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Last active August 14, 2023 14:39
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WHM App Ripoff Kickstart

App Idea — a simple app that can track "WHM" style breathing sessions, over time, with presets for times, speed of breathing, how many breaths in the hyperventaliation stage


The WHM breathing method consists of three main phases:

  1. Controlled Hyperventilation: This typically involves 25-40 deep, forceful breaths, inhaling fully and exhaling partially (not all the way). This phase increases oxygen levels in the blood and reduces carbon dioxide levels.
  2. Breath Retention: After the deep breaths, you exhale and hold your breath for as long as you can, usually around 1-2 minutes.
  3. Recovery Breath: After holding your breath, you take a deep inhalation and hold it for 15-20 seconds, then exhale.

This cycle is typically repeated 3-4 times.


Proponents of the WHM claim various physical and mental benefits, including:

  • Increased Energy: The method is said to boost energy levels and improve focus.
  • Stress Reduction: Some practitioners report reduced stress and anxiety.
  • Improved Immune Response: Some studies suggest that the WHM may positively influence the immune system.
  • Enhanced Athletic Performance: Athletes have reported improved performance and recovery.


The WHM is generally considered safe for healthy individuals but may pose risks for others:

  • Hyperventilation Risks: This can lead to dizziness, tingling, and fainting.
  • Not Suitable for Certain Health Conditions: People with cardiovascular issues, epilepsy, or pregnant women should consult a healthcare provider before practicing WHM.
  • Potential for Overconfidence: The method's emphasis on mind-over-body control might lead some to take unnecessary risks, like prolonged exposure to extreme cold.


Wim Hof, also known as "The Iceman," developed the WHM. He has set numerous world records for cold exposure and has become a prominent figure in the world of alternative wellness.


  • Scientific Skepticism: While some studies support the benefits of WHM, others in the scientific community argue that more rigorous research is needed.
  • Commercialization Concerns: Some critics have raised concerns about the commercial aspects of WHM, including expensive courses and certifications.


The WHM is a unique breathing technique that combines controlled hyperventilation with breath retention. While many practitioners report positive effects, the scientific community is still exploring the full range of potential benefits and risks. As with any wellness practice, it's advisable to approach the WHM with caution, especially if you have underlying health conditions.


Please help me write a complete spec for building a SvelteKit web app that can do all of this, including the UI, stores, data import/export.

Coding JournalBawt ☞

Certainly, Chris! Building a SvelteKit web application to track Wim Hof Method (WHM) breathing sessions sounds like a rewarding project. Here's a complete specification that outlines the necessary components, features, and considerations for building such an application:

1. Overview

Purpose: To provide users with a tool to guide, track, and analyze WHM breathing sessions. Target Audience: Individuals practicing the WHM, including beginners and experienced practitioners. Platform: Web application built using SvelteKit.

2. Features

2.1 Session Guidance

  • Breathing Timer: A visual and auditory guide for each phase of the WHM.
  • Phase Indicators: Clear visual cues for Controlled Hyperventilation, Breath Retention, and Recovery Breath.
  • Preset Options: Allow users to select from preset sessions or customize breath counts, retention times, etc.

2.2 Session Tracking

  • History: Log completed sessions with details like date, duration, breath counts, etc.
  • Progress Charts: Visualize progress over time with graphs or charts.
  • Notes: Allow users to add personal notes or feelings about each session.

2.3 User Management

  • Profiles: Option for users to create profiles to save their preferences and session history.
  • Data Export/Import: Allow users to export and import their session data for backup or migration.

3. User Interface (UI)

3.1 Home Page

  • Overview: Brief explanation of the WHM.
  • Start Session Button: Easy access to start a new breathing session.
  • User Login/Signup: Access to user profiles.

3.2 Session Page

  • Breathing Guide: Visual and auditory cues for the breathing session.
  • Session Controls: Start, pause, reset buttons.
  • Customization Options: Ability to customize session parameters.

