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impressiver / raven-config.html
Last active February 27, 2024 14:27
Raven.js configuration for logging JavaScript exceptions to Sentry ( Without the added ignore options, you'll quickly find yourself swamped with unactionable exceptions due to shoddy browser plugins and 3rd party script errors.
<!-- Raven.js Config -->
<script src="{{ JS_PATH }}/lib/raven.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Ignore list based off:
var ravenOptions = {
// Will cause a deprecation warning, but the demise of `ignoreErrors` is still under discussion.
// See:
ignoreErrors: [
// Random plugins/extensions
webdesserts / Gulpfile.js
Last active April 3, 2023 08:16
Automatically reload your node.js app on file change with Gulp (
// NOTE: I previously suggested doing this through Grunt, but had plenty of problems with
// my set up. Grunt did some weird things with scope, and I ended up using nodemon. This
// setup is now using Gulp. It works exactly how I expect it to and is WAY more concise.
var gulp = require('gulp'),
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
* $ gulp server
* description: launch the server. If there's a server already running, kill it.
antonioreyna / responsive-media-queries.css
Created June 18, 2013 21:24
CSS: responsive media queries
/* iPhone 2G-4S (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-device-width : 320px)
and (max-device-width : 480px) {
/* Styles */
/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */
@media only screen
and (min-width : 321px) {
victorquinn / promise_while_loop.js
Last active March 30, 2023 04:29
Promise "loop" using the Bluebird library
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var promiseWhile = function(condition, action) {
var resolver = Promise.defer();
var loop = function() {
if (!condition()) return resolver.resolve();
return Promise.cast(action())
mafrosis /
Last active January 30, 2018 01:31
RethinkDB Setup on OSX

RethinkDB Setup on OSX

This guide will get RethinkDB setup and running with a default configuration on OSX. There is also an option for setting RethinkDB to start at boot time on OSX, and a note on upgrading to a more recent RethinkDB version.

First Installation

Install Homebrew if you don't already have it:

LeCoupa / nodejs-cheatsheet.js
Last active June 4, 2024 09:34
Complete Node.js CheatSheet --> UPDATED VERSION -->
/* *******************************************************************************************
* ******************************************************************************************* */
// 0. Synopsis.
idleberg /
Last active June 4, 2023 12:02
Ignore node_modules/bower_components folders in your Dropbox

This script scans your Dropbox (or any given folder) for folders stored in the ignore array and excludes them from syncing. Makes use of the official Dropbox CLI

I'm a beginner at bash, so all improvements are welcome!


set -e

crishushu / mocha-controller.js
Last active September 14, 2017 21:46
MochaJS: Mocha controller for Node
var Mocha = require("mocha");
var mocha = new Mocha();
var _suites = [];
var _done = false;
* default mocha options
* for other configurations, check out bin/_mocha

Folder Structure

Please note

While this gist has been shared and followed for years, I regret not giving more background. It was originally a gist for the engineering org I was in, not a "general suggestion" for any React app.

Typically I avoid folders altogether. Heck, I even avoid new files. If I can build an app with one 2000 line file I will. New files and folders are a pain.

danharper / 1-sleep-es7.js
Created February 8, 2015 16:55
ES7's async/await syntax.
// ES7, async/await
function sleep(ms = 0) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
(async () => {
await sleep(1000);