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Last active December 16, 2015 08:49
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  • Save chrisdickinson/a5feecd1906b15638d50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chrisdickinson/a5feecd1906b15638d50 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module.exports = inflate
var pooled = require('./pooled')
, Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer
var MAXBITS = 15
global.once = 0
var lens = [
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258
var lext = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0
var dists = [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
8193, 12289, 16385, 24577
var dext = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11,
12, 12, 13, 13
var order = [
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
var spare_byte = new Buffer(1)
function inflate() {
var stream = pooled(start)
, should_break = false
, is_final = false
, waiting = true
, output = []
, input = []
, got = 0
var fixed_codes
, read
, err
var adler_s1 = 1
, adler_s2 = 0
var on_got_block_header = bitwise(on_got_block_header_inner)
var decode_len = 1
, decode_first
, decode_count
, decode_index
, decode_code
, decode_take
, decode_huffman
, decode_done
return stream
function bitwise(fn) {
var have = 0
, bitbuf = 0
, bitcnt = 0
, need
, next
, val
return receive
function receive(buf) {
// preload the next buffer.
bitbuf = buf.readUInt8(0)
bitcnt = 8
function take(_need, _next) {
// read a byte at a time,
val = bitbuf
need = _need
next = _next
return void iter_take()
function iter_take() {
if(bitcnt >= need) {
return iter_done()
return void read(1, iter_take_next)
function iter_take_next(buf) {
val = (val | (buf.readUInt8(0) << bitcnt)) >>> 0
bitcnt += 8
return void iter_take()
function iter_done() {
bitbuf = val >>> need
bitcnt -= need
next((val & ((1 << need) - 1)) >>> 0)
function start(_read) {
read = _read
read(2, on_got_header)
function on_got_header(buf) {
var cmf = buf.readUInt8(0)
, flg = buf.readUInt8(1)
if(flg & 32) {
return read(4, on_got_fdict)
return read(1, on_got_block_header)
function on_got_fdict(buf) {
return read(1, on_got_block_header)
function on_got_block_header_inner(take) {
take(1, got_is_final)
function got_is_final(_is_final) {
is_final = _is_final
take(2, got_type)
function got_type(type) {
if(type === 0) {
return read(4, on_got_len)
if(type === 1) {
return read_fixed(take)
return read_dynamic(take)
function on_got_len(buf) {
var want = buf.readUInt16LE(0)
, nlen = buf.readUInt16LE(2)
if((~nlen & 0xFFFF) !== want) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error(
'failed len / nlen check'
if(!want) {
return read(1, on_got_block_header)
return read(want, on_got_stored_data)
function on_got_stored_data(buf) {
return is_final ? read(4, on_got_adler) : read(1, on_got_block_header)
function on_got_adler(buf) {
if(buf.readUInt32BE(0) !== ((adler_s2 << 16) | adler_s1) >>> 0) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('failed adler check'))
function read_fixed(take) {
fixed_codes = fixed_codes || build_fixed()
codes(take, fixed_codes.lencode, fixed_codes.distcode)
function read_dynamic(take) {
var nlen
, ndist
, ncode
, index
, err
, lengths = []
, lencnt = []
, lensym = []
, distcnt = []
, distsym = []
, lencode
, distcode
lencode = {
count: lencnt
, symbol: lensym
distcode = {
count: distcnt
, symbol: distsym
take(5, function get_nlen(_nlen) {
nlen = _nlen + 257
function got_nlen() {
take(5, function get_ndist(_ndist) {
ndist = _ndist + 1
function got_ndist() {
take(4, function get_ncode(_ncode) {
ncode = _ncode + 4
function got_ncode() {
if(nlen > MAXLCODES || ndist > MAXDCODES) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('bad counts'))
index = 0
function iter_ncode() {
if(index >= ncode) {
return got_lengths()
take(3, function build_lengths(c) {
lengths[order[index++]] = c
function got_lengths() {
for(; index < 19; ++index) {
lengths[order[index]] = 0
if(0 !== construct(lencode, lengths, 19)) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('require complete code set'))
index = 0
function iter_ndist() {
if(index >= nlen + ndist) {
return done()
var symbol
, len
decode(take, lencode, function decoded(_symbol) {
symbol = _symbol
if(symbol < 16) {
lengths[index++] = symbol
return void iter_ndist()
len = 0
if(symbol === 16) {
if(index === 0) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('no last length'))
len = lengths[index - 1]
return void take(2, function tiny_one(c) {
symbol = 3 + c
if(symbol === 17) {
return void take(3, function tiny_two(c) {
symbol = 3 + c
take(7, function tiny_three(c) {
symbol = 11 + c
function check() {
if(index + symbol > nlen + ndist) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('too many lengths'))
while(symbol--) {
