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Created September 18, 2019 16:54
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Attempt to reproduce firrtl-interpreter width error
// See for license details.
package firrtl_interpreter
import firrtl.CommonOptions
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
class WidthProblemSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
"should get width right" in {
val input =
|circuit Deep_1 :
| module Deep_1 :
| input clock : Clock
| input reset : UInt<1>
| input data : SInt<8>[4]
| input const_data : SInt<8>[4]
| output output : SInt<8>[4]
| output uout : SInt<9>
| wire inputData : SInt<8>[4]
| wire constInputData : SInt<8>[4]
| reg outputData : SInt<8>[4] clock
| inputData[0] <= SInt<8>(0)
| inputData[1] <= SInt<8>(0)
| inputData[3] <= SInt<8>(0)
| constInputData[0] <= SInt<8>(0)
| constInputData[1] <= SInt<8>(0)
| constInputData[3] <= SInt<8>(0)
| outputData[0] <= SInt<8>(0)
| outputData[1] <= SInt<8>(0)
| outputData[3] <= SInt<8>(0)
| output[0] <= SInt<8>(0)
| output[1] <= SInt<8>(0)
| output[3] <= SInt<8>(0)
| inputData[2] <= data[2]
| constInputData[2] <= const_data[2]
| node _T_209 = add(inputData[2], constInputData[2])
| uout <= _T_209
| node _T_210 = tail(_T_209, 1)
| node _T_211 = asSInt(_T_210)
| outputData[2] <= _T_211
| output[2] <= outputData[2]
val optionsManager = new InterpreterOptionsManager {
interpreterOptions = InterpreterOptions(showFirrtlAtLoad = true, setVerbose = true)
commonOptions = CommonOptions(targetDirName = "test_run_dir")
val tester = new InterpretiveTester(input, optionsManager)
tester.poke("data_2", 150)
tester.poke("const_data_2", 153)
println(s"uout ${tester.peek("uout")} -209 poked values end up being -106 -103")
println(s"output_2 ${tester.peek("output_2")} expecting 47 -209 with top bit lopped off")
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