3.3 History Page

  • Session List: View previous sessions with details.
  • Graphs/Charts: Visualize progress.
  • Export/Import Buttons: Options to handle data.

3.4 Profile Page

  • User Details: Editable user information.
  • Preferences: Customizable settings for the app.

4. Back-End & Stores

4.1 User Profiles

  • Authentication: Implement secure login and signup.
  • Database: Store user profiles and session history.

4.2 Session Data

  • Svelte Stores: Use Svelte stores to manage session state, user preferences, etc.
  • Local Storage: Option to save session history locally for non-logged-in users.

5. Accessibility & Responsiveness

  • Accessibility: Ensure the app is accessible to users with disabilities.
  • Responsive Design: Design the UI to be responsive across devices.

6. Safety Considerations

  • Warnings: Include clear warnings about the risks associated with WHM and advise users to consult with healthcare providers if needed.

7. Conclusion

This specification outlines the key components for building a comprehensive SvelteKit web application for guiding and tracking WHM breathing sessions. It provides a robust set of features tailored to the needs and interests of WHM practitioners. Careful attention to user experience, safety considerations, and data management will ensure a successful and user-friendly application.

Please review this specification and let me know if there are any specific areas you would like me to expand on or additional features you'd like to include.

can you whip up an SVG of a couple possible UIs?

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 400"> 
<rect x="0" y="0" width="800" height="60" fill="#f0f0f0"/> 
<text x="20" y="40" fill="black"> WHM Breathing App </text> 
<text x="650" y="40" fill="black"> Login/Signup </text> 
<rect x="20" y="80" width="760" height="100" fill="#e0e0e0"/> 
<text x="40" y="120" fill="black"> Overview of the WHM Technique </text> 
<rect x="300" y="200" width="200" height="50" fill="#4CAF50"/> 
<text x="350" y="230" fill="white"> Start Session </text> 

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 400"> 
<rect x="0" y="0" width="800" height="60" fill="#f0f0f0"/> 
<text x="20" y="40" fill="black"> WHM Breathing App </text> 
<text x="650" y="40" fill="black"> Profile </text> 
<circle cx="400" cy="200" r="100" fill="#90CAF9"/> 
<text x="370" y="200" fill="black"> Breathe </text> 
<rect x="200" y="320" width="100" height="40" fill="#4CAF50"/> 
<text x="220" y="350" fill="white"> Start </text> 
<rect x="320" y="320" width="100" height="40" fill="#FFC107"/> 
<text x="340" y="350" fill="black"> Pause </text> 
<rect x="440" y="320" width="100" height="40" fill="#F44336"/> 
<text x="460" y="350" fill="white"> Reset </text> 
<text x="40" y="300" fill="black"> Customize Session: </text> 
<text x="40" y="320" fill="black"> Breaths, Time, etc. </text> 

hrrmrm.... what about a python script that initiates a new SvelteKit project and then creates the components needed to build the app?

Coding JournalBawt ☞

Certainly, Chris! We can create a Python script that initiates a new SvelteKit project and sets up the necessary components and files to build the app.

Here's a high-level outline of what the script will do:

  1. Create a New SvelteKit Project: Using the command-line tool, we'll initiate a new SvelteKit project with the chosen template.
  2. Set Up Directories and Files: We'll create the necessary directories and files for components, routes, stores, etc.
  3. Generate Components: We'll create placeholders for the main components needed for the app, such as the breathing session tracker, history viewer, settings page, etc.
  4. Import/Export Data Functions: We'll create functions for importing and exporting data, which could be used for tracking progress over time.

