
ignore:= 0
Loop AutoInvIgnProcName.Length
if AutoInvIgnProcName[A_Index] = hTargetName {
ignore:= 1
if (ignore = 0) {
; Refresh all inverted windows
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(!tmp.stopped) {
ret := tmp.doit()
if(!ret) {
ToggleInversion(hTarget) {
found:= 0
For index, tmp in Inverters {
if(tmp.hTarget=hTarget) {
found:= 1
if(tmp.stopped) {
else {
if (found = 0) {
tmp := Inverter(hTarget)
#i:: ;Win+i
Uninitialize(ExitReason, ExitCode)
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nimbus2332 commented Jun 4, 2024

Hi, have you thought about improving and speeding up the code?

I tried to optimize the code using the neural networks Opus, ChatGPTo, Gemini Pro, but unfortunately the HYIP AI turned out to be powerless in AutoHotkey, because there are errors and hallucinations on every 3-4 lines.

I haven't tried ChatGPT-4, the neural network recommends this:

  1. Reducing the number of DLL calls: There are many DLL function calls in the code, which can be slow. Try to reduce the number of these calls by combining them into larger blocks of code.

  2. Using caching: If some values do not change frequently, you can cache them to speed up access to them.

  3. Memory optimization: There are many memory operations in the code that can be slow. Try to optimize these operations using more efficient algorithms and data structures.

  4. Using multithreading: If the script performs several tasks at the same time, you can use multithreading to speed up work.

In a loop loop, you can use Widget instead of WinExist to get a list of windows in the auto_invert_gp group.

In the function, you can cache the results of calling DllCall("GetWindowInfo", ...) to speed up access to information about the window.

In the ToggleInversion function, you can use a more efficient algorithm to search for an inverter in the Inverters array.

In the Uninitialize function, you can use DllCall("magnification.dll\MagUninitialize") only if the inverters are actually used.


Thank you!

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yeah AI is currently still very bad with autohotkey scripts, i also made that experience. There is a v1 and a v2 syntax, and there are a few similar programs (i.e. there is a version which runs on linux) which aim to be "syntax-compatible" but have partially different syntax, and i guess the AI can't tell the difference of all that.

Do you have performance problems? Because for me it runs just fine on a i5-9500M mobile cpu and uses maybe 2-3% cpu when inverting a few windows. I still don't fully understand the code in the Inverter class (i just took it from the mentioned link and changed it from v1 to v2 syntax), so it's difficult for me to improve anything here.

What i want to improve when i have time for it:

  • Add a feature which looks at the color of the program's title bar to decide if the window should be inverted.
  • Try to fix a bug when there is a dialog which opens another dialog which opens then another dialog (happens in Visual Studio in the Project Options and some other programs) then the 2nd dialog suddenly stops inverting it's color.
  • Disable font font smoothing / anti-aliasing (or however it is called) on inverted windows, because a partial inversion (like with the Smart Inversion filter) doesn't invert the smoothed part of the fonts and that makes text very hard to read. I use a windows VM at home which seems to disable that smoothing so i only noticed that at work.

To your suggestions (which sound like they come from an AI..?):

  • use Widget instead of WinExist: i will look it up.
  • cache the results of calling DllCall("GetWindowInfo", ...): it's only called once and writes in the WINDOWINFO buffer, so i don't see how i could cache something there. Do you have a code example?
  • more efficient algorithm to search for an inverter: Do you have a code example? Because i don't know a faster syntax. Also usually there are only a few inverted windows at max, so looping over those few should still be plenty fast. Or do you have a use-case to invert thousands of windows at once?
  • use DllCall("magnification.dll\MagUninitialize") only if the inverters are actually used: Do you restart that script every few seconds? I mean i see your point, but the usual use-case would probably be to start the script through Windows autostart and it gets closed when you shutdown the PC, that single Dll call shouldn't matter at all. And if one doesn't remove the 'ahk_class #32770' from the script then to 99% there was a inverter used because very many programs (not only windows, also notepad++ or the modern visual studio code) still have dialogs with class #32770.

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Do you have performance problems? Because for me it runs just fine on a i5-9500M mobile cpu and uses maybe 2-3% cpu when inverting a few windows. I still don't fully understand the code in the Inverter class (i just took it from the mentioned link and changed it from v1 to v2 syntax), so it's difficult for me to improve anything here.

I noticed a slight delay of 1-2 seconds when the Windows Scheduler and other heavy windows open, so I thought to optimize somehow.

I have Windows 11 - AMD 7900X, no performance problems.

  • Try to fix a bug when there is a dialog which opens another dialog which opens then another dialog (happens in Visual Studio in the Project Options and some other programs) then the 2nd dialog suddenly stops inverting it's color.

I came across the same thing, there are several other programs that create their own sub-windows, but this is not critical.

  • cache the results of calling DllCall("GetWindowInfo", ...): it's only called once and writes in the WINDOWINFO buffer, so i don't see how i could cache something there. Do you have a code example?
  • more efficient algorithm to search for an inverter: Do you have a code example? Because i don't know a faster syntax. Also usually there are only a few inverted windows at max, so looping over those few should still be plenty fast. Or do you have a use-case to invert thousands of windows at once?

I don't have an example or similar codes, it was suggested to me by Blackbox AI, and for several days I tried to implement these proposals in various ways :D

I want to thank you again! Thank you for sharing the code. Without you, I don't know how much time and effort I would have spent creating a similar script. ❤️❤️

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