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chrisdbasham317 /
Last active December 2, 2019 20:49
Palette Picker DTR

Template for DTR Memo Project: Palette Picker Group Member Names: Chris Basham && Amy Rippeto

  1. Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?): 1a. Get to at least one of the extensions. Make this a portfolio/resume ready project. Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here): We both do well with divide and conquer/remote work. Slack/Zoom calls are valuable tools for remote paired programming. How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles: We both place heavy emphasis on communication; which will be key for this project. Schedule Expectations: We plan to stand-up/retro daily. Plan to touch base in the morning for the previous days progress, and meet during lunch to divide tasks for the current day's to-dos. Communication Expectations: Slack is going to be primary for communication. Evenings are going to be primary for communicat
chrisdbasham317 /
Created October 7, 2019 21:29

DTR: Define the Relationship

Project Members:

Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?

  • A combination of the two is ideal to have a good balance of efficient progress; as well as, problem solving
chrisdbasham317 /
Created August 26, 2019 16:54
jQuery Selectors Guide

jQuery Selectors

Selecting HTML Elements by element name, ID, and class.

Element Name




chrisdbasham317 /
Last active October 2, 2019 19:21
My Professional Story Draft 1

Professsional Story: Chris Basham

I grew up in a military family, and always knew I wanted to serve. When I turned 17 in highschool I went to see a recruiter, and for over the next decade plus, I have been a United States Air Force Flight Medic. I truly loved that job. It had a multitude of facets that really resonated with me. I was able to solve really complex problems regarding dysfunction within the human body, which was very mentally stimulation, but I was also able to do so while helping my fellow service men and women.

While my Air Force career was very rewarding; it could also be a heavy burden. I found myself focusing more and more on that burden, and less on the fulfillment I was used to getting from it. I finally decided it was time for me to do something else after my second deployment in 2017. I missed my daughter's birth by four days, and I knew then that I needed to start thinking about my and my family's future.

I have always enjoyed computers and have dabbled with self teaching program

chrisdbasham317 /
Last active July 29, 2019 17:12
Agile Workflow Reflections

Agile & Feedback Reflection

1) What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?

1a) I have learned that agile allows us as devlopers to test our apps in smaller "chunks" throughout our development processes. This allows us to find issues sooner; as well as, provide the ability to generate revenue earlier in our process. In contrast, the waterall process does not provide the above benefits, but can be utilized in situations where testing is either infeasible or too expensive. It does; however, limit the period of issue/bug discovery to the very end of the process, which means problems have now compounded onto each other into a large problem rather than several small ones.

2) How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?

2a) My group and I ustilized Trello for project management for this app. At first we did not utilize this tool as well as we could have, but w

DTR: Define the Relationship
Use this template to when conducting DTR with your project partners. It's recommended that you copy/paste this template into your own gist each time you conduct a DTR to take notes on the conversation.
Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:
What are each of our learning goals for this project? What drives us in this project?
-Learning Goals: Get a firm grasp on all the projects to prepare for check yourself. Try and make our functions as dynamic as possible. Establish a good naming convention for semantic HTML.
What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
-We all seem to do well with divide and conquer, and Pol is comfortable with either. Chris and Brady want some more experience with pair programming.
How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
-Concise and honest communication is what works best for all team members.
chrisdbasham317 / number_guesser_DTR1.txt
Last active July 3, 2019 15:35
Number Guesser DTR#1
Project: Number Guesser
Group Member Names: Eric Meldrum and Chris Basham
Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):
Chris hopes to develop his skills in Javascript and media queries with this project. Eric has the same goals with Javascript and media queries. We as a team hope to acheive a product that rates "Proficient" on the rubric. We want to also set a deadline of completing phase 2 by next Tuesday night. We plan to utilize the rubric to gauge our success as a team.
Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):
Chris Strengths:
chrisdbasham317 / mod_0_capstone_pd.markdown
Last active June 24, 2019 02:02
Professional Development

Career Development Reflections

1. I believe my greatest strength is my objective/analytical thinking style. I believe this because it is one of the results that I expected prior to the Pairin survey. This thinking style is something that is integrated into all aspects of my life. It is how I approach problems in both the personal and professional realms.
2. I work best when given a precise goal, any critical constraints, and free reign to accomplish that goal within those constraints. I also find that it is easiest for me to concentrate when I am immersed in learning/accomplishing specific tasks. I recently have had a lot of projects going on in both my professional and personal life. Being torn in that many directions, without any respite I would definitely say adversely impacts my ability to produce in all areas. If anything, this has taught me that forcing myself to find down time is going to be vital to my success. I also believe that turning my focus to accomplishing tasks rather than ob
chrisdbasham317 /
Last active June 24, 2019 02:30

Gear Up Reflections

  1. As a medic, empathy has played a large role in my life. It allows me to put myself in my patients shoes; which not only helps me better figure out what might be going on with them, but also what the best way to treat them might be. I like to try and consider how I would want one of my family members to be treated when I treat patients. It seems very simple, but actually asking myself how I would feel if my treatment was given to a loved one is a great way to evaluate my interaction after the fact. I think this is an excellent/easy process improvement method, and also one that motivates me not to make the same mistake twice. Incorporating that emotional response when a mistake is eventually made creates a stronger signal in my memory, and helps me to learn from it.
  2. Empathy helps people build better software because it allows you to tailor your code to the people you believe are going to be using it. This could make it more accessible for people with disabilities, or even m

Session 4 Practice Tasks

The assignments listed here should take you between 1.5 and 2 total hours.

To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.