lengths[index++] = len
function done() {
construct(lencode, lengths, nlen)
construct(distcode, lengths.slice(nlen), ndist)
return codes(take, lencode, distcode)
function codes(take, lencode, distcode) {
var dist
, len
, buf
, sym
return void iter_codes()
function iter_codes() {
decode(take, lencode, inner_iter_codes)
function inner_iter_codes(symbol) {
sym = symbol
if(sym < 0) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid sym'))
if(sym < 256) {
var buf = new Buffer([sym])
return void iter_codes()
if(sym === 256) {
return void (is_final ? read(4, on_got_adler) : on_got_block_header_inner(take))
sym -= 257
if(sym >= 29) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid fixed code'))
take(lext[sym], iter_codes_lext)
function iter_codes_lext(extra) {
len = lens[sym] + extra
decode(take, distcode, iter_codes_distcode)
function iter_codes_distcode(symbol) {
sym = symbol
if(symbol < 0) {
return void stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid symbol'))
take(dext[sym], iter_codes_dext)
function iter_codes_dext(extra) {
dist = dists[sym] + extra
var out = new Buffer(len)
, idx = 0
, tmp
while(len--) {
spare_byte.writeUInt8(tmp = read_output(dist), 0)
out.writeUInt8(tmp, idx)
return void iter_codes()
function read_output(from) {
return output[output.length - from]
function update_adler(buf) {
var len
, byt
, olen
olen = output.length
for(var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; ++i) {
byt = buf.readUInt8(i)
adler_s1 = (adler_s1 + byt) % 65521
adler_s2 = (adler_s2 + adler_s1) % 65521
if(olen > 32768) {
function decode(take, huffman, done) {
var len = 1
, first
, count
, index
, code
decode_len = 1
decode_code = decode_first = decode_index = 0
decode_take = take
decode_huffman = huffman
decode_done = done
return void iter_decode()
function iter_decode() {
if(decode_len > MAXBITS) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('ran out of codes'))
decode_take(1, decodeiter)
function decodeiter(decode_input) {
decode_code = (decode_code | decode_input) >>> 0
decode_count = decode_huffman.count[decode_len]
if(decode_code < decode_first + decode_count) {
return decode_done(decode_huffman.symbol[decode_index + (decode_code - decode_first)])
decode_index += decode_count
decode_first += decode_count
decode_first <<= 1
decode_code = (decode_code << 1) >>> 0
function build_fixed() {
var lencnt = []
, lensym = []
, distcnt = []
, distsym = []
var lencode = {
count: lencnt
, symbol: lensym
var distcode = {
count: distcnt
, symbol: distsym
var lengths = []
, symbol
for(symbol = 0; symbol < 144; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 8
for(; symbol < 256; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 9
for(; symbol < 280; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 7
for(; symbol < FIXLCODES; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 8
construct(lencode, lengths, FIXLCODES)
for(symbol = 0; symbol < MAXDCODES; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 5
construct(distcode, lengths, MAXDCODES)
return {lencode: lencode, distcode: distcode}
function construct(huffman, lengths, num) {
var symbol
, left
, offs
, len
offs = []
for(len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; ++len) {
huffman.count[len] = 0
for(symbol = 0; symbol < num; ++symbol) {
huffman.count[lengths[symbol]] += 1
if(huffman.count[0] === num) {
left = 1
for(len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; ++len) {
left <<= 1
left -= huffman.count[len]
if(left < 0) {
return left
offs[1] = 0
for(len = 1; len < MAXBITS; ++len) {
offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + huffman.count[len]
for(symbol = 0; symbol < num; ++symbol) {
if(lengths[symbol] !== 0) {
huffman.symbol[offs[lengths[symbol]]++] = symbol
return left
module.exports = inflate
var through = require('through')
, Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer
var MAXBITS = 15
var NeedInput = new Object
var lens = [
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31,
35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258
var lext = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2,
3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0
var dists = [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193,
257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145,
8193, 12289, 16385, 24577
var dext = [
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6,
7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11,
12, 12, 13, 13
var order = [
16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
var WINDOW = 32768
function inflate(should_output, should_adler) {
should_output = should_output === undefined ? true : should_output
should_adler = should_adler === undefined ? true : should_adler
if(!should_output && !should_adler) {
// just turn off output.
