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Last active August 6, 2021 19:06
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SPAKE2 review and test vector check
package main
// Questions:
// - Should we include a definition of UKS attacks inline, rather than cite draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-uks?
// - Should SPAKE2 require that the output length of Hash is at least 256-bits? (It's output is split in half to derive Ke and Ka, and we probably want those to have at least 128 bits.)
// - What does it mean to exchange messages symmetrically? (In the per-user M and N section)
// - Beyond scalar multiplication being constant time, are there any other constant time considerations we should include?
// - Why is Ke not included in the test vectors? It may be redundant, but it seems useful as an additional sanity check.
// - There are currently no test vectors that include AAD -- should we add some?
// - Why is len() a little-endian output?
// - Should we clarify that the transcript assumes a particular point encoding scheme, and that is to be defined by the calling application or implementation?
import (
// P256-SHA256-HKDF-HMAC
func hash(input []byte) []byte {
output := sha256.Sum256(input)
return output[:]
func kdf(ikm, salt, info []byte) []byte {
hash := sha256.New
hkdf := hkdf.New(hash, ikm, salt, info)
output := make([]byte, 32)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(hkdf, output); err != nil {
return output
func mac(key, input []byte) []byte {
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key)
return mac.Sum(nil)
func mustDecode(input string) []byte {
x, err := hex.DecodeString(input)
if err != nil {
return x
func mustDecodeInt(input string) big.Int {
x := mustDecode(input)
var y big.Int
return y
func toLE(b []byte) []byte {
for i := 0; i < len(b)/2; i++ {
b[i], b[len(b)-i-1] = b[len(b)-i-1], b[i]
return b
func length(input []byte) []byte {
buf := make([]byte, 8)
x := big.NewInt(int64(len(input)))
return toLE(buf)
func lengthEncodeString(input string) []byte {
return append(length([]byte(input)), []byte(input)...)
func lengthEncodeSlice(input []byte) []byte {
return append(length(input), input...)
func lengthEncodePoint(curve elliptic.Curve, Px, Py *big.Int) []byte {
val := elliptic.Marshal(curve, Px, Py)
return append(length(val), val...)
func main() {
fmt.Println("SPAKE2 test vector check")
A := "server"
B := "client"
x := mustDecode("43dd0fd7215bdcb482879fca3220c6a968e66d70b1356cac18bb26c84a78d729")
y := mustDecode("dcb60106f276b02606d8ef0a328c02e4b629f84f89786af5befb0bc75b6e66be")
w := mustDecode("2ee57912099d31560b3a44b1184b9b4866e904c49d12ac5042c97dca461b1a5f")
Menc := mustDecode("02886e2f97ace46e55ba9dd7242579f2993b64e16ef3dcab95afd497333d8fa12f")
Nenc := mustDecode("03d8bbd6c639c62937b04d997f38c3770719c629d7014d49a24b4f98baa1292b49")
KaExp := mustDecode("15bdf72e2b35b5c9e5663168e960a91b")
KcAExp := mustDecode("00c12546835755c86d8c0db7851ae86f")
KcBExp := mustDecode("a9fa3406c3b781b93d804485430ca27a")
var wVal big.Int
curve := elliptic.P256()
Mx, My := elliptic.UnmarshalCompressed(curve, Menc)
Nx, Ny := elliptic.UnmarshalCompressed(curve, Nenc)
// X = x * P
Xx, Xy := curve.ScalarBaseMult(x)
// S = w * M + X
Ux, Uy := curve.ScalarMult(Mx, My, w)
Sx, Sy := curve.Add(Ux, Uy, Xx, Xy)
Senc := hex.EncodeToString(elliptic.Marshal(curve, Sx, Sy))
fmt.Println("S", Senc)
// 04a56fa807caaa53a4d28dbb9853b9815c61a411118a6fe516a8798434751470f9010153ac33d0d5f2047ffdb1a3e42c9b4e6be662766e1eeb4116988ede5f912c
// Y = y * P
Yx, Yy := curve.ScalarBaseMult(y)
// T = w * N + Y
Ux, Uy = curve.ScalarMult(Nx, Ny, w)
Tx, Ty := curve.Add(Ux, Uy, Yx, Yy)
Tenc := hex.EncodeToString(elliptic.Marshal(curve, Tx, Ty))
fmt.Println("T", Tenc)
// 0406557e482bd03097ad0cbaa5df82115460d951e3451962f1eaf4367a420676d09857ccbc522686c83d1852abfa8ed6e4a1155cf8f1543ceca528afb591a1e0b7
// A: h*x*(T-w*N), where h=1
// A: x * (T - w * N)
Ux, Uy = curve.ScalarMult(Nx, Ny, wVal.Bytes())
Vx, Vy := curve.Add(Tx, Ty, Ux, Uy)
Gx, Gy := curve.ScalarMult(Vx, Vy, x)
// B: h*y*(S-w*M), where h=1
// B: y * (S - w * M)
Ux, Uy = curve.ScalarMult(Mx, My, wVal.Bytes())
Vx, Vy = curve.Add(Sx, Sy, Ux, Uy)
Hx, Hy := curve.ScalarMult(Vx, Vy, y)
if Gx.Cmp(Hx) != 0 {
panic("Mismatch shared x coordinate")
if Gy.Cmp(Hy) != 0 {
panic("Mismatch shared y coordinate")
TT := lengthEncodeString(A)
TT = append(TT, lengthEncodeString(B)...)
TT = append(TT, lengthEncodePoint(curve, Sx, Sy)...)
TT = append(TT, lengthEncodePoint(curve, Tx, Ty)...)
TT = append(TT, lengthEncodePoint(curve, Gx, Gy)...) // K
TT = append(TT, lengthEncodeSlice(w)...)
fmt.Println("TT =", hex.EncodeToString(TT))
// 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
secret := hash(TT) // No AAD
// KeA := secret[0:16] // not tested, or included in the test vectors
KaA := secret[16:32]
derivedKeys := kdf(KaA, nil, []byte("ConfirmationKeys"))
KcA := derivedKeys[0:16]
KcB := derivedKeys[16:32]
if !bytes.Equal(KaA, KaExp) {
panic("Ka mismatch")
if !bytes.Equal(KcAExp, KcA) {
panic("KcA mismatch")
if !bytes.Equal(KcBExp, KcB) {
panic("KcB mismatch")
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