Here's the code for the script:

import os
import subprocess

# Project name and directory
project_name = "whm-breathing-app"
project_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), project_name)

# Create a new SvelteKit project"npm init svelte@next {project_name}", shell=True)

# Change to the project directory

# Create directories for components, routes, stores
os.makedirs("src/components", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("src/routes", exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs("src/stores", exist_ok=True)

# Create main components as .svelte files
components = ['BreathingSession', 'HistoryViewer', 'Settings']
for component in components:
    with open(f"src/components/{component}.svelte", 'w') as file:
        file.write(f'<script>\n// {component} logic here\n</script>\n\n<main>\n  <!-- {component} markup here -->\n</main>\n')

# Create routes
with open("src/routes/index.svelte", 'w') as file:
    file.write('<script>\n// Main page logic here\n</script>\n\n<main>\n  <!-- Main page markup here -->\n</main>\n')

# Create store for tracking sessions
with open("src/stores/sessions.js", 'w') as file:
    file.write("import { writable } from 'svelte/store';\n\nexport const sessions = writable([]);\n")

# Additional logic for data import/export can be added here

print(f"SvelteKit project {project_name} created with necessary components.")

Important Notes:

  • This script assumes that you have Node.js and npm installed, and the SvelteKit CLI is available.
  • You'll need to customize the generated .svelte files with the actual logic and markup for your app.
  • Additional configuration may be needed, depending on the specific requirements of your app (e.g., setting up a backend, integrating additional libraries, etc.).

Feel free to ask if you need more detailed guidance or customization!

I shared this with my friend Jesse Riddle, and he wrote back: >>> Oh, this reminds me to look for something. But I essentially want to see if there's an app that allows for interval alarms.

Ideally good for stretching where you want to hold stretches for a certain time Frame.

Coding JournalBawt ✊

? It seems like Jesse's interest in interval alarms for stretching aligns well with the concept of the WHM breathing app. An interval timing feature could be easily adapted for both purposes. Here's how we can extend the existing concept to include interval alarms for stretching:

1. Add Interval Timer Component

Create a new component that allows the user to set intervals for stretches. This can include:

  • Number of intervals
  • Duration for each interval
  • Rest time between intervals
  • Optional audio or visual alarms at the end of each interval

2. Create a Stretching Routine Page

This page would allow users to define stretching routines with specific stretches and corresponding time frames. Users could save multiple routines and select them as needed.

3. Integrate Timer with Stretching Routine

The interval timer can be linked with the stretching routine, providing guided assistance through each stretch with timing and optional notifications.

4. Incorporate Predefined Stretching Routines (Optional)

Provide predefined stretching routines that target different areas of the body or cater to different types of activities (e.g., post-workout, morning wake-up stretches, etc.).

5. Provide Visual Guides for Stretches (Optional)

Include visual guides or videos for each stretch to ensure proper form and execution.

6. Combine Breathing and Stretching (Optional)

Consider integrating the WHM breathing method with the stretching routines. Controlled breathing can enhance stretching exercises, and the app could guide users through both simultaneously.


Adding an interval timer for stretching exercises could enhance the app's functionality and appeal to a broader audience. This feature could be implemented alongside the WHM breathing method or as a separate section within the app. By combining controlled breathing techniques with targeted stretching routines, the app could offer a unique and holistic approach to well-being.

If this sounds aligned with your goals, I can assist in creating the specific components and functions needed to implement these features.

sure, le'ts make a python script that makes a simple vanilla javascript one-page app that does all this

Coding JournalBawt ✊

Creating a Python script to generate a simple vanilla JavaScript one-page app that encompasses the WHM breathing method and stretching interval timer will be an exciting task. Here's a high-level overview of the steps we need to take:

1. Initialize Project Directory and Files

Create a new directory with the required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

2. HTML Structure

Generate the HTML structure for the app, including placeholders for breathing controls, stretching routines, timers, and visual guides.

3. CSS Styling

Create the CSS file to style the app according to the desired appearance.

4. JavaScript Functions

Write JavaScript functions for:

  • Controlled hyperventilation
  • Breath retention
  • Recovery breath
  • Stretching interval timer
  • Routine selection and customization

5. User Interaction

Handle user input and interactions, such as starting/pausing the timer, selecting routines, customizing intervals, etc.

