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Created September 27, 2018 19:01
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A nearly working one cycle per input hardware bitwise run-length encoder written in Chisel
// See for license details.
package runlengthencoder
import chisel3._
import chisel3.iotesters
import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import chisel3.util.log2Ceil
object BitRunSequence {
* This returns a sequence of the number of consecutive bits in a row in a
* value of the given bit width. for example
* the value 11101110 returns the sequence List(BitCount(0,1), BitCount(1,3), BitCount(0,1), BitCount(1,3))
* which means from least bit to most significant bit, this value has 1 zero it, 3 one bits, 1 zero bits and
* 3 one bits.
* @param value
* @param width
* @return
def apply(value: Int, width: Int): Seq[BitCount] = {
var accumulator = 1
var lastBit = value & 1
var shiftBuffer = value >> 1
var result = Seq.empty[BitCount]
for(bitIndex <- 1 until width) {
val bottomBit = shiftBuffer & 1
if((bottomBit) == lastBit) {
accumulator += 1
else {
result = result :+ BitCount(lastBit, accumulator)
lastBit = bottomBit
accumulator = 1
shiftBuffer >>= 1
result :+ BitCount(lastBit, accumulator)
case class BitCount(bitValue: Int, count: Int)
* This is a bit-wise run length encoder that reads through a vector writes a separate vector
* with the run-length encoded data. Basically it is a lookup table for each word using [[BitRunSequence]]
* to set the output. Most of the complexity here is involved with handling the matching of the bits with the
* previous word. The other minor complexity is that, as designed, the count of the number of the consecutive
* bits is constrained by the words size.
* @param inputSize
* @param outputSize
* @param wordSize
class RunLengthEncoder(val inputSize: Int, val outputSize: Int, val wordSize: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val vectorLoaded = Input(Bool()) // enables-disables the module
val input = Input(Vec(inputSize, UInt(wordSize.W)))
val output = Output(Vec(outputSize, UInt(wordSize.W)))
val outputReady = Output(Bool())
val busy = Output(Bool())
val maxCount: Int = (1 << wordSize) - 1
val busy = RegInit(false.B)
val outputReady = RegInit(true.B)
val inputIndex = RegInit(0.U((log2Ceil(inputSize) + 1).W))
val outputIndex = RegInit(0.U((log2Ceil(outputSize) + 1).W))
val wordBuffer = RegInit(0.U(wordSize.W))
val countFromPreviousWord = RegInit(0.U(wordSize.W))
val lastBitFromPreviousWord = RegInit(false.B)
io.outputReady := outputReady
io.output := DontCare
io.busy := busy
// Start the engine, here, this could probably be done better with a decoupled interface
when(io.vectorLoaded) {
inputIndex := 0.U
outputIndex := 0.U
busy := true.B
outputReady := false.B
lastBitFromPreviousWord := io.input(0)(0)
wordBuffer := io.input(0)
countFromPreviousWord := 0.U
for (index <- 0 until outputSize) {
io.output(index.U) := 0.U
when(busy && ! io.vectorLoaded) {
for(patternWord <- 0 to maxCount) {
// For ever possible match value, generate the hardware to handle that case
when(io.input(inputIndex) === patternWord.U) {
// Only one of the possible matches can happen in a cycle
printf("inputIndex %d match %d against pattern %x\n", inputIndex,
io.input(inputIndex), patternWord.U)
val consecutiveBitSequence = BitRunSequence(patternWord, width = wordSize)
// Special case handling for all bits in input word being the same
// If they are different from previous then push out the previous count
// If they are the same then you have to be careful that you have not exceeded your
// count word size. If you will exceed then push out a max count followed by a zero
// count for the opposite bit value, and then continue accumulating
val firstElement = consecutiveBitSequence.head
if(firstElement.count == wordSize) {
when(firstElement.bitValue.U === lastBitFromPreviousWord && inputIndex > 0.U) {
countFromPreviousWord := countFromPreviousWord + firstElement.count.U
when(countFromPreviousWord > maxCount.U) {
io.output(outputIndex) := maxCount.U
io.output(outputIndex + 1.U) := 0.U
countFromPreviousWord := countFromPreviousWord - maxCount.U
outputIndex := outputIndex + 2.U
.otherwise {
io.output(outputIndex) := countFromPreviousWord
outputIndex := outputIndex + 1.U
lastBitFromPreviousWord := ! lastBitFromPreviousWord
else {
// If here then write out the counts using the sequence of values computed in the consecutiveBitSequence
// The last element does not get pushed out though, it contributes to the carry over.
// The first one is special cased because it may have to include the count from the last bits of the
// previous input word
val incrementFromLastWord = Wire(UInt(1.W))
val lastElement :: tail = consecutiveBitSequence.reverse
val firstElement :: middle = tail.reverse
var numberOfPushes = 1
when(firstElement.bitValue.U === lastBitFromPreviousWord && inputIndex > 0.U) {
printf("Case Carryover BitPattern %x Setting output(%d) = %d\n", patternWord.U, outputIndex, countFromPreviousWord + firstElement.count.U)
io.output(outputIndex) := countFromPreviousWord + firstElement.count.U
incrementFromLastWord := 0.U
.elsewhen(inputIndex === 0.U) {
printf("Case No Carryover BitPattern %x Setting output(%d) = %d\n", patternWord.U, outputIndex, firstElement.count.U)
io.output(outputIndex) := firstElement.count.U
incrementFromLastWord := 0.U
.otherwise {
printf("Case input > 0 Carryover BitPattern %x Setting output(%d) = %d\n", patternWord.U, outputIndex, countFromPreviousWord + firstElement.count.U)
io.output(outputIndex) := countFromPreviousWord
io.output(outputIndex + 1.U) := firstElement.count.U
incrementFromLastWord := 1.U
numberOfPushes += 1
for(element <- middle) {
io.output(outputIndex + numberOfPushes.U + incrementFromLastWord) := element.count.U
numberOfPushes += 1
outputIndex := outputIndex + numberOfPushes.U + incrementFromLastWord
lastBitFromPreviousWord := lastElement.bitValue.U.toBool()
countFromPreviousWord := lastElement.count.U
// increment the input pointer
// send done signal and turn things off when input exhausted
inputIndex := inputIndex + 1.U
when(inputIndex >= inputSize.U) {
io.output(outputIndex) := countFromPreviousWord
outputReady := true.B
busy := false.B
printf("inputIndex %d outputIndex %d busy %d outputReady %d\n",
inputIndex, outputIndex, busy, outputReady
class RunLengthEncoderTester(c: RunLengthEncoder) extends PeekPokeTester(c) {
for(i <- 0 until c.inputSize) {
poke(, 7)
poke(, 1)
poke(, 0)
for(j <- 0 to c.inputSize) {
for (i <- 0 until c.outputSize) {
println(s"output($i) is ${peek(}, busy is ${peek(} " +
s"outputReady is ${peek(}")
//scalastyle:off magic.number
class RunLengthEncoderSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
"simple test" in {
Array("--target-dir", "test_run_dir/RLE(4, 8, 8)", "--top-name", "RLE",
() => new RunLengthEncoder(1, 8, 8)
) {
c => new RunLengthEncoderTester(c)
} should be (true)
"test of bit run sequencer" in {
for(i <- 0 until 256) {
val seq = BitRunSequence(value = i, width = 8)
println(f"${i.toBinaryString.toInt}%08d ${seq}") should be (8)
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