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Last active September 10, 2018 09:25
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Some functions related to Bayesian networks.
Some functions related to Bayesian networks (DAGs).
Most of this was pulled from:
import networkx as nx
__all__ = ['markov_blanket', 'moral_graph', 'maximum_spanning_tree',
'clique_graph', 'junction_tree']
def markov_blanket(G, n):
Returns the Markov blanket of `n`.
The Markov blanket consists of the parents of `n`, the children of `n`, and
any other parents of the children of `n`.
G : DiGraph
A direct acyclic graph.
n : node
A node in `G`.
blanket : set
The Markov blanket of `n`.
The procedure works for any directed graph, but the interpretation of the
result is valid only when `G` is a DAG.
blanket = set(G.pred[n])
children = list(G.succ[n].keys())
for child in children:
return blanket
def moral_graph(G):
Returns the moral graph of `G`.
The moral graph is an undirected graph where every node in `G` is connected
to its Markov blanket.
G : DiGraph
A direct acyclic graph.
MG : Graph
The moral graph of `G`.
MG = nx.Graph()
for u in G:
blanket = markov_blanket(G, u)
MG.add_edges_from([(u, v) for v in blanket if v != u])
return MG
def maximum_spanning_tree(G, weight='weight'):
Return a maximum spanning tree or forest of an undirected, weighted graph.
G : Graph
An undirected, weighted graph.
weight : str
The attribute used as weights.
T : Graph
A minimum spanning tree or forest.
The maximum spanning tree is unique only if every weight is unique.
See Also
# Leave the original graph untouched.
G = G.copy()
# Negate all the weights.
for u, v, data in G.edges_iter(data=True):
data[weight] = -data.get(weight, 1)
# Build the minimum spanning tree.
T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G, weight)
# Un-negate all the weights.
for u, v, data in T.edges_iter(data=True):
data[weight] = -data.get(weight, 1)
return T
### This is networkx.algorithms.clique.make_max_clique_graph but modified
### to include weights according to the intersection of the cliques.
def clique_graph(G, create_using=None, name=None):
"""Create the maximal clique graph of a graph.
Finds the maximal cliques and treats these as nodes.
The nodes are connected if they have common members in
the original graph. Theory has done a lot with clique
graphs, but I haven't seen much on maximal clique graphs.
This should be the same as make_clique_bipartite followed
by project_up, but it saves all the intermediate steps.
cliq = list(map(set, nx.find_cliques(G)))
if create_using:
B = create_using
B = nx.Graph()
if name is not None: = name
to_node = lambda cl: tuple(sorted(cl))
for i, cl in enumerate(cliq):
u = to_node(cl)
for j, other_cl in enumerate(cliq[:i]):
intersect = cl & other_cl
if intersect: # Not empty
B.add_edge(u, to_node(other_cl), weight=len(intersect))
return B
def junction_tree(G):
"""Return a junction tree of `G`.
A junction tree of `G` is a maximal weight spanning tree of the clique
graph of `G`. Its width is the size of the largest clique of `G` minus
one, and is minimal.
G : Graph
A moral graph.
J : Graph
A junction tree.
CG = clique_graph(G)
J = maximum_spanning_tree(CG)
return J
if __name__ == '__main__':
H = nx.DiGraph()
H.add_edges_from([('A', 'B'), ('A', 'E'), ('B', 'D'), ('C', 'B'),
('C', 'E'), ('D', 'F'), ('E', 'F'), ('E', 'G')])
G = moral_graph(H)
J = junction_tree(G)
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raingo commented Jun 1, 2016

Just came across to your code, but I noticed that you didn't triangularize the graph. Here is an implementation:

def triangularize(G):
  # the nodes in elimG are to be eliminated one by one
  elimG = G.copy()

  for node in elimG.nodes():
    neighbors = elimG.neighbors(node)
    for i in range(len(neighbors)-1):
      for j in range(i+1,len(neighbors)):
        G.add_edge(neighbors[i], neighbors[j])
  return G

For example, the following graph:

0 - 1
0 - 2
1 - 3
2 - 3

Should have the following junction tree:
(0, 1, 2) - (1,2,3)

Please let me know if I am wrong.

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