should_output = function(arr) { }
should_adler = function(val) {}
var output = new Uint8Array(WINDOW)
, output_idx = 0
, state = null
, stream = through(write, end)
, need_input = false
, buffer_offset = 0
, ended = false
, states = []
, buffer = []
, got = 0
, state
var bitbuf = 0
, bitcnt = 0
, is_final = false
, fixed_codes
var adler_s1 = 1
, adler_s2 = 0
var _call_header
, _call_bytes
, _call_bits
, _call_codes
, _call_dynamic
, _call_decode
_call_header = {
last: null
_call_bytes = {
need: 0
, value: []
, last: null
_call_bits = {
need: 0
, value: []
, last: null
_call_codes = {
distcode: null
, lencode: null
, len: 0
, dist: 0
, symbol: 0
, last: null
_call_dynamic = {
distcode: {symbol: [], count: []}
, lencode: {symbol: [], count: []}
, lengths: []
, nlen: 0
, ndist: 0
, ncode: 0
, index: 0
, symbol: 0
, len: 0
, last: 0
_call_decode = {
huffman: null
, len: 0
, code: 0
, first: 0
, count: 0
, index: 0
, last: 0
become(noop, {}, noop)
return stream
function noop() {
function call_header() {
return _call_header
function call_bytes(need) {
_call_bytes.value.length = 0
_call_bytes.need = need
return _call_bytes
function call_bits(need) {
_call_bits.value = 0
_call_bits.need = need
return _call_bits
function call_codes(distcode, lencode) {
_call_codes.len =
_call_codes.dist =
_call_codes.symbol = 0
_call_codes.distcode = distcode
_call_codes.lencode = lencode
return _call_codes
function call_dynamic() {
_call_dynamic.distcode.symbol.length =
_call_dynamic.distcode.count.length =
_call_dynamic.lencode.symbol.length =
_call_dynamic.lencode.count.length =
_call_dynamic.lengths.length = 0
_call_dynamic.nlen = 0
_call_dynamic.ndist = 0
_call_dynamic.ncode = 0
_call_dynamic.index = 0
_call_dynamic.symbol = 0
_call_dynamic.len = 0
return _call_dynamic
function call_decode(h) {
_call_decode.huffman = h
_call_decode.first =
_call_decode.index =
_call_decode.index =
_call_decode.code = 0
_call_decode.len = 1
return _call_decode
function write(buf) {
got += buf.length
function end() {
function execute() {
while(1) {
if(need_input || ended) {
need_input = false
function start_stream_header() {
become(bytes, call_bytes(2), got_stream_header)
function got_stream_header() {
var cmf = state.last[0]
, flg = state.last[1]
if(flg & 32) {
return become(bytes, call_bytes(4), on_got_fdict)
return become(bits, call_bits(1), on_got_is_final)
function on_got_fdict() {
return become(bits, call_bits(1), on_got_is_final)
function on_got_is_final() {
is_final = state.last
become(bits, call_bits(2), on_got_type)
function on_got_type() {
if(state.last === 0) {
become(bytes, call_bytes(4), on_got_len_nlen)
if(state.last === 1) {
fixed_codes = fixed_codes || build_fixed()
become(start_codes, call_codes(
, fixed_codes.lencode
), done_with_codes)
become(start_dynamic, call_dynamic(), done_with_codes)
function on_got_len_nlen() {
var want = state.last[0] | (state.last[1] << 8)
, nlen = state.last[2] | (state.last[3] << 8)
if((~nlen & 0xFFFF) !== want) {
return stream.emit('error', new Error(
'failed len / nlen check'
if(!want) {
become(bits, call_bits(1), on_got_is_final)
become(bytes, call_bytes(want), on_got_stored)
function on_got_stored() {
if(is_final) {
become(bits, call_bits(1), on_got_is_final)
function start_dynamic() {
become(bits, call_bits(5), on_got_nlen)
function on_got_nlen() {
