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chris-wood / client.go
Created July 12, 2023 12:16
Signature authentication demo
package main
import (
chris-wood /
Last active March 7, 2023 23:39
Strong RSA key generation
$ python3 1024
p := "dcd90af1be463632c0d5ea555256a20605af3db667475e190e3af12a34a3324c46a3094062c59fb4b249e0ee6afba8bee14e0276d126c99f4784b23009bf6168ff628ac1486e5ae8e23ce4d362889de4df63109cbd90ef93db5ae64372bfe1c55f832766f21e94ea3322eb2182f10a891546536ba907ad74b8d72469bea396f3"
q := "f8ba5c89bd068f57234a3cf54a1c89d5b4cd0194f2633ca7c60b91a795a56fa8c8686c0e37b1c4498b851e3420d08bea29f71d195cfbd3671c6ddc49cf4c1db5b478231ea9d91377ffa98fe95685fca20ba4623212b2f2def4da5b281ed0100b651f6db32112e4017d831c0da668768afa7141d45bbc279f1e0f8735d74395b3"
phi := "d6930820f71fe517bf3259d14d40209b02a5c0d3d61991c731dd7da39f8d69821552e2318d6c9ad897e603887a476ea3162c1205da9ac96f02edf31df049bd55f142134c17d4382a0e78e275345f165fbe8e49cdca6cf5c726c599dd39e09e75e0f330a33121e73976e4facba9cfa001c28b7c96f8134f9981db6750b43a416f39be72c6c5b13d8687f285674b4827fba44ae6224a5342464472196489c85af10cbc544c76e850c5854908fd1c1581b12c322efe22a6d1867ec03df1622afa63828f7e19a004dd4ef959812a6916f0301abffa7515ae0eaee94f3fe3075a395ac2833881
chris-wood / wide_reduction.sage
Created August 1, 2022 15:39
Wide reduction
# Width reduction formula derived from
def width(p):
k = 128 # target security level
return ceil((ceil(log(p) / log(2), bits = 1000) + k) / 8, bits = 1000)
# Simplified approximation for width based on 128-bit security level
def simple_width(p):
return ceil(((3 * ceil(log(p) / log(2), bits = 1000)) / 2) / 8, bits = 1000)
primes = {
chris-wood / blind_rsa_attack.sage
Created July 12, 2022 09:55
Demonstration of distinguishing attack on unsalted Blind RSA
# vim: syntax=python
def public_key_permutation_proof(N, e, phi):
This function runs the protocol from [1] for checking that (N, e) is a well-formed
RSA public key pair, i.e., that raising RSA elements to the power e modulo N
forms a permutation over \mathbb{Z}_N. It is implicitly parameterized by three values:
- k, the security parameter, set to 128,
chris-wood / clamp_leak.sage
Last active January 31, 2022 15:52
Toy clamping bit leakage example
import random
import numpy as np
def crappyhist(a, bins=50, width=140):
h, b = np.histogram(a, bins)
for i in range (0, bins):
print('{:12.5f} | {:{width}s} {}'.format(
chris-wood /
Last active December 16, 2021 22:26
Blinded Ed25519
### Extracted from RFC8032
## First, some preliminaries that will be needed.
import hashlib
def sha512(s):
return hashlib.sha512(s).digest()
chris-wood / spake2_check.go
Last active August 6, 2021 19:06
SPAKE2 review and test vector check
package main
// Questions:
// - Should we include a definition of UKS attacks inline, rather than cite draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-uks?
// - Should SPAKE2 require that the output length of Hash is at least 256-bits? (It's output is split in half to derive Ke and Ka, and we probably want those to have at least 128 bits.)
// - What does it mean to exchange messages symmetrically? (In the per-user M and N section)
// - Beyond scalar multiplication being constant time, are there any other constant time considerations we should include?
// - Why is Ke not included in the test vectors? It may be redundant, but it seems useful as an additional sanity check.
// - There are currently no test vectors that include AAD -- should we add some?
// - Why is len() a little-endian output?
# ech_provider.go
// EXP_UnmarshalECHKeys parses a sequence of ECH keys.
func EXP_MarshalECHKeys(version uint16, keys []EXP_ECHKey) []byte {
var b cryptobyte.Builder
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
// kem := hpke.KEM(keys[i].config.kemId)
skM, err := keys[i].sk.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
chris-wood /
Created May 19, 2020 15:47
HPKE test vector formatter
import sys
import json
import textwrap
ordered_keys = [
"mode", "kemID", "kdfID", "aeadID", "info", "skR",
"skS", "skE", "psk", "pskID", "pkR", "pkS", "pkE",
"enc", "zz", "context", "secret", "key", "nonce",
chris-wood / x25519_small_subgroup.sage
Created January 26, 2020 02:15
Small subgroup attack on x25519 without point validation
# vim: syntax=python
import sys
import os
def decodeLittleEndian(b, bits):
return sum([b[i] << 8*i for i in range((bits+7)/8)])
def decodeScalar25519(k):