6. Data Persistence (Optional)

Consider implementing local storage to save user preferences and routines between sessions.

7. Testing and Optimization

Ensure the app works smoothly across different browsers and devices, and optimize performance as needed.

I'll start by creating a Python script that takes care of the initialization and basic file creation. Here's the code for the first step:

import os

def create_app_directory():
    os.makedirs("whm_app", exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs("whm_app/css", exist_ok=True)
    os.makedirs("whm_app/js", exist_ok=True)

def create_html_file():
    html_content = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>WHM Breathing & Stretching App</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
    <!-- App structure goes here -->
    <script src="js/app.js"></script>

    with open("whm_app/index.html", "w") as file:

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":

This script creates the necessary directories and an HTML file with the basic structure. It can be extended to generate CSS and JavaScript files with specific functionalities.

Would you like to continue building the script, or do you have any specific requests or adjustments? Feel free to let me know!


Coding JournalBawt ✊

Certainly, Chris! Let's continue building the script by adding the CSS and JavaScript file creation functions. We'll keep the styling and scripting minimal for now and can later add more details based on the specific requirements.

Adding CSS File Creation

def create_css_file():
    css_content = """body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    background-color: #f0f0f0;
    margin: 20px;

#container {
    max-width: 800px;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 20px;
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 10px;

/* Additional styling goes here */"""

    with open("whm_app/css/styles.css", "w") as file:

Adding JavaScript File Creation

def create_js_file():
    js_content = """document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // App initialization code goes here

// Functions for breathing cycles, intervals, etc., go here

    with open("whm_app/js/app.js", "w") as file:

Updating the Main Function

Now, we'll update the main function to call the newly created functions for CSS and JavaScript:

def main():

This code will create a basic structure for the app, including placeholders for the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

Next, we can work on adding specific functionality and UI components. This may include:

  • A user interface for selecting and customizing breathing cycles and stretching intervals.
  • JavaScript functions to handle the timers and transitions between different phases.
  • Additional styling to make the app visually appealing.

Let me know how you'd like to proceed or if there are any specific features or details you'd like to focus on!

let's work on the basic JS to handle timers and transitions

Coding JournalBawt ✊

Certainly, Chris! Let's focus on building the basic JavaScript functionality to handle timers and transitions for the WHM breathing method. We'll break down the functionality into three main phases: Controlled Hyperventilation, Breath Retention, and Recovery Breath. Here's how we can approach it:

1. Controlled Hyperventilation

This phase will involve a series of deep, forceful breaths, and we'll need to set up a timer to guide the user through each breath. We can use a setInterval function for this purpose.

2. Breath Retention

Once the controlled hyperventilation phase is complete, we'll guide the user to hold their breath for a certain amount of time. We'll use a setTimeout function to transition to the next phase after the specified time.

3. Recovery Breath

In the recovery phase, we'll instruct the user to take a deep inhalation and hold it for 15-20 seconds. We can use another setTimeout function for this purpose.

Here's the basic JavaScript code to handle these phases:

function controlledHyperventilation() {
    var breaths = 30; // Number of deep breaths
    var interval = setInterval(function() {
        if (breaths === 0) {
        } else {
            console.log('Take a deep breath'); // Replace with UI update
    }, 1000); // 1-second interval between breaths

function breathRetention() {
    console.log('Hold your breath'); // Replace with UI update
    setTimeout(recoveryBreath, 60000); // 1-minute breath retention

function recoveryBreath() {
    console.log('Take a deep inhalation and hold for 15 seconds'); // Replace with UI update
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log('Exhale'); // Replace with UI update
        // Repeat the cycle or end the session
    }, 15000); // 15-second recovery breath

// Start the breathing session

This code is a basic outline and will need to be integrated with the app's user interface. We can add additional features like user customization (e.g., changing the number of breaths or retention time), progress indicators, and audio/visual cues.

Let me know if you'd like to add any specific features or modifications to this code!

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