state.nlen = state.last + 257
become(bits, call_bits(5), on_got_ndist)
function on_got_ndist() {
state.ndist = state.last + 1
become(bits, call_bits(4), on_got_ncode)
function on_got_ncode() {
state.ncode = state.last + 4
if(state.nlen > MAXLCODES || state.ndist > MAXDCODES) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('bad counts'))
become(bits, call_bits(3), on_got_lengths_part)
function on_got_lengths_part() {
state.lengths[order[state.index]] = state.last
if(state.index === state.ncode) {
for(; state.index < 19; ++state.index) {
state.lengths[order[state.index]] = 0
construct(state.lencode, state.lengths, 19)
state.index = 0
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_dynamic_symbol_iter)
become(bits, call_bits(3), on_got_lengths_part)
function on_got_dynamic_symbol_iter() {
state.symbol = state.last
if(state.index >= state.nlen + state.ndist) {
if(state.symbol < 16) {
state.lengths[state.index++] = state.symbol
if(state.index >= state.nlen + state.ndist) {
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_dynamic_symbol_iter)
state.len = 0
if(state.symbol === 16) {
become(bits, call_bits(2), on_got_dynamic_symbol_16)
if(state.symbol === 17) {
become(bits, call_bits(3), on_got_dynamic_symbol_17)
become(bits, call_bits(7), on_got_dynamic_symbol)
function on_got_dynamic_symbol_16() {
state.len = state.lengths[state.index - 1]
function on_got_dynamic_symbol_17() {
state.symbol = 3 + state.last
function on_got_dynamic_symbol() {
state.symbol = 11 + state.last
function do_dynamic_end_loop() {
if(state.index + state.symbol > state.nlen + state.ndist) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('too many lengths'))
while(state.symbol--) {
state.lengths[state.index++] = state.len
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_dynamic_symbol_iter)
function end_read_dynamic() {
construct(state.lencode, state.lengths, state.nlen)
construct(state.distcode, state.lengths.slice(state.nlen), state.ndist)
become(start_codes, call_codes(
, state.lencode
), done_with_codes)
function start_codes() {
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_codes_symbol)
function on_got_codes_symbol() {
var symbol = state.symbol = state.last
if(symbol < 0) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid symbol'))
if(symbol < 256) {
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_codes_symbol)
if(symbol > 256) {
symbol = state.symbol -= 257
if(symbol >= 29) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid fixed code'))
become(bits, call_bits(lext[symbol]), on_got_codes_len)
if(symbol === 256) {
function on_got_codes_len() {
state.len = lens[state.symbol] + state.last
become(decode, call_decode(state.distcode), on_got_codes_dist_symbol)
function on_got_codes_dist_symbol() {
state.symbol = state.last
if(state.symbol < 0) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('invalid distance symbol'))
become(bits, call_bits(dext[state.symbol]), on_got_codes_dist_dist)
function on_got_codes_dist_dist() {
var dist = dists[state.symbol] + state.last
while(state.len--) {
output_one(output[(output_idx - dist) & WINDOW_MINUS_ONE])
become(decode, call_decode(state.lencode), on_got_codes_symbol)
function done_with_codes() {
if(is_final) {
become(bits, call_bits(1), on_got_is_final)
function decode() {
function _decode() {
