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chasset /
Created July 9, 2019 14:17 — forked from mbroedl/
Inverse pandoc citeproc from docx to markdown
#!/bin/env python
Due to changes made towards pandoc2, at the moment mostly only the inversion of (some) citations and re-wrapping of lines into somewhat semantic units.
I previously had some pandoc filters that also converted track changes to CriticMarkup, could accept or reject them, and merged comments to footnotes or html comments;
due to the change in pandoc filters they don't work at the moment, so that functionality is not used for now (but it is implemented in the script).
chasset / d3test.html
Created January 23, 2017 21:39 — forked from zachguo/d3test.html
Meteor JS: Reactive D3 Force Layout Graph (minimum example)
<h3>Meteor JS: Reactive D3 Force Layout Graph (minimum example)</h3>
<h4>Add few nodes and links first, or visualization won't show up.</h4>
<span>New Node</span>
<form id="newnode">