if(state.len > MAXBITS) {
stream.emit('error', new Error('ran out of codes'))
become(bits, call_bits(1), got_decode_bit)
function got_decode_bit() {
state.code = (state.code | state.last) >>> 0
state.count = state.huffman.count[state.len]
if(state.code < state.first + state.count) {
unbecome(state.huffman.symbol[state.index + (state.code - state.first)])
state.index += state.count
state.first += state.count
state.first <<= 1
state.code = (state.code << 1) >>> 0
function become(fn, s, then) {
if(typeof then !== 'function') {
throw new Error
s.last = null
current: fn
, next: then
, state: state = s
function unbecome(result) {
if(states.length > 1) {
states[1].current = states[0].next
if(!states.length) {
ended = true
output.length = 0
state = states[0].state
state.last = result
function bits() {
var byt
state.value = bitbuf
while(bitcnt < state.need) {
byt = take()
if(need_input) {
state.value = (state.value | (byt << bitcnt)) >>> 0
bitcnt += 8
bitbuf = state.value >>> state.need
bitcnt -= state.need
unbecome((state.value & ((1 << state.need) - 1)) >>> 0)
function bytes() {
var byte_accum = state.value
, value
while(state.need--) {
value = take()
if(need_input) {
byte_accum[byte_accum.length] = value
bitcnt = bitbuf = 0
function take() {
if(!buffer.length) {
need_input = true
if(buffer_offset === buffer[0].length) {
buffer_offset = 0
return take()
return bitbuf = buffer[0].readUInt8(buffer_offset++)
function output_one(val) {
adler_s1 = (adler_s1 + val) % 65521
adler_s2 = (adler_s2 + adler_s1) % 65521
output[output_idx++] = val
if(output_idx === WINDOW) {
output_idx &= WINDOW_MINUS_ONE
stream.queue(new Buffer([val]))
function output_many(vals) {
var len
, byt
, olen
for(var i = 0, len = vals.length; i < len; ++i) {
byt = vals[i]
adler_s1 = (adler_s1 + byt) % 65521
adler_s2 = (adler_s2 + adler_s1) % 65521
output[output_idx++] = byt
if(output_idx === WINDOW) {
output_idx &= WINDOW_MINUS_ONE
stream.queue(new Buffer(vals))
function build_fixed() {
var lencnt = []
, lensym = []
, distcnt = []
, distsym = []
var lencode = {
count: lencnt
, symbol: lensym
var distcode = {
count: distcnt
, symbol: distsym
var lengths = []
, symbol
for(symbol = 0; symbol < 144; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 8
for(; symbol < 256; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 9
for(; symbol < 280; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 7
for(; symbol < FIXLCODES; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 8
construct(lencode, lengths, FIXLCODES)
for(symbol = 0; symbol < MAXDCODES; ++symbol) {
lengths[symbol] = 5
construct(distcode, lengths, MAXDCODES)
return {lencode: lencode, distcode: distcode}
function construct(huffman, lengths, num) {
var symbol
, left
, offs
, len
offs = []
for(len = 0; len <= MAXBITS; ++len) {
huffman.count[len] = 0
for(symbol = 0; symbol < num; ++symbol) {
huffman.count[lengths[symbol]] += 1
if(huffman.count[0] === num) {
left = 1
for(len = 1; len <= MAXBITS; ++len) {
left <<= 1
left -= huffman.count[len]
if(left < 0) {
return left
offs[1] = 0
for(len = 1; len < MAXBITS; ++len) {
offs[len + 1] = offs[len] + huffman.count[len]
for(symbol = 0; symbol < num; ++symbol) {
if(lengths[symbol] !== 0) {
huffman.symbol[offs[lengths[symbol]]++] = symbol
return left
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